I might me mis-remembering, if so, I apoligize. But weren't you saying earlier that we ought to trust the professionals?
I'm not saying "we" should decide. I'm saying that if professional peer review is casting doubt on the underlying claims, everyone ought to pay attention, correct?
Yes, that is exactly correct. But I do not see any reasonable interpretation in which "we" are "medical professionals".
If you intended to convey the idea that we ought to trust the medical experts, you should not have said "we always have to weigh the risks against the rewards.". You should have said the patient needs to weigh the risks, with consideration of the best available professional advice. If "we" are not the patient, it is
none of our business.
The only possible context I can think of in which "we always have to weigh the risks against the rewards." would make any sense is if "we" are the patient, or the legal guardians of the patient. Medical decisions are made by the patient, or in the case of a minor the legal guardians of the patient.
Happy to. I have been on RF for a long time, and the more time I spend here the more I am convinced that "we" are idiots. And I include myself in that evaluation. The suggestion that "we" are anything at all like the professional scientific peer review process is utterly absurd. This is nothing at all like the scientific peer review process, not formal, not informal, not even business casual. If we think that, that only proves how little we understand about the peer review process, and how little we understand even out own lack of competence.
The Dunning Kruger effect is certainly in play here if "we" think we are competent enough to make assessments of the medical data.