kevmicsmi said:
So what about a womans right to privacy to prostitute herself? why is that not federally protected? Why is it not a federally protected right to privacy to use narcotics? Why doesnt right to privacy pertain to polygamy? I would have to disagree, Look at some of the reasons given by the justices who decided Roe v Wade, and then tell me they were following the constitution in their decision.You are right, public opinion does not rule in America, but neither does a Justice's preference. Picking and choosing what has a right to privacy is ludicrous. Yes there are certain amendments that grant specific privacy rights, but in no way does that mean Americans have an absolute right to privacy.
Examining the items listed, prostitution, illicit narcotic use, polygamy, vs. the issue of access to abortion, one must examine how society is affected and the issue of whether or not society has a right to enact laws regarding such things as prostitution, illicit narcotics use, polygamy.
I, personally, find the sex trade distasteful. When laws are enacted, unfortunately, they focus on prostitutes, not those who use the services of prostitutes, the johns, not those who profit from the economic activities of prostitutes, the pimps. If true economic, social, and political equality were enjoyed by women, I believe that the incidence of prostitution would be enormously reduced. There is also the social problem of widespread violence against prostitutes, the other crimes associated with prostitution.
Polygamy is also distasteful. Furthermore, I believe it to be harmful to society. Where polygamy is practiced the pool of females available to males is reduced. Females are then available only to richer, older, successful males and young males are unable to marry and have families. This feature has created great numbers of frustrated men within certain patriarchal religious communities and these young, frustrated men are easily employed in suicide attacks upon opponents of these religions because these religions promise a paradise after death with 70 virgins available for sexual congress for every martyr.
Which brings me to the main point of why prostitution and polygamy is distasteful. It reduces the human state of women to that of a mere commodity.
Illicit drug use is also, I believe, harmful to society. Drugs decrease the ability of an individual to act in the best way possible. Unfortunately, alcohol is another drug that affects individuals in the same way and it has been shown that Prohibition of alcohol in the U.S. in the early part of the 20th century spawned a thriving industry of criminal entrepreneurs. The same thing is occurring by banning certain drugs. This remains to be sorted out legally.
But, as to abortion, I do not find that access to abortion harms society. I find it to be beneficial to society on the whole. When abortion was illegal there were many ugly deaths and tragedies--one occurred within my own extended family, and I have anecdotal information on other ugly deaths within the group of my friends and acquaintances. There is historical documentation of the economic waste incurred by the septic wards which became necessary for the medical treatment of botched illegal, unsafe abortions. These facilities and resources might have been better used for prenatal care, obstetric care, taking care of other sorts of medical problems. Abortion should be safe, legal and accessible. It is a boon to society.
On the other hand, abortion should be rare. There should be comprehensive sex education. There should be better access to contraception.
Also, many women choose abortion because of pressing economic considerations. If women enjoyed economic equality, if they were not penalized at work, in the pursuit of their chosen careers, for taking time off because of possible illness during pregnancy, for the birth and recovery from birth, for parenting and bonding with the new child, if women were not so severely penalized by American policies for being primarily responsible for the care and welfare of their children, many women would choose not to have abortions.
Having a child and being a parent is very, very, very costly for a woman in family unfriendly America.