michel said:
Thank you; had it been next week, my son Andrew would have been in London.......
One never knows, and there is no point in worrying about something that may not even happen.
A poit though - I mentioned egotism; isn't egotism one of the factors that motivates terrorism ? America wants control of oil - It's mine - No, it isn't - everyone seems to want control.
sounds like abit of freud in here - how i despise him :banghead3
anyway - sigmund freud says (or said - muahahahaha) that when we are born, we have an ID which is like a mondter that works on the principle of "i want i get" - it comes from the unconscious part of the psyche concerned with inherited internal impulses
but it is soon learnt that you dotn always get - so you develop your "ego" which is the part of the psyche that responds to external reality - for example i want one million billion pounds ~(not that a child would ask for this - but hey, ya never know
) but i cant have it because unless i earn it imnot going to get it for free
so we develop a "superego" to balance what we want with waht we can get within the limits of our social setting
freud would say that terrorists are so heavily balanced on the side of their ID (or monster) that they can only see their way of thinking, and so have no moral objection to killing for their cause
i think i may have jsut described something completely off topic to this talk - but michel mentioned ego and i though of freud
i still hate freud though - with great steamy firey vengance
ignorant little streak of cammel piddle :banghead3
anyway - God Bless
later a child learns that