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The Yukaita Sect (DIR)


New Member
Now, before I begin, I think it's worth mentioning that the Yukaita Sect has been around for several centuries, and thus can't truly be considered a 'new religious movement'. However, our faith has remained very isolated, and that is something I hope to change. Our teachings should be shared with the world, not kept to ourselves. All this time, we've defied Yukaita's wishes, that we should share knowledge with the world, and instead kept it among ourselves, but I disagree. The world deserves to know what we have hoarded to ourselves, lest we watch it rise around us, only to crumble back down.

The Sect's Doctrine has, for the most part, been passed down through word of mouth. I have compiled all of our writings, as well as contributing my own knowledge in order to describe it to you, but it leaves much to be desired. If there is anything lacking, feel free to inquire on it.

The Sect's origins are traced back to African tribals known as the Annunkai, which existed roughly 6,000 years ago. The only knowledge we have of the Annunkai is that there was a great conflict in their ranks. Not wanting to take sides, some of the tribesmen left Africa aboard a giant vessel (possibly the basis for the story of Noah's Ark, but this remains unclear). Those who seperated eventually landed in the Hokkaido region of Japan and formed the Haso clan. Knowing if they went back home, they would be caught up in the war, they dismantled their ship. They lived in secret for many years on the lower slopes of Shiroguchi-dake. If discovered by locals, they either killed or enslaved them to keep themselves unknown to the rest of the world.

In Africa, the Annunkai supremacist won the war and went on to form the Ancient Egyptian empire. These supremacist were tyrants who looked down on those who were 'unlike them'. Being polytheistic, they took a great hatred towards the Hebrews, who claimed there was only one God.

About twenty one hundred years ago, just before the time of Christ, a Haso named Yukaita lived. She was born with a pure heart, incapable of doing anything corrupt. Unaware of the war's end, the young Yukaita made her way back to Africa in hopes of ending what she thought was an ongoing conflict. She found a conflict, but not the one she had anticipated. She was disgusted by the Egyptians treatment of their Hebrew subjects, and formed her own sect in response to the cruelty. She taught the sect how to correctly treat others, mirroring the teachings that a short decade later, Christ taught in the mid-east half a world away. She taught them to follow their beliefs, and accept that others would not agree, but never shy away from defending them.

The Egyptians saw this as rebellion, and quickly slaughtered most of the original Sect. Some of the members of the Sect, including Yukaita herself. They all took on new identities and went into hiding. In time, this brought her to Nazareth, where she fell in love with a local pious man named Joachim. They were married only a year later, and Yukaita, now under the alias of Anne, became pregnant a year after that. She gave birth to a girl whom was named Mary. Unfortunately, the strain of childbirth was great, and she passed away a few days after. Joachim raised Mary himself, telling her all about her mother and all the good she did for the Hebrew people. Mary was inspired to live a life of reverence, and she would pass her faith on to her only son, Jesus.

Upon her death, Yukaita entered the void. It was a bleak place where the spirits of the dead wandered aimlessly. But that changed when the pure soul of Yukaita brought life to that dead place. The void became a paradise where the souls departed from this world could go to seek atonement from the Goddess Yukaita. She accepted all who wanted forgiveness, and taught those who didn't the error of their ways.

Yukaita always watched out for her children on Earth, particularly Mary, her husband, Joseph, and their son, Jesus. Troubled by the corruption in the world that she had failed to end in her lifetime, she relayed a message to her grandson, telling him her wishes. He accepted the duty, becoming a messiah and, eventually, a martyr of faith. With his death, he ascended to heaven to join with his grandparents in what Catholics call the Holy Trinity. He became the Son, while Joachim was the Father, and Yukaita became the Holy Spirit, the driving force for the good in man.


New Member
That was the Annunaki, not the Annunkai. There's no relation between the Yukaita Sect and Mesopotamia that I'm aware of.