As an agnostic, I'm dissapointed that you don't understand the difference between reaching a logical conclusion (based on the evidence at hand), and fear.
Of course, if your belief system is built on the fear of your God, I can see why you would project that failing onto others.
Did you read all of what I said?
Is the lack of commitment one way or the other the result of brainwashing or honest doubt?
I can't be the judge of that. That's between you and God, but "The unexamined life is not worth living." The wise are able to discern their true interests from those of the ego-mind.
Wisdom is total perspective: seeing an object, event, or idea in all its pertinent—even cosmic—relationships. It's superrational: it's insight into the nature of things and not necessarily supported by not deluded into believing that I can know, or even should know, everything about everything; I am not so vain as to think that only those things that I can know are worth believing.
So, let me repeat the question everyone wants to evade: Is it wisdom to say the default position is atheism because even though "it looks, walks and sounds like a duck (design), it can't be a duck because there are no ducks" (no designer)? Is it wisdom to say, "I won't commit myself to the likelihood that it
is a duck because the evidence is not empirical"? The former is the kind of brainwashing that occurs in our schools; the latter may or may not be honest doubt, but it is not wisdom if it doesn't see the "
object, event, or idea in all its pertinent—even cosmic—relationships." The question requires a simple "yes" or "no" answer. So why is it not answered? Because if the answer is "no," then my original answer to the OP, "brainwashing," is correct. If it is "yes," the foolishness is self-evident.
A person can doubt everything it cannot grasp with ease, and some are more prone to doubt than others. But there is no excuse for the pretense that life is nothing but physics and chemistry. Relationships are real, too. Denying the reality of higher grades of significance because they can't be counted, measured and weighed is to live in a meaningless wasteland.