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Theists: Why does God ignore me?


Revelation all the time
1) I've been praying solid for two years about it. I've tried praying to every major God in the book, including just to a/the God in general.

Would you care to explain how prayer looks for you, the process you go through? If not desiring to do this publicly in open forum, you are welcome to PM me.

3) I highly doubt it. I don't have TV.

This was in response to my asking if you feel like there have been, even maybe, signs given to you in world around you.

I guess until you respond to what prayer looks like for you, how you process prayer, it is hard to address this 2nd part much further than me saying, consider signs in physical that may come to you as result of recent prayer(s).

To me, what you are asking for is based on your desire, and will be given to you in way that may be somewhat easy to overlook (if in hurry) but impossible to miss if truly feeling like you 'need' an answer. IOW, it may pop up more than once.


From the Pantheist perspective,

if All Things are God,
You are ALSO God.

(as are "We")

I See God doing an awful lot of answering
(and questioning)
right here in this thread. ;)

Always good to stay light and keep a good sense of humor. :)

(Maybe try reading the Principia Discordia) :D


Oldest Heretic
I do not know any religion that believes God gives direct answers.
However I do believe that he never ignores people.

You are right at the start of your religious journey whilst I, in terms of years, are closing on the end of mine. When I was young I wanted answers "Now" I was impatient.

God answers in ways we least expect, and not always in the way we like. He is not a free cookie jar. What you will get are opportunities and what you make of them is up to you. As they say no sweat no gain.

I could Just say "believe as I do", but I am amongst a small minority of liberal Christians who believe in very little of the usual Dogma. I know almost no Young people who believe this way... it seems to be something you come to gradually.
Your journey may take you somewhere completely different... but don't be surprise if it turns out to be where you started.
I do not know any religion that believes God gives direct answers.
However I do believe that he never ignores people.

You are right at the start of your religious journey whilst I, in terms of years, are closing on the end of mine. When I was young I wanted answers "Now" I was impatient.

God answers in ways we least expect, and not always in the way we like. He is not a free cookie jar. What you will get are opportunities and what you make of them is up to you. As they say no sweat no gain.

I could Just say "believe as I do", but I am amongst a small minority of liberal Christians who believe in very little of the usual Dogma. I know almost no Young people who believe this way... it seems to be something you come to gradually.
Your journey may take you somewhere completely different... but don't be surprise if it turns out to be where you started.

Hi Terry,
I think your response is quite true, and it often does take time to become "aware" of God's presence. In early days, that awareness would often come in sudden spurts and gradually vaporize as I strove toward perceived goals. Now, that awareness strokes my consciousness in so many ways and with such frequency that even "rough" days are more than tolerable (I hope that makes sense).
God is.



Active Member
Here's some introduction, because this is my first post.
My name is Ethan. I'm 16 years old. I'm an ex-mormon, avid Harry Potter fan, and INFP. I enjoy eating Swiss chocolate, listening to pop instrumentals, messing around in Photoshop, and watching rain showers.
I left the LDS church after 2+ years of praying about whether the Book of Mormon was true and receiving no answer. My parents are taking it pretty hard, but that's not the point. I have other family members who have left the church before.
I keep asking God, "So what church DO I go to?". No answer. I just feel the emptiness of no response. I can't help but question why. I've been so devout, trying to hard to live the universal laws that all religions share--love one another, etc. But again and again, I get nothing.
My question for theists is this: why is God ignoring me like this? The only theistic answer I've found is in Deism, and honestly the idea that God doesn't get involved with humans kind of seems to defeat the purpose of a God to me.

WTF?! All I want is an answer. If I can't find one, I'll just have to be an atheist, which kind of depresses me. What am I doing wrong?
Please read this short article and look at the link at the end of the article. Maybe it can help you.

The 7 Noachide Laws

Also, take a look at this: 7 Questions: The Noachide.


Active Member
God does not ignore you, he surrounds you. For now, you simply lack the ability to see him. Age brings comprehension. I've been there. I'm an old dude.


Beautiful Disaster
Would you care to explain how prayer looks for you, the process you go through? If not desiring to do this publicly in open forum, you are welcome to PM me.

This was in response to my asking if you feel like there have been, even maybe, signs given to you in world around you.

I guess until you respond to what prayer looks like for you, how you process prayer, it is hard to address this 2nd part much further than me saying, consider signs in physical that may come to you as result of recent prayer(s).

To me, what you are asking for is based on your desire, and will be given to you in way that may be somewhat easy to overlook (if in hurry) but impossible to miss if truly feeling like you 'need' an answer. IOW, it may pop up more than once.

Wait until I'm alone and things are quiet. Meditate on my desire for knowledge. Pray, out loud, asking that if there is a God, would he/she/it please tell me what religion contains the most truth. Meditate and hope the answer will come to me.


Hostis humani generis
Pray, out loud, asking that if there is a God, would he/she/it please tell me what religion contains the most truth. Meditate and hope the answer will come to me.

How do you think the answer would come to you? During meditation? After? In a dream?
What method of meditation do you use?
When do you meditate? At night, during the day, early morning? On a full stomach or empty?


Beautiful Disaster
How do you think the answer would come to you? During meditation? After? In a dream?
What method of meditation do you use?
When do you meditate? At night, during the day, early morning? On a full stomach or empty?

During meditation would make the most sense to me. I wouldn't want to be told through dreams, because mine are too outlandish to be trusted.

I meditate during the day, usually after breakfast.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
sometimes God answers us in unexpected ways.

Ever heard the story of the sailor lost at sea who prayed and prayed for God to rescue him? Many Boats kept sailing by offering to pick him up, but he would refuse and say 'its Ok, I've asked for God to help me, Im waiting for him"
Eventually the sailors boat sinks and he drowns and dies. When he enters heaven, he asks God "Why didnt you save me?" and God replies "I kept sending you boats but you kept refusing to get on board"

That was interesting.
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God does listen, and you don't need to meditate or go in a trance of some sort. Prayer is simply communication with someone who is listening.

From my own experience I believe that it takes a humble heart and an open heart. I have had direct answers to my prayers. Sometimes I've had to wait and then I look back and understand. The reason why I'm a Christian at all is because I prayed to God...asking if God was real. Pretty direct inquiry that I believe got a direct answer.

I think it is wise of you to pray to God to guide you. My church is important.. because I have a purpose there, a family there and I learn scripture there. But answers to boggling questions come from God not church.


Hostis humani generis
During meditation would make the most sense to me. I wouldn't want to be told through dreams, because mine are too outlandish to be trusted.
How would you like to be told through meditation? Through vision? Or voice? Ho would you know if it was not just the mind? :) Are you after a literal voice, an intuition, or anything else?

I meditate during the day, usually after breakfast.
Try meditating before breakfast as well. Generally meditation after eating is discouraged by a lot of gurūs.

Before you meditate, are you busy with hectic things? Like running around and getting changed, or fighting with a younger sibling for a seat at the table?

Have you tried waking up a little earlier in the morning to meditate? For example, if you wake up at 7:30am, wake up at 7:00am, or 6:30am, or something?


Question Everything
Here's some introduction, because this is my first post.
My name is Ethan. I'm 16 years old. I'm an ex-mormon, avid Harry Potter fan, and INFP. I enjoy eating Swiss chocolate, listening to pop instrumentals, messing around in Photoshop, and watching rain showers.
I left the LDS church after 2+ years of praying about whether the Book of Mormon was true and receiving no answer. My parents are taking it pretty hard, but that's not the point. I have other family members who have left the church before.
I keep asking God, "So what church DO I go to?". No answer. I just feel the emptiness of no response. I can't help but question why. I've been so devout, trying to hard to live the universal laws that all religions share--love one another, etc. But again and again, I get nothing.
My question for theists is this: why is God ignoring me like this? The only theistic answer I've found is in Deism, and honestly the idea that God doesn't get involved with humans kind of seems to defeat the purpose of a God to me.

WTF?! All I want is an answer. If I can't find one, I'll just have to be an atheist, which kind of depresses me. What am I doing wrong?

Hi ethan!

We’ve all heard the issues with not receiving a witness, with not having prayers answered, of reaching out into a void, of not finding God.

Here is the secret.

If you no longer want it, often you will receive it.

Here is how it works: if you want something, then it is your will – you are not submitting yourself to God, you are not trusting God. Even if it is something righteous/good that you want – if you are trying to force your will ahead of God’s, you will generally not get the desired item. When you can ask for something, and honestly be at peace/content/thankful for either getting it or not, that is when prayers are answered.

Example prayer: Heavenly Father, I have not yet received a witness. I want to know if you exist or not. I ask that you reveal yourself to me in some way, that I would feel your Spirit, or hear your voice, so that I would know. It is also my will that thy will be done though. You see a larger picture than I do, you understand what would best benefit me. If you do not reveal yourself to me at this time, I will be content to live with hope instead of knowledge, for hope is a beautiful thing. I will be patient... but more than just patient, I will take joy in the journey, and will look forward to learning all that hope has to teach me. I ask to know of you now as those who do not ask do not receive. Through asking I hope to open an avenue to you if that is what you seek me to do. I also submit my will to you though. If I ask for something that I ought not, please forgive me, and guide me to ask the right questions. I ask these things in the name of thy son, Jesus Christ, AMEN.

You have to submit to God’s will, whatever it might be. You have to honestly be content to live with whatever God sends, with whatever trials come your way, with whatever is given or not given.

This was shared at a recent testimony meeting, and I have also found it to be true.

Her little boy was dieing in the hospital. The doctors told her he was going to die. She prayed that he would live of coarse, she was his mother – if you are a parent, you understand what that means. She prayed for him to live, over and over again, and his condition deteriorated. She finally submitted herself to the will of God, she gave up hope that he would live. She accepted losing him, the hardest thing any mother would ever have to do, and she did it. She let go of him.

And that is when he was miraculously healed.

He is grown and married now, it is ancient history today. She shared this in testimony because she felt another needed to hear it. We ask and hope, but then we have to learn to submit, to let go of everything, to trust God, and let His will be done – however hard letting go is. When we can let go, and follow our Father in Heaven, miracles occur.


Question Everything
Here is another account of the principle, this time by C.S.Lewis, recorded in “A Grief Observed”

If you have read Lewis, you know this is a very different book. He questions his belief of God in this book. Lewis finally finds love in the most unlikely place – a single mom Brooklyn girl – get’s married (originally just to give her citizenship) then falls deeply madly in love for her as she lays dieing. She dies, and it is the hardest thing he has ever gone through… Previously his world was that of an ivory tower, books, students, university. This takes him out of books into reality, and he has a very hard time dealing with reality. The writing style is changed in this book… this book is used to educate hospice workers.

Anyways, he writes:

…Meanwhile, where is God? This is one of the most disquieting symptoms. When you are happy, so happy that you have no sense of needing Him, so happy that you are tempted to feel His claims upon you as an interruption, if you remember yourself and turn to Him with gratitude and praise, you will be – or so it feels – welcomed with open arms. But go to Him when your need is desperate, when all other help is vain, and what do you find? A door slammed in your face, and a sound of bolting and double bolting on the inside. After that, silence. You may as well turn away. The longer you wait, the more emphatic the silence will become. There are no lights in the windows. It might be an empty house. Was it ever inhabited? It seemed so once. And that seeming was as strong as this. What can this mean? Why is He so present a commander in our time of prosperity and so very absent a help in time of trouble?
I tried to put some of these thoughts to c. (his brother) this afternoon. He reminded me that the same thing happened to Christ: ‘Why hast thou forsaken me?’ I know. Does that make it easier to understand?

Not that I am (I think) in much danger of ceasing to believe in God. The real danger is of coming to believe such dreadful things about Him. The conclusion I dread is not ‘ so there’s no God after all,’ but ‘so this is what God’s really like. Deceive yourself no longer.’
…. You never know how much you believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you. It is easy to say you believe a rope to be strong and sound as long as you are merely using it to cord a box. But suppose you had to hang by that rope over a precipice. Wouldn’t you then first discover how much you really trusted it?... Only a real risk tests the reality of a belief.
I thought I trusted the rope until it mattered to me whether it would bear me. Now it matters, and I find I didn’t….
Bridge players tell me that there must be some money on the game ‘or else people won’t take it seriously.’ Apparently it’s like that. Your bid – for God or no God, for a good God or the Cosmic sadist, for eternal life or nonentity – will never discover how serious it was until the stakes are raised horribly high, until you find that you are playing not for counters or for sixpences but for every penny you have in the world. Nothing less will shake a man – or at any rate a man like me – out of his merely verbal thinking and his merely notional beliefs. He has to be knocked silly before he comes to his senses. Only torture will bring out the truth. Only under torture does he discover it himself.
… the more we believe that God hurts only to heal, the less we can believe that there is any use in begging for tenderness…

This is where he comes out of it – where he learns the secret:

.. Something quite unexpected has happened. It came this morning early. For various reasons, not in themselves at all mysterious, my heart was lighter than it had been for many weeks…It was as if the listing of the sorrow removed a barrier…
Why has no one told me these things? How easily I might have misjudged another man in the same situation? I mjight have said, ‘He’s got over it. He’s forgotten his wife,’ when the truth was, He remembers her better because he has partly got over it.
Such was the fact. And I believe I can make sense out of it. You can’t see anything properly while your eyes are blurred with tears. You can’t in most things, get what you want if you want it too desperately: anyways, you can’t get the best out of it. ‘Now! Let’s have a real good talk’ reduces everyone to silence. ‘ I must get a good sleep tonight’ ushers in hours of wakefulness. Delicious drinks are wasted on a really ravenous thirst. Is it similarly the very intensity of the longing that draws the iron curtain, that makes us feel we are staring into a vacuum when we think about our dead? ‘Them as asks’ (at any rate ‘as asks too importunately’) don’t get. Perhaps can’t.
And so, perhaps, with God. I have gradually been coming to feel that the door is no longer shut and bolted. Was it my own frantic need that slammed it in my face? The time when there is nothing at all in your soul except a cry for help may be just the time when God can’t give it: you are like a drowning man who can’t be helped because he clutches and grabs. Perhaps your own reiterated cries deafen you to the voice you hoped to hear.
On the other hand, “Knock and it shall be opened.’ But does this knocking mean hammering and kicking the door like a maniac? And there is also ‘To him that hath shall be given.’ After all, you must have a capacity to receive, or even omnipotence can’t give. Perhaps your own passion temporarily destroys the capacity.
[FONT=&quot] For all sorts of mistakes are possible when you are dealing with Him. Long ago, before we were married, H. was haunted all one morning as she went about her work with the obscure sense of God (so to speak) at her elbow, demanding her attention. And of course, not being a perfected saint, she had the feeling that it would be a question, as it usually is, of some unrepented sin or tedious duty. At last she gave in – I know how one puts it off – and faced Him. But the message (was not a burden) the message was ‘I want to give you something’ and instantly she entered into joy….[/FONT]

You have to let go of what you want, and learn to be at peace with what you get. - find this peace, and your prayers will be answered.
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Beautiful Disaster
Here is another account of the principle, this time by C.S.Lewis, recorded in “A Grief Observed”

If you have read Lewis, you know this is a very different book. He questions his belief of God in this book. Lewis finally finds love in the most unlikely place – a single mom Brooklyn girl – get’s married (originally just to give her citizenship) then falls deeply madly in love for her as she lays dieing. She dies, and it is the hardest thing he has ever gone through… Previously his world was that of an ivory tower, books, students, university. This takes him out of books into reality, and he has a very hard time dealing with reality. The writing style is changed in this book… this book is used to educate hospice workers.

Anyways, he writes:

You have to let go of what you want, and learn to be at peace with what you get. - find this peace, and your prayers will be answered.
But I don't *want* anything beyond an answer. If God's idea of being helpful is to wait to answer me until I no longer care, then forget it. There's no point in asking.

And, because people are apparently wondering, I pray and ask at night too, but at night, I usually use the conventional Christian prayer method. I thought trying two different ways couldn't hurt my chances. :facepalm:


Heretic Knight
Hi Ethan I liked your post

finding your own path and finding God is hard and needs a lot of work, the research itself increase your awareness and spiritual maturity , this will fill the emptiness you feel , God is not ignoring you , you have everything required to find God mind , heart , and soul , the first for rationale and imagination , the second for passion and the last for the desire and perception.

God will not answer you direct answers , rather you'll feel his love , mercy , glory and indulgence , this will be more enough than a direct answer. ......

Here are some hints of my own when I was looking for God
  • Be opened mind and heart , and don't reject any idea
  • Read , read , and read for as much as you can of different religions and believes
  • Listen to the people who believe and disbelieve those religions with whys in addition to your researches
  • Assess your findings objectively and toughly , this will ensure that both your heart and mind agree to believe the same thing
  • Be patient


Hostis humani generis
But I don't *want* anything beyond an answer. If God's idea of being helpful is to wait to answer me until I no longer care, then forget it. There's no point in asking.
Good things come to those who wait. Don't be impatient. :)

I'd like to know what kind of an answer you are expecting. Auditory, visual, something else?

There are a lot of different possibilities and results. :)


Not your average Mormon
Good things come to those who wait. Don't be impatient. :)

I'd like to know what kind of an answer you are expecting. Auditory, visual, something else?

There are a lot of different possibilities and results. :)
I couldn't possibly have said it better myself. :)


Question Everything
But I don't *want* anything beyond an answer. If God's idea of being helpful is to wait to answer me until I no longer care, then forget it. There's no point in asking.

Perhaps God's idea of being helpful is to wait until you've learned the value of having trust, and having faith... there's no point in having a relationship with someone who doesn't trust you, or have any faith in you, and who insists on making it "conditional" on meeting various demands and wants :D ... the most beautiful relationships are unconditional, without demands, without anyone trying to control the other or push their wants onto another - where everyone maintains their own free will...

If someone walked up and demanded an answer from you, what would your reaction be? LOL, sorry, I just envisioned the finger-shaking scenario of an enraged person screaming "don't you walk away from me, you answer me, you look me in the eye and give me an answer!!!!" - yes, exaggeration of your situation, but as Mark Twain says, if you want to tell the truth you must lie - you have to exaggerate the truth by measures, or they won't be able to see it.... ;)

trust me! just let go of your wants, be "unconditional", honestly accept and be content/grateful for whatever God has already sent you (scriptures, prophet, religious people to talk to, church, nature - etc. etc.) study faith, consider the people in your life that you trust and then think about what trust/faith adds to a relationship! Faith is the first step in any journey - before you get married you have faith that someone can love you, before you go to a school you have faith that you can get a job, before you eat a new type of food - you have faith that it won't kill you... it's not until after 100 years of marriage, or after school is done, or after you stick the food in your mouth that "belief" is changed to "knowledge" - faith is required to walk down the path that leads to knowledge.... try out the path of "faith" for a bit, and see where that path leads you.
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