Polymath257 said:
I saw one estimate that a particle accelerator to test quantum gravity would have to be the size of our galaxy.
How is *metaphysics* really defined?
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the
fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between
mind and matter, between
substance and attribute, and between
potentiality and actuality".
"Topics of metaphysical investigation include
existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and
possibility. Metaphysics is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with
logic, and
Metaphysics deals with 11 scientific subjects which in fact, ALL should be considered BEFORE anyone makes a hypothsis or a theory.
Cosmological Pattern Recognition is the
philosophical key to observe what is going on *above* *and below* before making any hypothesis or theory.
You have to have natural and recognizable patterns before you´re setting anything on equations and calculations.
If you for insants take *gravity* to rule all patterns *below and above*, you´ll logically miss all patterns and explanations from the other 3 fundamental forces and their formational qualities.
Going out in space - or for that matter into laboratories and accelerators - on the basis of just 1 fundamental force, you´re logically on a dead end road, and when smashing your head on the dead end wall, your mind becomes a center of pure speculation - simply caused by the restricted *1/4 part gravity force approach* which is applied.
This selective and restrictive *1/4 gravity approach* to everything in cosmos leads naturally to all kinds of speculations. Efforts which otherwise should have taken place
philosophical process according to the Metaphysical definitions above.
The most funny thing for me is when I suggest to use the *metaphysical approach* I get the funny reply that
*calculations only is sufficient enough to confirm a hypothesis and a theory*. Usually and naturally stated on the basis of the *1/4 part gravity force approach*.
The fact is, when using the only *1/4 gravity force approach*, all you get is confirmations of assumptions and more hindsigt bias confirmations, all leading you even further astray everywhere.
Some modern scientists and their followers even outright rejects to use the genuine philosophical definitions in Metaphysics as *mumbo jumbo methods*.
Only numbers counts and the human qualities of getting knowledge using the philosophical methods are out of most equations.
No wonder that a *Theory of Everything* isn´t in sight.