Nothing I said involved semantics.
I literally wrote a long, long list of the disagreements, none of which you bothered responding to, except the infant baptism one (which I address later on). My comments began with THIS, which you also failed to address:
Christians cannot even agree on what makes a person a christian. I have heard ALL of the following:
- Those who are baptised
- Those who confess the Nicene Creed
- Those who have received Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior
- Those who have repented of their sins.
- Those who speak in Tongues.
- Those who simply profess "Jesus."
Nah. You can relax here. While the boundaries may seem a little fuzzy sometimes, clearly "Christianity" exists. When I look at Christianity as a Jew, I see a Christian as anyone who believes Jesus is the Messiah who died for their sins.
What appeal to authority did I make?
Switch the goal posts much?
Nothing in my post to you made the argument that Christianity was not true. I mean, we CAN debate that if you wish, but first let's finish this topic.
My point was that Christians lack credibility. Not the same thing at all.
Yes. To us outsiders, when we look at how it has fractured into tens of thousands of denominations, you guys just lose your credibility. That doesn't mean it doesn't contain some truth. Only that is is, as you put it, a mess.
Oh my gosh. Perhaps you have never studied Hinduism. No religion is as diverse. They can't even agree on whether there is one god, many gods (and if so, who are they), or no god. Now THAT is a mess! And yet it has survived and thrived longer than any other religion. There are 1.2 billion Hindus, or roughly 15% of the world's population. And the only reason they aren't larger than that is simply because they do not proselytize.
I should also mention that we Jews are incredibly diverse. In fact, we have the saying, "Two Jews, three opinions."
It's a little different for us, as we have never been a "we are the one true religion" sort, nor do we have any history of killing each other over our disagreements.
The blood libel is NOT a strawman. It illustrates perfectly how something can be widely believed, and still be absolutely false. Thus your idea that the sheer number of Christians is evidence of its truth is just very, very bad logic.
While it is true that Christians today have grown more tolerant of each other, you cannot deny that back in history, Christians literally killed each other over baptism disagreements. It can't be classified as a small thing.