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There can be no light without the dark.....right?


Rogue Theologian
leviticus 19:18
18 “‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

The proactive version is better.
That way you are in control of how you are dealt with...later on.

Oh...that's right....you're still hung up on that ...'later on'....part.


Rogue Theologian
Light could be viewed as an intrusion into the dark. Light can be used as a trick. What makes you think the "bearers of light" can not be evil? It's really a matter of perspective. They may make immediately useful symbols. They're really both very neutral.

And you seem to know....'Keeper of the Light'...was God's favored angel.


Superabacus Mystic
As the (apparently resident) physicist, I should point out that there's no place in the universe that's actually dark; everything glows with either heat, or the radiation left over from the big bang.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
As the (apparently resident) physicist, I should point out that there's no place in the universe that's actually dark; everything glows with either heat, or the radiation left over from the big bang.

Haha. Daggoned forces of light! Can't leave well enough alone. :p


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Light can only disperse darkness.
One decieved is one not deceived by light but by evil disguised as light.
If so, then darkness remains. IMO



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
As a simple man light and darkness are easily distinghisable. Not so the truth because of the clouds. If u know what i mean.


Darkness being the absence of light and all, it's really hard to take the metaphorical statements of others seriously...


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
True! Knowledge is therefore required of which the Son of God came to give. Also by the s
ame method as a tree.t (tree of life)


Jehovah our God is One
Does anyone else feel that there should be some sort of "bad" religion to equal out all the good? It seems to me that there should be a dark side, to counter the light, even with the Yin Yang symbol there is a dark and a light. Who represents the dark? Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

in the real world, there is no such thing as 'dark'

dark doesnt exist.

Dark is simply the absence of light. In that sense, anything which is bad is only bad because goodness is absent....not because bad exists.


Well-Known Member
in the real world, there is no such thing as 'dark'

dark doesnt exist.

Dark is simply the absence of light. In that sense, anything which is bad is only bad because goodness is absent....not because bad exists.

Evil is not necessarily the absence of good, just has the absence of hot doesn't automatically mean it's cold. Evil is more a perversion of what is good rather than the absence, I feel that's what makes it even more deadly because it looks like it's good but in reality it is evil


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The absence of truth is to be in darkness.
So darkness is just a way of daying a lack of nut in a more poetic way.
Blessings AJ


most religions at the top are dark as you say........ the balance of good or bad is really only an appearance of positive or negative energy in this heaven(or program) in which we reside.... a clue...the drawing of a sword against a group of attackers is a very positive action and because of this the attackers ( who have swords) will become alerted to you as you try to impose yourself on the group...this is because youve become overly positive.... the work done to overcome this is spiritual in nature and rather than believe this heaven to be materialistic( like most supposedly good or "light" religions) or mammon you have to consider it to be a creation or program created by the gods. So rather than believing you can do something by drawing your sword to impose your sword against the kodak moment of a threat the real training is in stealing your perception to the point that you only concern yourself with making sure that nothing you do has any affect on the attackers....(live by the sword die by the sword) and that can be applied to all your dealings and thoughts etc( how you treat people etc)...if you can accomplish this all the attacking swordsmen will walk onto your sword not realising they have done so....p.s the yin/yang symbol is black and white seperated by the letter "s" the ancient symbol for snake....those practioners of kung fu (eg) of old know the importance of attempting to balance positive and negative energy.....


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
nope, it was forbidden
just sayin'

True, the tree of life was withheld (for- bitten as you say) as a means of allowing mankind to go through the experience.

The trees are just a metaphor of knowledge given and knowledge withheld.

The tree of life, is knowledge of God via His Son reintroduced at a specific time in human history not excluding all those who lived and died before His arrival.

The new creation of the spiritual nature was the door opening up for all of us to be able to live on after this life.

If we were born in a time where the knowledge of the tree of life was available, we are blessed to receive it, while we are yet in the flesh to reap it's benefits.

Because evil is an inherent potential in all of us, the opportunity to exercise it is obvious in the confusion that has become a religion.

Mankind is such that some accountability is required in some in order for the some to remain strait (Good folk) and therefore some religious organizations require their flocks to toe the line.

That is why in some religions one will find differences that help keep the sheep in line.

For others like some of us, are faith is deeper and stronger allowing us to stand firm and not be swayed by every wind of doctrine.

Blessings, AJ