What I was trying to get at with my post is that either we know awareness or there is complete lack of awareness. Since matter/energy which is what we are can only change form, I find it inevitable that our physical constituents will at some point or another reform in such a way as to allow this experience of awareness again. I will surely not have the same consciousness or memories as I have now and for all intents and purposes I will not be "me", but I will experience awareness again in some form or another. It may take a hundred years of matter changing form, or it may take an eternity, but it will be a seamless transition and I will never even know I was dead or that so much time had passed. Just like BAMM!! and instantaneously you find yourself in a whole new reality despite billions of years that may have passed where your consituents were nothing more than star-dust floating around in space.
Btw, this is not a belief of mine, it is just an idea I was entertaining.
Btw, this is not a belief of mine, it is just an idea I was entertaining.