Oh dear, you have caught me a bit off guard there. What are my core beliefs. Well, I will give it a go.
Everything I believe in can be found in the Plan of Salvation.
- I believe in God, the eternal father, and in his son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
- I believe that they are separate and distinct.
- I believe that the Scriptures are the literal word of God. That it was written by men and inspired by God. That every language that it is translated into has what God wants them to have without making corrections through misinterpretation of the hieroglyphics of the original text. That it is a book of Commandments intended to provide all that is required to live a Christ centred life so as to be able to live with God again. It is not a history book, the New Testament is not even chronologically correct.
- I believe that pre-big bang God was much different then he is now. I don't know what he was but I believe that when he caused the big bang that he stepped into time and space and took upon himself a mantle of flesh and bones.
- I believe that Jesus Christ atoned for the the sins of all men and that he suffered an ignominious death on the cross.
- I believe that he gave up the ghost on that cross so that he could be resurrected three days later opening the gateway for all mortal beings to be resurrected and receive salvation.
- I believe that we will be judged from the book of life to see if we are worthy to dwell in the presence of God. Those that are worthy will enter into eternal life in the presence of God. Those who are not worthy will enter into a damned Kingdom unable to be in the presence of God. They will be damned, prevented, unable to dwell with God.
- I believe that God in omnipotent and omniscient, able to do all that can be done and know all that can be known
- I believe that we are here to be tried and tested in the flesh so we have been given free agency as opposed to Satan's plan to force us into doing the right so that he could have the glory.
- I believe that because we have free agency that diety can not intervene without taking free agency away,
and thwarting the Plan of Salvation.
- I believe in cause and effect. That we will always reap what we sow, unless we repent. Murders always get found out, theives always get caught, and liars always get exposed, in one way or another. Sow condescension and confrontation, and that will be your lot. Be compassionate, empathetic, kind benevolent and charitable and you will be blessed. I believe it to be a universal law.
- I believe in quantum entanglement, where everything in the universe is connected, and that we can connect to the influence of the Holy Ghost using quantum entanglement and receive knowledge, even hidden knowledge.
- I believe that God brought the universe into being through the big bang
- I believe that dark matter is another word for the Holy Ghost.
- I believe in a sixth sense.
- I believe that all supernatural phenomenon should be taken more seriously and studied. To that end, I believe in modern day miracles both through the Holy Ghost and mens faith.
- I believe in evolution, however, I believe that we were introduced to the world after evolution had run its course and at an optimum time to insure our survival
- I believe that God designed the DNA that is used to make us and that he did indeed breath life into the dust of the earth my using the elements to create man.
- I believe in biogenesis but that abiogenesis was performed by God, in much the same was as he created us
- I believe that our world has been finely tuned to sustain life
- I believe that God has created many world's, just like ours.
- I claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of my own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
- I believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
- I believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, I may say that I follow the admonition of Paul—I believe all things, I hope all things, I have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, I seek after these things.
The last three have been stolen from the Mormons articles of faith. I like what they say
To be honest Kryptid, I could go on and on. My religion is complex because I use science to live it, 24/7 and not just for a couple of hours on a Sunday. You might say that I live my religion like a lifestyle, but because of the element of science I incorporate in with it, I am not fanatical, I am rational and reason it out in my mind. I love everyone, regardless as to who they are. That may be hard to believe if you read some of my posts, but they are just words, and I am imperfect. I bear no grudges, but suffer no fool, or those jumped up in pride who elevate themselves above others, but, once again, no grudges held. These, I suppose, are my core beliefs, but there are many off shots from each one.