I’m glad you agree. So I’m sure I won’t see you suggesting any more that atheists feel they are not accountable for their actions.
You said:
Every human being on the planet, be they Christians, atheists, Muslims, whatever, are accountable to everyone else, and to themselves.
That does not mean that militant atheists, with narcissistic psychopathic tendencies, do not see themselves as top dogs on metaphysical beliefs. They do, and if they try and exert their diabolical beliefs and coercion on me, which they have, many times, I will defend myself and my beliefs vigorously.
Yes, and as I pointed out, those groups of people are sociopaths and psychopaths who make a quite a small percentage of the human population. Unless you have some kind of studies indicating that all or most of such people identify as atheists, I don’t know how you’re drawing the conclusion that you are. Anecdotal stories don’t really cut it.
Yes, I accept that they are in the minority, but so was Hitler when he set out on his mission to control the world. You should never undermine the power of the minority.
Secondly, you always find them on these kind of forums. I rarely get a chance to debate with someone of a different faith to mine about their interpretation of Scripture without some antitheist drawing the topic to "we are idiots for believing in fairy stories" .
I am afraid that most posts here are anecdotal. Experience can be a valuable commodity.
Do you think it’s right for a Christian, for example, to attempt to instill their own moral standards to the world that do comply with god’s commandments? And if so, why would you find that acceptable?
Of course not. That removes free agency.
Some atheists feel that religion is harmful to society, and yet, I’m not aware of many that think religion should be entirely removed from our world. Even some atheists who identify themselves as “antitheists” wouldn’t even agree with that (see Christopher Hitchens, for one).
Professor Richard Dawkins. He has made it blatantly clear that he wants to rid the world of religion. He said that we were well on the way to achieving it until the Golf War erupted. He writes books to line his pockets for his retirement. He is a popular antitheist so his beliefs flood the earth with his militant agenda. How many people have been indoctrinated and encouraged to get rid of religion by his influence on them.
As I and a number of others have pointed out to you, your OP (and a number of your other posts) comes off as quite hostile which would explain the responses you have received to it. It appears you do not view it that way, and of course you can respond in any manner you like (within forum rules) but I’m just pointing out to you where this apparent return in hostility is coming from.
The mistake I made in the OP was not to put "militant" in front of atheist or just call them antitheists, which I would normally do. I expect hostility from them. As I have not been overly active here, I do not know who is an antitheist and who is an atheist yet. I am recognising them as they post on here, however, please do not let me fool you into believing that I am not hostile to the antitheist, I am. I see them as enemies to Christ Jesus, antichrists, and don the full armour of God when I confront them.
I mean, I wouldn’t expect that if I walked up to someone just standing around minding their own business and punched them in the face, that they’d just sit there and take it. I would expect a similar response in return. You suggest in your OP that atheists are close-minded, mindless bigots, who employ brainwashing techniques to convert the world to atheism. How do you expect anyone to respond to that?
Comparing verbal abuse with physical abuse is not really plausible is it? I understand what you mean though, which is why, in hindsight, I should have been more specific as to who I was referring to, antitheists.
I did not say what you are accusing me of saying. I said "void of the brain washing techniques of Atheists" I did not say that they were "close-minded, mindless bigots" in my OP, you have tagged that onto it. I should have said ""void of the brain washing techniques of antitheists"
I think most other posters are not acting in a rude or obnoxious manner.
Then you have not read there post or you are not being unbiased. Just select "outhouse" to see a good example of hostile post.
Then you should ask your sister to carry out some studies on your suggested correlation between atheism and psychopathy and ask her to demonstrate how one is caused by the other. We don’t all suffer with psychopathy and you cannot categorically state that every psychopath you’ve ever met were militant atheists, especially without any sort of psychological training or in-depth psychological analysis of the people in question.
It is my daughter not my sister. My daughter did much of her studies, and 4 years as a professional, in a secured unit with Criminal psychopaths, schizophrenic and sociopaths. Almost 80% of them had no religions. That is not anecdotal, it is fact. Thank goodness she left and now looks after patients with eating disorders.
I’m sure your experience is not in mind reading.
I am glad you said that.
So you must have actually had (militant) atheists say to you that they only felt guilty of doing something they considered wrong because they got caught? I find that very hard to believe.
Look, you do not have to believe a word I say. I am not pressurising you into believing me, but yes, I have that information from an authorised source.
“If an atheist tells lies on here, and they do, there is no reason for them to feel guilt, whereas, a Christian would need to recognise the sin, make restitution and then repent. We have a higher being to be accountable to.”
There is plenty of reason for an atheist (or anyone) to feel guilt when they feel they’ve don’t something wrong or immoral. To me, the moral thing to do when you’ve done such a thing is to make restitution with the actual person you have wronged. That’s how a person can be accountable for their actions.
It don't work like that, if you are a narcissistic psychopaths, schizophrenic or a sociopaths
Did you take a poll or something?
I have taken literally hundreds of polls, both for the commercial sector and for governmental use. I have conducted a poll recently for the government, as a result of the riots here, that is thought to have been caused by the moral decline of our society, that the experts feel started them. Guess what, this is it. Please do not ask for details. It is confidential at this time.
Well I’m sorry, but I think you need to look deeper.
We all need to be more introspective.