Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
What "counterfeit arguments" are you refering to specifically? I thhik I understand what you are trying to say, but you claim something that doesn't seem possible.
There are many that are constantly being used by those who do not fully see. For example. It does not seem possible that the big bang was causeless, yet, there are many who believe that it was, or that it is a equal possibility, despite the fact that the entire universe is predominantly governed by cause and effect. That is precisely the counterfeit argument that I refer to, that is, that they are using "a straw man fallacy"
You say that "the By Chance idea is hugely more improbable than a supernatural being is," but you do not explain why.
Remember that God is only supernatural because he acts outside of natural laws. If his laws were our laws, He would not be a supernatural being, but would be an entity that we would fully comprehend and understand. Christians, that have been converted by the Holy Ghost, see God as a natural being. It is those who restrict themselves to the knowledge and comprehension of mankind's imperfect understanding that see him as supernatural.
I do not explain why, simply because I do not feel that something, that seems to me to be so obvious, would necessitate an explanation. There are a host of Web sites available, where statitions and probabilists have given complex probability calculations that demonstrate the implausibility of the "by chance" postulation. The God Theory is backed with a multitude of supernatural and natural circumstantial evidences that culminate in reasonable evidence. What reasonable evidence exists for the "by chance" straw man. All I hear is the claimed uncaused events in Quantum physics.
ld say that the lack of scientific explanation is, most likely, due to a lack of scientific discovery. In short, we haven't yet discovered an explanation. I think it seems foolish to assume the supernatural simply because science has failed to discover a natural explanation. How do you reconcile this?
But that is what the word "supernatural" defines. The inability to comprehend phenomenon that cannot be explained by using naturalistic laws. It is just the opposite of natural. I think it is a very apt descriptive word for events that, as you have said, science has failed to discover a natural explanation, Yet. The biggest mistake made by the non-believer is to segregate supernatural and natural science. They are synonymous. To separate them merely gives you a half of the picture. How can you determine the subject of the picture when only half of it exists.
1. Of or relating to existence outside the natural world.
2. Attributed to a power that seems to violate or go beyond natural forces.
3. Of or relating to a deity.
4. Of or relating to the immediate exercise of divine power; miraculous.
5. Of or relating to the miraculous.
supernatural - definition of supernatural by The Free Dictionary
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