And if anyone is wondering why...
One Sunday morning Gandhi decided that he would visit one of the Christian churches in Calcutta. Upon seeking entrance to the church sanctuary, he was stopped at the door by the ushers.
He was told he was not welcome, nor would he be permitted to attend this particular church as it was for high-caste Indians and whites only. He was neither high caste, nor was he white. Because of the rejection, the Mahatma turned his back on Christianity.
With this act, Gandhi rejected the Christian faith, never again to consider the claims of Christ. He was turned off by the sin of segregation that was practiced by the church. It was due to this experience that Gandhi later declared, “I’d be a Christian if it were not for the Christians."
Chuck Stanford, lama emeritus, Rime Buddhist Center: To fully understand this quote, it is important to know the backstory from where it came. While Gandhi was a practicing Hindu, Christianity intr…
And Gandhi rejected Christianity, not Jesus, because of Christians.
Also, Jesus isn't everyone's "truth."