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There will be no end time. Here is scripture to prove it.


Well-Known Member
There are many, many things that can kill us off short or long term on this planet, our ony hope to survive long term is to colonize space, which unfortunately, we are giving no priority whatsoever at this point in time.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
What a waste of time, your thread. Doesn't matter how you read the bible. You are going to die, that fact we do know. To me that is the same thing as God coming back, because either way we are going to face the creator.

As touching scripture I suggest you look at Corinthians where it talks about corruption must put on incorruption. It also goes over how this world and those within are like seeds in the field. In order for the seed to bcome what it will, either a good plant or a bad plant the seed must die first. So is our life, we must die before we can become what we will.

Glory be to God.

If you must die to become then take a pill. It does not make a mess.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
You know, what strikes me as odd is the verses you have selected do seem to support your point of view. However there is a lot of other information in the bible. Like God destroying those around Noah.

The fact is, you can't be certain that the destruction of this world or God coming back is not part of his plan to begin with. Your choice scripture is indicitive of that, but I think it is very presumptuous to assert what is and isn't God's perfect plan.

If you prefer to follow a genocidal maniac who kills innocent children and babies then by all means, follow that God of love.

I bet you particularly like His idea of His free choice for us.
My way or burn. Nice free choice that.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
There are many, many things that can kill us off short or long term on this planet, our ony hope to survive long term is to colonize space, which unfortunately, we are giving no priority whatsoever at this point in time.

Perhaps it is because we already have thousand who starve to death daily and we think that that is enough for now.

Without a FTL drive or even a good theory for one, we have no meaningful access to space.



Well-Known Member
If you prefer to follow a genocidal maniac who kills innocent children and babies then by all means, follow that God of love.

I bet you particularly like His idea of His free choice for us.
My way or burn. Nice free choice that.


Um OK... Thank...
Who is going to burn? What is this dribble you speak of?


New Member
Greatest I am, I agree with you on some topics, however..Are you guys aware of the fact that God is just like us? He can be cruel, kind, angry, pleased, mean, generous etc? I have read countless amount of literature on the subject, however, no one ever seems to admit/u nderstand that. One article said that God was infinetely more passionate and loving than we are as he is our maker. Now why can't people understand that he can also be infinetely more angry and even cruel, just like us? Do I have to give examples of all the destruction that he brought on to people? And just like any other person he wants to be admired, worshiped even, which I don't see anything wrong with, up until he threatens to punish me eternally if I don't!
God has made evil, only because it was a part of him, just like everyone else. However, what he wanted is a competition with Satan, to see if people would follow him only, as Satan disagreed.. And God also went about persuading people the wrong way-by fear! When he realised it wasn't working, he sent his son to show people the Loving and forgiving God, which he didn't seem before.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Greatest I am, I agree with you on some topics, however..Are you guys aware of the fact that God is just like us? He can be cruel, kind, angry, pleased, mean, generous etc? I have read countless amount of literature on the subject, however, no one ever seems to admit/u nderstand that. One article said that God was infinetely more passionate and loving than we are as he is our maker. Now why can't people understand that he can also be infinetely more angry and even cruel, just like us? Do I have to give examples of all the destruction that he brought on to people? And just like any other person he wants to be admired, worshiped even, which I don't see anything wrong with, up until he threatens to punish me eternally if I don't!
God has made evil, only because it was a part of him, just like everyone else. However, what he wanted is a competition with Satan, to see if people would follow him only, as Satan disagreed.. And God also went about persuading people the wrong way-by fear! When he realised it wasn't working, he sent his son to show people the Loving and forgiving God, which he didn't seem before.

Yep, we are all evil but it is a special evil to be able to use genocide on a species and then expect that same species to follow Him and his son.

If God made us then we are all His children. No man is insane enough to kill millions and then ask the rest to follow his son. The God you follow is insane if he does.

Incompetent as well if He cannot get things right the first time.



Well-Known Member

Bruce said:
So they've already happened, and accomplished a great deal in the process!

Like what? Certainly not a new God for 1000 yrs. or Satan in the lock up.

No: the problem here is that you're taking prophecies literally when they're intended to be seen spiritually and have non-literal fulfillments.

I like that you agree that we need not wait for another end time.

God typically sends a new Divine Messenger every 500 - 1,000 years, and every one of these qualifies as a Return of the previous ones!

And given that God is One & Supreme and has no equal or rival, there's no "devil" out there competing with Him! Further, "satan" merely refers to our own lower (animal) nature when we give it control instead of our higher (spiritual) nature.

Piece of cake. :)

BTW, if you'd like to see more about the fulfilled prophecies, I commend to you this site:


Best regards, :)



Well-Known Member
The only thing scripture proves is that some folks had wa-a-a-y too much time on their hands. Guess baby-sitting sheep is not very demanding work.

Leaves the mind free to make up all kinds of things.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member

No: the problem here is that you're taking prophecies literally when they're intended to be seen spiritually and have non-literal fulfillments.

God typically sends a new Divine Messenger every 500 - 1,000 years, and every one of these qualifies as a Return of the previous ones!

And given that God is One & Supreme and has no equal or rival, there's no "devil" out there competing with Him! Further, "satan" merely refers to our own lower (animal) nature when we give it control instead of our higher (spiritual) nature.

Piece of cake. :)

BTW, if you'd like to see more about the fulfilled prophecies, I commend to you this site:


Best regards, :)


The thing about prophecy is that it binds God to a course of action and kills His free will. I gotta follow my book is not something God should ever have to say just to please believers.

Do not step on Superman’s cape or mess around with god’s free will.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
The only thing scripture proves is that some folks had wa-a-a-y too much time on their hands. Guess baby-sitting sheep is not very demanding work.

Leaves the mind free to make up all kinds of things.

I see some wisdom in scripture but certainly not in the way Funda-mental or literal readers do. Their wisdom, misuse of the word, is just too weird.



Well-Known Member
Have you ever made a worthwhile comment.


Many have commented that I have, so I guess so.

I wasn't bad mouthing you though, I am sorry you took offense. I was saying that because you have a snake that tries to brainwash people on your signature or avatar or whatever that is called and you say that telepathy is key.

In my studies of Telepathy many in the past have used hallucinogens in that field of study.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Many have commented that I have, so I guess so.

I wasn't bad mouthing you though, I am sorry you took offense. I was saying that because you have a snake that tries to brainwash people on your signature or avatar or whatever that is called and you say that telepathy is key.

In my studies of Telepathy many in the past have used hallucinogens in that field of study.

Not surprising. Drugs have been around since Christ was a cowboy.

YouTube - The Pharmacratic Inquisition DVD Part 1 of 12



Well-Known Member
The thing about prophecy is that it binds God to a course of action and kills His free will. I gotta follow my book is not something God should ever have to say just to please believers.

So sorry, but IOV it does no such thing!

God's free will is a given not subject to human debate.

And the fact that He chooses to give us prophecies is for OUR guidance, not His! Given that He has chosen to do so clearly doesn't present Him with any problem.

Besides, multiple scriptures state that it is not for humans to question God's decisions.

Peace, :)
