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Things that make you lose faith in humanity


Well-Known Member
Well it happend to us all one's, you saw something so stupid it made you lose faith in humanity.

1. What made you lose faith in humanity?
2. What renewed your faith in humanity


So ... what make you think that I (or someone else) has faith in humanity???
Faith in humanity to be or do what?
Are you inferring that one should have faith in the created instead of the Creator?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Faith changes. You might begin by having faith that people will be rational. Once you realize they reason according to the rules of psychology rather than according to the rules of logic, you no longer have faith they will be rational. But now you have faith they will be irrational and, say, susceptible to public relations campaigns.

In other words, one always has expectations about humanity -- and in this context, "faith" seems to mean "expectations".


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
What makes me lose faith in humans' ability to "behave" ?-lust, drunkeness, swearing, stealing....murder.......most of the things that are morally definableas anti-social.

What renews my faith ? - the occasional surprising kindness of a perfect stranger towards another - the trouble is that we see and hear alltoo much of thefirst category, but the kindness often goes unnoticed.


I have troubles believing that there is nothing we can do to change the things we´ve been messing up this planet... so probably (and if it is not based on logic) I have same faith*


Okay, I'll ask my question another way ... it seems to me that having faith (hope/trust) in human beings is exactly the opposite of what the Bible seeks to teach. The message i get is that our faith is to be placed only in the Creator, placing our faith elsewhere is the root cause of all of our problems.


Moved on
I haven't seen much that's made me lose my faith in humanity, but there's a whole lot that makes me question this whole "sanctity of life" thing. You know, it might be a good thing that I can't legally own arms.

Lisa S

Well it happend to us all one's, you saw something so stupid it made you lose faith in humanity.

1. What made you lose faith in humanity?

1.Reality television shows

2. The fact that the bestselling book on Amazon right now is written by Glenn Beck (Yikes!)

3. Did I mention 'reality television' shows?


Citizen Mod
Well it happend to us all one's, you saw something so stupid it made you lose faith in humanity.

1. What made you lose faith in humanity?
2. What renewed your faith in humanity
Toll collecting. No one entity should ever be exposed to such stupidity and ignorance except GOD.


Citizen Mod
Well it happend to us all one's, you saw something so stupid it made you lose faith in humanity.

1. What made you lose faith in humanity?

Toll Collecting. No one entity should ever be exposed to such ignorance and stupidity on a grand scale except GOD.

2. What renewed your faith in humanity

Perhaps it will be retirement.
The fact we are always fighting with each other over the same stupid things, and they are never the stupid things we think we are fighting about, is depressing, but we have whimsy and optimism.


Treasure Hunter
I don't know why I hate humans so much. I'm certain it isn't due to just a single instance though. Humans **** me off all the time. I'm sure when I was little I assumed people weren't stupid jerks, but I've known for quite some time now that they in fact are stupid jerks. Not all of them, of course, but enough to where it's annoying. Here are some examples of stupid jerk things people have done that I have experienced/witnessed:

1. The KFC customers who blame the cashier for making their sandwich wrong. I'm clearly not the one making the sandwiches... I've been up here taking orders for the past hour...

2. On a similar note: the KFC customers who assumed I worked there every second of every day and am responsible for everything in the entire store: "Last time I was here, you didn't give me any biscuits. Make sure you don't forget this time... *growl*" First of all, I probably wasn't even working the last time you ordered food from here, and secondly, I DON'T MAKE THE ORDERS!

3. People who pass me on the highway because I am slowing down in order to turn into my driveway. We are all driving 60 miles per hour in a no passing zone, right by a curve and hill where you cannot even see if anyone is coming from the other direction, yet they think that my slowing down in order to turn is so horrible that they risk all of our lives to pass me and save themselves 30 seconds off their commute. That has actually caused my sister to get into a car accident before, because someone passed her and the person behind them didn't see her and hit her car. That just ****** me off that people are so impatient they cannot even slow down so someone can turn into their driveway without wrecking...

4. All of the people on the news lately who keep kidnapping people's kids and killing them... What the ****!?!? Why in the hell would you do that!?!?

5. People who are Intolerant, Racist, Sexist, or Discriminatory in some other way. There are so many ways to discriminate against people, and so many people who discriminate. I hate that. I cannot have cheap car insurance because I'm young... why do they assume all young people cannot drive?? I've never wrecked my car in 3 years, yet my insurance is really expensive. I am also actually scared that I will not be hired as a teacher when the time comes if the people hiring know that I am an atheist. Then there is this whole business where gay people cannot be married in most places in the states. That makes me so extremely sad. :(

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Watching people make the same poor decisions over and over, and then whine about how bad things always happen to them.


Veteran Member
The way children are treated in this world. Beyond words disgusting and sad.

I recall reading Catch-22, and the character is musing about how no evil could exist for long if it survived on the suffering of children i.e. children in pain is intolerable even to the scummiest of people. I think I fell in love with Yossarian for believing that, but I know it's demonstrably untrue. Evil persists even in the faces of crying and dying children.