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This is Me


All right. Well, I could go on forever about who I am and what I do, but I don't think I will. Far too time consuming for me. So I'll just give you all a summery. My name is Elise, I'm a vegetarian and have been for almost four years now. I haven't been on a forum of any kind for about six months. Darn school work *shakes fist at AP English*. I don't exactly have a religion, but I have a bunch of mixed beliefs. I'm weird that way. I guess I should also mention that I'm obsessed with cats. Domestic or wild, doesn't matter. I love 'em all. Well, I think that's all I have for you.


Flaming Queer
AquilaKit said:
^-^ Thanks. I look forward to posting a lot on this forum.
would you care to tell us something of yoru beliefs - your status says "neopagan" - if you don't mind, what in particular do you believe about paganism?


Hoo boy. Well, I believe in reincarnation and I am a firm believer in the supernatural (or most of it, anyway). So who's to say we reincarnate into different forms on just this planet, or just the realms and dimensions connected to this planet? For all we know, we could easily be a kind of alien in a next life.
As far as Gods go, I believe that there are or might have been many Gods and/or Goddesses that existed or still exist today. It's just impossible for me to believe in only one, or just a few. There are many I don't know about, but I think they still might exist all the same, regardless if I know how many there are or who they are.
I believe in ghosts. I've seen them, including one relative of mine. I use tarot cards, whenever I can, I use the Ouiji (I'm sure I spelled that incorrectly) board, and so far, nothing bad has happened during or after the useage of the board. I think that as long as you don't ask any idiotic questions, you won't be in danger.
I know a few Wiccans and their beliefs match mine, more or less, but I can't call myself a Wiccan. After all, "One isn't born a Wiccan, one is made a Wiccan" or so I read somewhere. I don't remember if it was a website or a Raven Grimmassi (?) book that I got that from.
I can't think of anything else at the moment. And yes, I know some of that isn't pagan-ish, or I don't think it is.


Well-Known Member
Hi and welcome! Yeah, I was a vegetarian for 20 years... then I got pregnant with my husband and craved nothing but chicken :). I don't think anyone is ever 100% certain about their faith, which is good because it means there is always room for growth! I hope you enjoy posting here--most people are very nice.


Mischevious One
Hi, Elise. Welcome to Religious Forums. We're happy to have you with us and hope you enjoy your stay. :)
You will find a lot of fellow cat-lovers at RF, myself included!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi Elise,

Welcome to Religious Forums!

Please feel free to ask questions, if you have any. You might like to check out our article with links for our newer members; from there, there is also a link to the forum rules which you ought to look at.

The more I look at your posts on this thread, the more you sound like me (about Religion). Although I am a Christian, there's bits of nearly all religions in me, including reincarnation.

I look forwards to seeing your posts.;)