Hoo boy. Well, I believe in reincarnation and I am a firm believer in the supernatural (or most of it, anyway). So who's to say we reincarnate into different forms on just this planet, or just the realms and dimensions connected to this planet? For all we know, we could easily be a kind of alien in a next life.
As far as Gods go, I believe that there are or might have been many Gods and/or Goddesses that existed or still exist today. It's just impossible for me to believe in only one, or just a few. There are many I don't know about, but I think they still might exist all the same, regardless if I know how many there are or who they are.
I believe in ghosts. I've seen them, including one relative of mine. I use tarot cards, whenever I can, I use the Ouiji (I'm sure I spelled that incorrectly) board, and so far, nothing bad has happened during or after the useage of the board. I think that as long as you don't ask any idiotic questions, you won't be in danger.
I know a few Wiccans and their beliefs match mine, more or less, but I can't call myself a Wiccan. After all, "One isn't born a Wiccan, one is made a Wiccan" or so I read somewhere. I don't remember if it was a website or a Raven Grimmassi (?) book that I got that from.
I can't think of anything else at the moment. And yes, I know some of that isn't pagan-ish, or I don't think it is.