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Those who believe there is no God live by faith

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james bond

Well-Known Member
Well, using such for an argument immediately shows you lost. Chick tracts are probably the poorest series of theological arguments I have seen.

To the contrary, it's the creationists who have been able to explain better. Of course, 6000 years of the Earth and universe is easier to explain. Thus, we have the details.

Jack Chick uses narrative art. RIP Jack Chick. Part of it is comic book art, but the point is it still tells a narrative in short fashion and gets the message or point across. Another is the 7-days of creation chart I use. It's not that much different from using figures and diagrams. Can big bang, singularity, cosmic inflation, cmb, and the rest be explained by narrative art? I've never seen it.

Furthermore, if we look at the narrative art for evolution, we find fraud in the case of monkeys to humans such as Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, Peking Man, etc. We found fraud with Haeckel's embryo drawings. Some people refer to the common ancestor as proto-creatures, but the illustrators just took their representations from animals that exist today. There are no transitional evidence of proto creatures. Thus, it's another lie.

In terms of evolutionary cosmology, we have dark matter and dark energy which we have little evidence of. Has it been explained through narrative drawings? What about multiverses? Or the big bang and such? Enjoy your stay in Hades, Stephen Hawking. Arggghhh, arggghhh, arggghhh! It is easy to pick out the falsities if we have these narrative art as it tries to hide things under long time and lack of detail.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I would say your hand waiving. I would say you have closed your eyes and ears to the things of God and feel more at home now with those who deny God. This should be a wake up call to you as a "christian" IMO. Only sharing this with all honesty and respect. You do know I am telling you the truth right (please see PROVERBS 13:20 then read PROVERBS 14:1 seriously please prayerfully read these scriptures) :)
This is gaslighting. That’s not what he said. He said he feels more at home with those who can reason. You’re implying that what you believe about what you read in modern translations of ancient texts is reasonable because you believe it to be reasonable. You’re further implying that anyone who doesn’t buy into your belief is unreasonable. In this particular case, though, those who deny God are displaying more reason than your beliefs are. Those of us who are Christian would just as soon have truth over unfounded belief.

james bond

Well-Known Member
I consider it one of the worst arguments I have ever seen,

It's a case of the strongest logic ever. Again, where is your cosmological argument. Atheists have none, so it's illogical and a pack of lies. We found from Kalam that if God does not exist, then the universe does not exist. Atheist logic leads to the ridiculous. The best is to accept atheism leads communism in this life and to spiritual death in the next.

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
No, they’ve been taught that biblical statements are inerrant and absolute. They’ve been taught that Xy is the only correct faith/world view. Handing them logical arguments that trash that absolutism frightens and confuses them. They then have to writhe and twist in order to justify their beliefs.
I agree with you on that. From my perspective, it is a weak foundation to place ones faith on and results in a person having to deny facts and live lies.

james bond

Well-Known Member
No it isn’t. Creationists explain in order to satisfy preexisting belief. As soon as that belief is met, the explanations stop.

Give some examples.

Jesus and the proto-Christians were communists. They held all things in common. That’s communism. Unless you’re arguing that Jesus leads to death...

Haha. Source?

As for Jesus leading to death, no. The god of the world and prince of the power of the air, Satan, leads us to spiritual death. What causes one to spiritual death is no repentance and no John 3:16. The coming again of Jesus will mean the end of this life.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
It's a case of the strongest logic ever. Again, where is your cosmological argument. Atheists have none, so it's illogical and a pack of lies. We found from Kalam that if God does not exist, then the universe does not exist. Atheist logic leads to the ridiculous. The best is to accept atheism leads communism in this life and to spiritual death in the next.
Why would we need a failed argument? Your question makes no sense. And anyone that can reason logically can quickly see the flaws in the Kalam. Those that claim it is logical never seem to be able to defend it.

If it is so logical, why don't you go through it. Preferably one step at a time and its failures can be explained to you.


Veteran Member
Come now. It's the atheists and their scientists side that has no cosmological argument :D.

Science has no use for "arguments".
Science does research, experiment, tests and actually makes progress instead.

Otherwise, we would've had it in this thread by now. Moreover, creationists have ontology.

View attachment 36754

We have Pascal's wager.

View attachment 36755

You got nothing haha.

Are you just trolling?
Pascall's wager is a well known bad and ridiculous reason to believe, even among theists.
I find it pretty unbelievable that someone would seriously present that and be serious about it.


Veteran Member
Give some examples.

Haha. Source?

As for Jesus leading to death, no. The god of the world and prince of the power of the air, Satan, leads us to spiritual death. What causes one to spiritual death is no repentance and no John 3:16. The coming again of Jesus will mean the end of this life.

It is based on the NT as per Koinonia. That is different from political communism of the 19th century and on as the former is strictly a religious view.


Well-Known Member
Hi Poly, good on you for having a look at this post. I may put a response in as a few posts to cover everything you have shared here are your view. Some comments provided before for your consideration.

One BIG problem with this is your assumption that belief or disbelief is a choice. To me, that is simply not the case. I believe if I am convinced by the evidence for. I disbelieve if I am convinced by the evidence against, and I lack belief if I am not convinced either way.

There is no problem that I can see here and there is no assumtion being made in this section of the post that I can see here. What assumtions are you talking about? This section is simply showing that the lack of belief simply means an abesence of a belief in anything (non committment to a belief). It is only stating after explaining the above that If "lack of belief" means that a person chooses not to make an intellectual commitment for or against a position based on the information provided to them they remain intellectually neutral and opened one way or another. They have therefore not made up their minds. You may need to re-read this section of the post as it is not saying what you are suggesting it is. Yet it is showing why what you have posted here is not true. The lack of belief simply means an abesence of a belief in anything and leads to neutrality in belief. If you lack of belief has lead you to take a position on something then it is no more neutral and no more lack of belief as your belief has moved to a position of belief in something for or against. A lack of belief therefore in God therefore is simply a neutral position that someone does not know if there is a God or not a God. It is a state of ignoreance in relation to God and wheather he exists of does not exist.

3rdAngel wrote: However, complete neutrality about a concept is impossible since all concepts have an effect upon the hearer and illicit a response whether it be emotional and/or intellectual. Once you have been exposed to a concept, you categorize it as: True, False, Ridiculous, Unsure, etc., but you do not return to a complete mental neutrality or state of ignorance.

Your response...

And there are too many mutually inconsistent God concepts to make a judgement on all of them. For example, it is possible that there is a race of high dimensional beings that have learned how to make universes and our universe was made by for a high school art project and forgotten. There is no way to prove that one way or the other.

Not sure how this section of your post relates to what you are quoting from here but yes you are correct in saying there are many perceptions of what God is as there are many religions about God. That being said. This is not an argument for no God or that God does not exist. This was actually one of the questions from the OP if I remember 4. If there is a God obviously not all religions can be correct as many are contradictory to each other. How would one go about finding what is the correct one?

3rdAngel wrote: We do not "lack belief" in invisible pink unicorns. That is, we do not hold a mentally neutral position about the concept. We make a decision to categorize it as: True, False, Ridiculous, Unsure, etc., based upon our scope of knowledge and experience.

Your response...

Since the burden of proof is on the positive existence statement, the default position shifts to non-existence. That doesn't mean you actually believe in non-existence, but simply that it is more likely than the alternative.

The burden of proof is only on the positive existence statement if there is neutrality of belief on the other side of the fence. If there is no neutrality on both sides as shown above when being exposed to a concept then burden of proof is on both side. The default position is not nonexistence in the lack of belief. The default position in lack of belief is I do not know if God exists or if God does not exist. This is not the position of an Athiest or the definition of one.

3rdAngel wrote:To the extent that this categorization occurs, belief or disbelief is associated with it. If True, then positive belief is applied. If False, then disbelief (the positive belief that it is false) is applied. If Ridiculous, then disbelief (the positive belief that it is false) is applied. If Unsure, then belief and disbelief are pending with either as the outcome. This is because we realize that belief in the concept (acceptance) is possible as also is disbelief (rejection)--depending on further information and analysis. Being unsure about something is as close to "lack of belief" as one can logically get, but even this is a categorization with pending commitment to belief or disbelief. Actions reflect belief. We act based upon what we do believe--not upon what we do not believe. In other words, I do something because I believe something--not because I don't believe something. If I don't believe my house is on fire, then I don't do anything; but if believe it is, I get out. In other words, if I believe my house is not on fire, then I don't need to get up and get out. It is not lack of belief that moves us but belief.

Your response..

OK, I fundamentally disagree with this analysis. For example, there is a proposed subatomic particle called the axion. It is one of the candidates for dark matter. Do I believe such particles exist? No. Do I disbelieve such particles exist? No. I wouldn't even say I am unsure such particles exist: there simply isn't any evidence they exist and the burden of proof is on the ones claiming they exist. When it comes to God, you first have to distinguish between the thousands of different God concepts humans have come up with. I certainly do not know all of them. Then you have to look at the evidence and logic presented and see if it is conclusive or even shifts the likelihood. In particular, are there simpler, natural explanations for the same phenomena that are based on what we have previously demonstrated and explain the phenomena better? If so, then the model involving God is reduced in likelihood in favor of the natural explanation. It doesn't *disprove* the existence of a God, but it certainly *does* negate the proposed evidence.

I believe you have simply disregarded the previous sections of the post you are responding to that has already addressed lack of believe as being neutrality in belief. No decision one way or another. What your not considering in the post shown earlier is that once someone is exposed to a concept we categorise a concept as: True, False, Ridiculous, Unsure, etc., based upon our scope of knowledge and experience. One way or another what you have said here that I believe is correct is that no one can prove God does not exist. If your taking the stance that you cannot believe that God exists until you have been provided evidence that God exists then to me that just means your no longer remained in a neutral position in regards to God and the existence of God as your default position is that you will not believe in God until you see evidence of God. This is no longer a neutral position of not knowing if there is a God or not a God.

3rdAngel wrote: I lack belief in concepts I am unaware of. Therefore, I do not and cannot act based upon them since I am unaware of them. I can only act or not act based upon concepts I am aware of. If I believe there are invisible pink unicorns, I would act accordingly and either defend their existence or behave in a manner consistent with the belief that they exist. If I believe there are no such things as invisible pink unicorns, I may or may not defend my position depending on the circumstances. But, I do not promote their non-existence since it is not necessary to do so any more than it is necessary to promote the assertion that there is no ice cream factory on Jupiter.

Your response...

And I see deities in the same category as ice cream factories on Jupiter or invisible pink unicorns.

Thankyou, here you have just proven the point of this post. So you have moved from a position of neutrality (lack of belief) of not knowing if there is a God or not a God to the category of ridiculous and have just proven the point of this enture post. You are no more neutral, you no longer have a lack of belief. You believe there is no God and do not believe in the existence of God.

To be continued...


Well-Known Member
3rdAngel wrote:If I believe that the existence of invisible pink unicorns is ridiculous, I may or may not assert that it is ridiculous; but I have categorized them and believe they do not exist. If I am unsure about the existence of invisible pink unicorns, I would wait for further information before making my decision. In this, I would be agnostic about their existence. If an atheist says he (or she) lacks belief in God yet actively seeks to undermine theistic proofs and promote atheistic principles, then we must conclude that his actions are consistent with his beliefs; namely, that he actively believes God does not exist.

Your response...

Atheist usually are more attacking the arguments that theists make, pointing out the severe logical flaws. They are showing why the proposed evidence doesn't actually prove what is claimed. Theists tend to see this as an attck on the belief itself.

Your response here does not really address what you are responding to here but once again this is my point Athiesm does not hold a position of neutrality. Athiesm simply meaning against God or opposing theism. I would say that athiest tend to see the existence of God an attack on their belief that there is no God. If they were neutral they would feel no need to attack something they are neutral or do not know about.

3rdAngel wrote: Furthermore, if the atheist is actively promoting the non-existence of God yet says he lacks belief in God, then his words and actions are inconsistent. Atheists, who say they lack belief in God or disbelieve in God yet actively attack theistic proofs and seek to promote atheism, are acting according to their beliefs--not their non-beliefs or their "lack of belief." It is more consistent to say that the atheist who supports and promotes the idea that there is no God but attacks theistic evidences must believe there is no God. Otherwise, he is behaving without a reason, which is not logical.

Your response...

I disagree here. To point out the logical and factual flaws in an argument is NOT the same as having disbelief or even promoting disbelief. It is promoting sound, logical arguments.

If your being honest here if your trying to argue against God your promoting a believe in the non-existence of God therefore no longer neutral. It goes both was if your honest. There is not enough conclusive evidence to show God one way or another by external evidence to the oustider looking in. This is the reason the OP was put up. You state logical flaws in the existence of God but there are also logical flaws in a belief that does not believe in God or the existence of God if you do not have conclusive evidence that there is no God. Both positions due to lack of evidence one way or another are simply positions of faith to those on the outside looking in. Yet to the Christian we do not need evidence for a personal experience with God as we have our evidence that God exists already. Then we become part of the collective witness of 1/3 of the worlds popultation from all over the world that I believe is also evidence of the existence of God.

3rdAngel wrote:To say you believe there is no God has problems. To say "I believe there is no God" is a conscious choice. Then, on what would the atheist be basing his belief that there is no God: evidence, lack of evidence, logic, faith, or a combination of all? If evidence, then what positive evidence is there that disproves God's existence? If lack of evidence, then it means he has not yet seen all evidence, and there might be sufficient evidence to demonstrate God's existence. This would mean that God may indeed exist; and the person is really an agnostic concerning God, so his atheist position is inconsistent with his statement.

Your response...

Once again, I disagree that saying I disbelieve is a conscious choice. If I am convinced that the weight of the evidence points to non-existence, then I disbelieve. If I am convinced that the weight of the evidence points to existence, then I believe. If I am not convinced by the evidence either way, then I lack belief. None of these is a choice.

Well you have not addressed anything in this section except to say you disagree from what I can see. I do not think I need to comment here as I have posted the argument above which I believe is strong enough to counter what you are posting here by itself. All your really pointing to is so called evidence but there is no conclusive evidence, one way or the other. You have no evidence that God does not exist yet your arguing God does not exist due to the lack of evidence which means you are no longer taking a neutral position in your belief even though you have no evidence that God does not exist.

3rdAngel wrote: If logic, then what logical proof do you have that negates God's existence? At best, logic can only disprove theistic proofs. Disproving theistic proofs does not mean there is no God. It only means that the proofs thus presented are insufficient. Logic can only disprove theistic proofs that are presented, and negating such proofs is not a refutation of all possible proofs since no one can know or present all possible proofs of God's existence. Therefore, negation of proofs does not disprove God's existence.

Your response...

Correct. But given that *every* proposed theistic proof has failed, it is reasonable to question the proposition that God exists. That this failure has been a consistent one over thousands of years suggests that there *is* no proof.

Goodness big emotional call IMO. I would argue that every athiestic proposed proof has failed. Then again if we have no evidence for our view then they are simply our opinions that cannot be proven. Which means what we believe is faith based as there is no external conclusive evidence for the existence of God or the non existence of God. I would argue that the failure is your side but you cannot see it. For me it does not matter what you think as I have my evidence in a personal experience with God and I am at peace with that as this alone is my evidence. You on the other have have no evidence that there is no God and have no certainty in what you believe.

So, at best, the proposition that God exists is independent of the rest of our experiences.

This is where I would strongly disagree. You have not had an experience in the things of God you do not know the experience of those who know God. It is the very evidence of the Christian experience that God has revleaed himself to the individual which causes us to become Christian which is our perosnal evidence that there is God and the existence of God. This is not a one off experience but a collective experience claiming 1/3 of the whole worlds current population and people of every generation all through time.

3rdAngel wrote: If there were a logical argument that proved God did not exist, it either has not yet been made known, or it doesn't exist. If it were known, then it would be in use by atheists. But since no proof of God's non-existence has been successfully defended by atheists, we can conclude that thus far, there are no logical proofs for God's non-existence.

Your response...

And, once again, proving the non-existence of something as ill-defined as God is impossible. To be able to prove non-existence, the concept must be precisely defined and be testable. Neither is the case with the vast majority of God concepts. Once again, the burden is on the theists to define their terms and propose a test for existence that would be definitive. They have consistently failed to dos so.

Well here your only simply agreeing with what I have posted and I also agree that there is simply no conclusive evidence to prove God externally one way or the other. Therefore the lack of evidence only proves out beliefs are based on faith.

3rdAngel wrote: If faith alone, then the position is not held by logic or evidence and is an arbitrary position. If by a combination of evidence, logic and/or faith, then according to the above analysis, neither is sufficient to validate atheism. A combination of insufficient means does not validate atheism. For someone to believe there is no God is to hold that belief by faith since there is no evidence that positively supports atheism, and there are no logical proofs that God does not exist. It is, after all, virtually impossible to prove a negative.

Your response here...

And the fact that it is almost impossible to prove a negative is *exactly* why the burden of proof is on the positive existence statement. Atheists don't have to prove non-existence, theists have to prove existence. To do so, they need to find a test that can be done publicly that demonstrates existence. Until that happens, it is quite reasonable to lack belief.

Well this has already been addressed above already. Thanks Poly, enjoying reading your thoughts and the discussion. I may look to make another thread on this topic as it is an interesting one IMO

Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)


Well-Known Member
No 2 1/2 billion there

I suggest you do your own research. I do not think I put an exact number on them did I except to say 1/3 of the worlds population. The last link provided you was from a 2011 survey from wiki showing 2.1 billion people. Here is a 2015 survey from wiki with 2.4 billion poeple. Not sure what the exact number would be in 2020, possibly higher...

As of the year 2015, Christianity has more than 2.4 billion adherents, out of about 7.5 billion people.[1][2][3][4][a] The faith represents one-third of the world's population and is the largest religion in the world (source wiki).

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
To the contrary, it's the creationists who have been able to explain better. Of course, 6000 years of the Earth and universe is easier to explain. Thus, we have the details.

Jack Chick uses narrative art. RIP Jack Chick. Part of it is comic book art, but the point is it still tells a narrative in short fashion and gets the message or point across. Another is the 7-days of creation chart I use. It's not that much different from using figures and diagrams. Can big bang, singularity, cosmic inflation, cmb, and the rest be explained by narrative art? I've never seen it.

Furthermore, if we look at the narrative art for evolution, we find fraud in the case of monkeys to humans such as Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, Peking Man, etc. We found fraud with Haeckel's embryo drawings. Some people refer to the common ancestor as proto-creatures, but the illustrators just took their representations from animals that exist today. There are no transitional evidence of proto creatures. Thus, it's another lie.

In terms of evolutionary cosmology, we have dark matter and dark energy which we have little evidence of. Has it been explained through narrative drawings? What about multiverses? Or the big bang and such? Enjoy your stay in Hades, Stephen Hawking. Arggghhh, arggghhh, arggghhh! It is easy to pick out the falsities if we have these narrative art as it tries to hide things under long time and lack of detail.
You keep repeating refuted nonsense. Do you care to discuss those one at a time.

For example Java Man was not a fraud. You are listening to lying idiots on that particular example.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
To me, faith is a belief that does not have definitive evidence for that belief. There is also the biblical definition that christians live by as well in Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is good if it is based on truth and bad if it is not.

Right....so having faith does not mean that your beliefs are correct, and therefore is not a reliable pathway to truth.


Active Member
I suggest you do your own research. I do not think I put an exact number on them did I except to say 1/3 of the worlds population. The last link provided you was from a 2011 survey from wiki showing 2.1 billion people. Here is a 2015 survey from wiki with 2.4 billion poeple. Not sure what the exact number would be in 2020, possibly higher...

As of the year 2015, Christianity has more than 2.4 billion adherents, out of about 7.5 billion people.[1][2][3][4][a] The faith represents one-third of the world's population and is the largest religion in the world (source wiki).
you're the one made the hilarious claim they had an experience with god!! Hahahaha


Active Member

We'll all be laughing, even though we shouldn't when you and the low brow internet atheists get it. It'll be like drinking coffee and then spitting it out due to normal reaction.

Chick.com: No Fear?
Hold your breath!! Lol
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