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To All Who Pray: Do you make Requests in Your Prayers?


Raised in a catholic family, I was always under the impression that it was acceptable to ask god to help you in some way, be it a request for the recovery of a sick loved one, or for enhanced wisdom about a tough situation. What about Muslims, Jews, other Christians... Do you also pray in request of things, or purely a showing of your devotion?


Are you interested in what Wiccans do?

As a Witch, I pray to the Lord and Lady and occasionally ask for things that I need.

Michael Turner

espresso connoisseur
Of course...

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" (Luke 7:7-11)


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't ask for material things. When I pray I usually ask for Him to help me find Him, to be closer to Him etc. If someone is sick or in trouble I will pray for them. Sometimes I just express my thanks for the good life that I have. Sometimes I just ask 'why?'.


I used to "ask for" and now I "give thanks for."
That little change in focus has changed my perspectives of the stuff of life and, it more and more it seems that I have more, accomplish more, and I have even more to be thankful for. That's what works for me.


Veteran Member
Raised in a catholic family, I was always under the impression that it was acceptable to ask god to help you in some way, be it a request for the recovery of a sick loved one, or for enhanced wisdom about a tough situation. What about Muslims, Jews, other Christians... Do you also pray in request of things, or purely a showing of your devotion?

yes, i make requests after salaats :)



Msizer ~

when i pray, i begin thanking God and praising Him, for general and specific things. i ask His help when i'm troubled or confused, ask that He would use me and work through me, and that He show me where He would like me to go.

i also ask God for things that i need, or would like, keeping in mind to pray "Your will be done".

Philippians 4:6 says "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God".

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I think it is offensive to ask for stuff....
I tend to ask for things to work out as they should...not how I want them to, but how they should

Prayer can also be treated like a conversation
Or just acknowledgement of the divine

May we participate in
The Comforter’s Faithfulness
The Fatherly Hope
The Motherly Agape Love
The Ever-Mindful Understanding
The Spiritual Assembly’s Blessedness
The Desired-For Wisdom
Flowing through us
Around us
Permeating our being
Nurturing and healing
Shining light upon our souls
Revealing sparks of Divine Light


I think it is offensive to ask for stuff....
I tend to ask for things to work out as they should...not how I want them to, but how they should

Prayer can also be treated like a conversation
Or just acknowledgement of the divine

May we participate in
The Comforter’s Faithfulness
The Fatherly Hope
The Motherly Agape Love
The Ever-Mindful Understanding
The Spiritual Assembly’s Blessedness
The Desired-For Wisdom
Flowing through us
Around us
Permeating our being
Nurturing and healing
Shining light upon our souls
Revealing sparks of Divine Light


May I ask a question about this post, which is partially a challenge? I'll respect your choice to withold if you wish. How can anything happen in any other way but how it should? Don't you think god already has a handle on that? Why do you think your appeal will have any influence? I admit, I am challenging here, but I don't mean it condescendingly.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
May I ask a question about this post, which is partially a challenge? I'll respect your choice to withold if you wish. How can anything happen in any other way but how it should? Don't you think god already has a handle on that? Why do you think your appeal will have any influence? I admit, I am challenging here, but I don't mean it condescendingly.

How can anythign happen in any way other than it should,,,,


how can it?

Yet, many wish to:
bend the will of God
bend reality

essentially like pullign a rabbit out of a hat. To get things, to save a kitten, to find love etc.

The difference I "propose" is actively saying, "Whatever will be will be, I hope it will be what I'd prefer, but whatever will be will be."

We can dam a river, and change its flow. (Prayign for stuff or many other similar practises, most obviously magic).
But eventually no matter how much we scream and hold our hand up, the sea will flow.....

What will be will be.


This is one way to understand the idea of submission and giving one's self to God
As opposed being a "participator"

It is the difference between drinking from the Grail
And, BEING the Grail....

I think another way to think of it is like a child.
A child thinks they want a new toy car. Their life will be better.
But the parent is wiser, they know better.
So, we may think we want to get a new car, we need to have sex with a woman called susan
But, God knows the big picture
Trust that God knows what is best, not ourselves.

BE the WIND....


I cannot speak the longings of my heart
Nor its secrets with vainglorious art
And as I was born unknown to the world
It is just as well I unknown depart.

Obscurity « Wandering Troubadour
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Well-Known Member
I thank Him and praise Him, I ask for His forgiveness, mercy, His Jannah and for everything I want and He never let me down, He always responds to me and gives me what I want and much more, He is the Most Merciful.
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Football Fan
Pray upwards (Thanking God), Outwards (for others), and finally Inwards (for your own requests or issues you need to let God address). (A basic formula for prayer)

Standup Philosopher

Stand Up Philosopher
Did you ever ask your parents for anything? Were they offended? Are you offended if your kids ask for something? We are his little children; he loves us.


Well-Known Member
Raised in a catholic family, I was always under the impression that it was acceptable to ask god to help you in some way, be it a request for the recovery of a sick loved one, or for enhanced wisdom about a tough situation. What about Muslims, Jews, other Christians... Do you also pray in request of things, or purely a showing of your devotion?
I pray in request for things often.

Just as often, I realize that just because I desire things (sometimes truly necessary) doesn't mean that God happens to agree. Many times, I find myself saying things like:

I would really like it if... But I understand if You don't, because...

It happens. There are lots of other things that go into prayers besides personal supplications, but personal requests is only part of what goes into my prayers.


Alien Hybrid
When I pray it's normally a running dialog between me and the gods that I worship. If I want/have a request I normally do a ritual for it as I believe there is more power in a ritual than in making a request in a conversation.