Non-debating member when I can help myself
I recognize Krishna as regards Hinduism, though we can't rely on everything he is recorded to have said. In outline, In the Bhagavad Gita I see much wisdom to learn from. As to Rama, who was supposed to have come before Him, I have no opinion. I know of no words passed down from Rama, though I may be wrong, so it's a moot point. Same with the others supposed to have come before Rama.Which type of Hindu. Vaishnava? Saivam? Do you follow Atta/Athman or anatto/anathman? Do you believe in the Thauthisa?
Please elaborate how you are a Buddhist, Hindu, as a Bahai in this context.
It is similar with Buddhism. Baha'is recognize Buddha, but it is unsure what exactly He said. Nevertheless in outline Baha'is can learn from Him.
As to the other Dharmic figures we can all learn from them too, come to think of it. You don't have to be Divine to learn from a enlightened person.