I take back the aggressive response, but you do seem to deeply dislike Paul for reasons I can't understand and, imo, unfairly label him a charlatan without what I take to be strong evidence.
I'm also not claiming that visions are 'respectable' in the sense that they would convince others, but they certainly convince the visionary. Paul was convinced, thus he went out and preached. I'm not a Christian, I'm a Pagan, but I believe Paul had a vision which he took as confirmation of Christ's godhood and preached based on this belief.
You seem to believe that a God belief is necessary for someone to have a vision; this isn't true. There are many atheist mystics out there who have visions. Buddhists have visionary experiences, for example. So characterising Paul as either deluded or lying is a false binary. Even if we accept that Paul were deluded, his delusion was still real to him, and thus he still believed in the Gospel message he spread. If Paul were a fraud, I'd appreciate some evidence of that. You may note that Paul doesn't write the snake narrative, but Luke does in Acts. Acts often contradicts Paul's accounts, so we can't take it as a given that this isn't just a fable invented after Paul died and became sainted.
Paul certainly believed he had the only truth, which is why he went about preaching it. Whether he had is not really the point; the point is that he believed he had the truth.
Theism is not necessary to believe any of this, only the knowledge that Paul believed it to be true.
"I take it back / apologize...BUT" is kind of thin.
Friendly hint: dont say it to a girlfriend.
Still, " seems", (to you) is an improvement on positive
statement of a falsehood.
Somewhat similarly a positive statement of
" charlatan " shoild properly be labeled " imo".
Though I have a basis, which you lacked.
Unfair though? The snake story is is of vanishing
credibility and at that rests on divine intervention that
only a Christian would believe.
As a tall tale it makes Paul, or Luke a teller of tall tales.
Which is the charlatan?
I don't " dislike" Paul. Or Joseph Smith.
I just think they are phony, like all the thousands, millions
who do or don't succeed in founding a religion.
Please note that a charlatan is one who falsely
claims special knowledge.
If Paul did not get special "knowledge" from God,
then where besides his own mind did he get it?
Or J Smith?
If no God. then charlatan. Or still could be anyway.
Christianity is sore beset by fakers.
One does not need a god have a vision. But
with no actual God, a vision about a non existent God
is very thin soup.
Finally, your statements about your knowledge that
Paul,was sincere, believed his story would be better
labeled " imo".
And if was sincere, what of it? Unless God is real,
and communicated said " knowledge" to Paul,
he was, yes, a charlatan.
You dont believe it either if you are a pagan, so,
why the disagreement?