"Phobia" as a suffix to a word to denote bigoted, hateful or prejudicial attitudes towards a particular thing has been a standard part of the English language for decades.
Don't be obtuse.
This is part of a language game scam developed by the Left over many decades. They make up new words, to support irrational and even unscientific causes. Other words are then used to make those who disagree, seem like they are the ones with a medical problem. The inflation act had more to do with green energy; word decoy game.
For example, the acclaimed Evolutionary Biologists Richard Dawkins has very recently stated that there are only two sexes. He is loved by the Atheists since he uses science first and is not religious. The current word game, has transgender defined as natural; pseudo science. If you do not go along with this subjective conclusion, it is a pathology or a phobia. One is punished for staying objective via the Lefty word scam.
But in reality, an eminent Evolutionary and Genetic expert; tons of long term data, says that this behavior is the real pathology; subjective. It does not exist as a scientific based genetic hard reality. The goal of the word game is for subjective, to be called objective, and a natural objective reaction against artificial, to be called pathological. It messes with the brain. We need to push back since we are not addressing the real problems and con artists you are fooling the youth. Children need to be taught how to be rational and critical thinkers and not just herd animals following fads as part of a shady agenda.
The term homophobic, never made any sense to me, since why would anyone be afraid of gays and lesbians, since they are mostly nice people, who are often eccentric but creative and fun loving. I always had a more of a smile and humor reaction and always felt comfortable with other creative people. It was never about any objective measure of fear. However, the Left gave me a pseudo-science diagnosis, using their word scam. My reaction to science and evolutionary arguments was label as pathological fear. But it really implied if I do not go along with the Lefty agenda, I had a pathology. I am way beyond therapy and being self actualized. I know fear from common sense. However, they have been quite successful all the way to illegal censorship in government. The crooks found a legal way to steal in the open; using legal language games. That is another story.
The bigger problem is, many dictionaries and search engines are run by Liberals and they are willing accomplishes to the scam. They will reinforce the words of the game, by placing these bad science definitions, near the top of definition lists, as though this is organic and not just a word scam being propped up for search engines. The Left used(s) robots and algorithms to systematically repeat, its own buzz words, over and over, to bump them up to the top of the Goggle and many Dictionary search and relevant lists. You look it up and assume scholarly/objective, but it is there by scam design.
The mistake that the good people make is taking a defensive position, out of respect and out of objectivity, until all the data is in. Many will even accept being called phobic, to make it fair for the "oppressed". Many on the Right, accept the phobia just in case they over judge. The Left does not pause but always goes on offensive and dominates the game that way. While you pause to be open minded, they run over you. They do not care about you, as much as you care about them, since they do not hesitate to get you, while you pause to soul search. Your good nature is used as a weakness by those who run the game.
It is hard to come together as a nation and world when one side is running word scams. Have you ever notice that all the censored words on social media benefits the Left. This advantage is by design. Either both sides should do it, or nobody can do it. We need one set of rules that apply to all; either free speech or equal number of censored words. Just because the Right complains less does not make it hurt less. This who complain all the time; Left, tend to over do it.