My cousin showed me a nude picture he found on the net of a very pretty lady from the waist up. He asked if I thought she was attractive and I said yes. He then scrolled down and there was a dong. He laughed at me as I quickly left.
Is it still sinful even if I was tricked into being temporarily/unknowingly gay?
Nudity was fine with God until Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit of knowledge of the Garden of Eden (having been tempted by the snake, which was cursed to not have arms or legs for his wickedness). I presume that the knowledge was carnal (sex). If I am right, Adam and Eve had embarked upon the path of procreation, and that would have over-populated Eden.
Why, then, would God put such knowledge within their reach? Why would God make men and women with compatible parts that would allow them to mate?
It seems, then, that God set up mankind to sin. Imagine that. . . God set up the conditions for mankind to have original sin. And, what kind of God would blame future generations for the actions of Adam and Eve? Aren't we all supposed to be responsible for our own actions, and not the actions of others? So, generation after generation would be doomed to hell for their original sin, unless they gave their mortal souls over to God, and worshiped God.
If you were attracted to a female body, that is not Gayness, and nothing to be ashamed of. However, we are what we put into ourselves. That is, if we watch violence on TV, it eats away at our souls, bit by bit, in ways that we don't notice, and makes us numb to the effects of violence. So, when one of Satan's minions comes along (like President W. Bush, for example), and declares war on a peaceful nation that was not involved in terrorism, and kills a million of their people (some were soldiers, while others were innocent women and children), then lies about killing them, then uses scare tactics (such as phony Orange Alerts) to scare people into accepting the killings, we no longer have feeling about killing (we're numb).
Ditto, watching porn numbs us to the will of God. We are so dazzled by sexy pictures, that we no longer heed the words of the Lord.
Your question, about looking at dirty pictures, would be banned in many religious forums, but, it is a legitimate question about a common and real religious crisis.
A real Gay might well be violating God's rules (as written in the bible), but lets remember that only God is the judge, and we must not judge. Judge not, lest ye be judged, Jesus said (Sermon on the Mount). We are not supposed to hold anti-Gay rallies. We are not supposed to write against or speak against Gays. The Gay issue is supposed to be entirely in God's hands.
Should we ban violence on TV? No, free speech is fine, but it should be a personal choice to not pollute our souls and psyches with smut and violence.
Virtually every TV channel that you turn on is about some murder mystery, and some gun is firing, or some knife is plunging on every channel that we turn on. It is a cruel and ugly world, but it is within our power to make our version of it sanitized and nice. We could be like a daisy growing on a dung heap.
So lets not burn books (Reverend Savonarolla's Bonfire of the Vanities), lets not outlaw singing and dancing (Puritan), rather, we can have the things of the world and still not be corrupted by them.