I believe that the Trinitarians will win even if the Trinity were not true. The Trinity is of course true, but assuming only that it is wrong, I would say that Trinitarians will still go to paradise. For what does the Father want to say? Does he really want to say to a Trinitarian at the end, "Wait, you believed that my only begotten Son and my Spirit are God as I am? You wicked man! To hell with you!" Never would he say that. He would love it if someone honored his beloved son and spirit like that. But what about Unitarians? If the Trinity is true, then it is a very serious sin not to believe in it, because you would be denying God His deity. Jesus himself said, "If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins"
I think actually it will be the other way around!
If Trinity is true then Unitarians will be just fine like the rest of the believers of any monotheistic religion because Jesus didn't decisively declare that he was God or son of god. He did not try to prove his divine status. He actually did the opposite and tried to conceal it by saying he was just a messenger of God and on his own he can do nothing! So, I think in
a rare scenario where trinity is correct - God should not punish non-believers who did not believe in Jesus' as a deity.
But if Trinity is a fabricated lie then big problem for Trinitarians because I don't believe it will be just a simple case of mistaken identity! Because in my personal opinion it will be failing the test for the second time!
I have written bits here and there but let me try to explain what I personally believe....
I believe God sent us to this world for a specific reason. I personally believe we have a history with God in our soul form. I believe that memory has been erased from our mind by God to facilitate the next step.
In my opinion God created all souls (billions or trillions of them) simultaneously millions of billions of years ago. Everything was fine until we questioned God's absolute authority and asked for proof. I believe that disappointed God. But I believe God did show us the proof!
After that - I believe God decided to give us a second shot at redemption and started to send us to this world one by one so that we can try and redeem ourselves. I believe Angels (who did not question God's absolute authority) remained with God and they did not want us to get a second shot at redemption. But God decided to give us the opportunity anyhow!
So, in this world I believe we are required to adopt a singular God concept in our hearts where we do not put anyone else on the same "standing" as God by any means! This is very important to God!
So, the name of the game is to authenticate and celebrate absolute authority of God and do so without actually being in direct presence of God! In a "setting" like that - regardless of God loving his messenger (Jesus) or not- if we put Jesus on the same 'standing" as God then we may fail the test yet again!