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True Confessions


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
True Confession: I actually believe some folks in this world cannot grasp the subtle difference between using humor to trivialize something and using humor to show the absurdity of something. But I ain't sure any of them folks have participated in this thread. On the contrary, I'm leaning towards Badran's theory that at least one person in this thread actually gets the difference and is simply ignoring it in a twisted attempt to score imaginary points against the Forum Emeritus voted by the Staff, "Emeritus most likely to die while wanking".
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
मैत्रावरुणिः;3624821 said:
However, you are more than welcomed to either ban me or restrict me for merely expressing why I find being "jokingly racist" to be detrimental...

What drama-queen told you to suggest that you would be banned or restricted by me for merely expressing your opinion? Should you really be listening to him or her?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Highlighting the absurdity of things not only serves to make us laugh, but also to see the absurdity in things. Humor, as a tool for communicating ideas, is probably one of the most effective methods for increasing awareness and opening up communcation about issues of the human condition, including social problems.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Highlighting the absurdity of things not only serves to make us laugh, but also to see the absurdity in things. Humor, as a tool for communicating ideas, is probably one of the most effective methods for increasing awareness and opening up communcation about issues of the human condition, including social problems.

Abe Lincoln thought so, but what the hell did he know about communication and persuasion?


Atheist Triple Goddess
oh happiness and joy, the new year starts out with death threats and extreme measures.

... oh wait, that was last year too....i'm old...i forget


Atheist Triple Goddess
I blame Badran. But I always blame Badran, so that might not mean much.
I'm not so picky, if he is good enough for you, I can live with that.
i could of course just blame it on your bad influence, that would work too.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm not so picky, if he is good enough for you, I can live with that.
i could of course just blame it on your bad influence, that would work too.

My bad influence on Badran? But how could that be? I've been conscientiously tutoring him on everything I know. Especially, everything I know about womens.

Come to think of it...he's been spending a lot of time in the corner lately, quietly rocking back and forth while whimpering softly. I never saw him like this before I started tutoring him. Do you think maybe them womens is having a bad influence on him?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I actually have a pretty big problem with involuntarily smiling or laughing at entirely inappropriate times.

I'm worried my daughter has this issue. She's generally pretty good (she's only 5) but when she really gets in trouble, she tends to laugh, or smile, and act in a very silly fashion. It's clearly just a nervous reaction, but I'd love to try and stop her doing it if I can. It's not going to do her any favours at school, I would imagine.

So far the old 'take a deep breath and count to ten' trick seems to have some success in calming her down enough for the smile to disappear and normal communication to resume. Any tips?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Highlighting the absurdity of things not only serves to make us laugh, but also to see the absurdity in things. Humor, as a tool for communicating ideas, is probably one of the most effective methods for increasing awareness and opening up communcation about issues of the human condition, including social problems.

I was trying to find something I read a long time ago for a different thread, and came across this in the process. It seems relevant here...

It has always surprised me how little attention philosophers have paid to humor, since it is a more significant process of mind than reason. Reason can only sort out perceptions, but the humor process is involved in changing them.

Edward de Bono


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I just added de Bono's quote to my signature, Lewis. Thanks so much for posting that!


Atheist Triple Goddess
My bad influence on Badran? But how could that be? I've been conscientiously tutoring him on everything I know. Especially, everything I know about womens.

Come to think of it...he's been spending a lot of time in the corner lately, quietly rocking back and forth while whimpering softly. I never saw him like this before I started tutoring him. Do you think maybe them womens is having a bad influence on him?

why don't you leave the poor slob alone so he can recover from your ministrations?

you should just go on a shortish retreat (7 to 12 years is considered a short stretch around here) to grow that brain you never had a chance to acquire and to learn a few things about communication practices.

If they let you out of your cage occasionally, then i am sure that the womens you come in contact with would appreciate it if you learned how to control that drooling, the overly eager hands in search of something to grab, and that grunting that comes along with it.

think about it and contact me so i can make travel arrangements...those van with re-enforced steel bars are a bit hard to come by on short notice.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I don't think it trivializes it, I think we are just pointing out typical, common racist mind sets through humour, by making fun of the people who think that way. If someone actually seriously thought like this, then we would take it 100% seriously.

Yep. An intellectual knows exactly when to laugh at themselves and not be ashamed of it, because taking oneself too seriously is, you know, what racists do. :D


Premium Member
Sleep well, SG! See you in the morning!

Just got to the office.

Ohaio Gozaimasu :D

No wait, that's not English..

Bonjour :cool:

You are right, I don't even see colour! So I don't know why you were getting so offended for!? Like seriously I think people wake up in the morning and decide to be offended that day.
I don't even care that you are Punjabi or Islam or whatever you people are.

I'm not offended or anything... How did you conclude this?

Oh, it must be my English again :(

Please don't be mad at me like that. I swear didn't mean to be rude.

You misjudge me :(


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Umm a secret about me.. Hmm..
Well this is a bit embarrassing,
But when I'm alone at home and I'm making lunch/dinner
I pretend I'm on a cooking show and explain everything I'm doing in a really serious voice :D

Sometimes I wish I could explain what I was doing while cooking...


Active Member
I confess that when I was a teenager, I refused to enter (hindu) temples, I waited outside while the rest went in. All I had was a statue of buddha in my room

I confess that I cannot dance at all. At all.

I confess that though I've been a vegetarian for many years, sometimes I still long for meat particularly while looking at menu cards

I confess that I have come across an angel. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. We went to the same college. Our eyes met on 3-4 occasions and she had that "won't you say something" look. But I was not settled at that time, I also had one or two questionable friends. Anyway I didn't make a move, not even a cheesy line. But I've never seen a more beautiful woman, if I had to pick someone to play a hindu goddess in a movie, she'd be the one.


RF's pet cat
I confess if I wasn't lazy, I'd probably know around 6 languages and be one of those over achieving people right now... But the reality is that it's not happening. Only in my head.

Also, I confess I'm secretly a cat from outer space, called the Evil Kitteh of Doomz that came to invade the planet and convert it to neko worship.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
No problemo at all. You have your time, but it will cost ya :)

Huh? What? Where? :D

I'll try to figure out where later when my mind is clear :)

You have 6 more days to figure that out. I've already located the place you asked me to find on a map, and it didn't take longer than a couple of minutes (without cheating or using supernatural admin abilities, too).