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True purpose in life


Resident megalomaniac
For me, the statement of the "Two greatest commandments" in the Bible is true no matter what religion one follows. To me, that's everyone's true purpose in life is to do one's best to try to live those principles (knowing that we all stumble and fall just like children stumble and fall when they're learning).


To me, if you want to talk about a "purpose" to life, it is to endeavour to be as kind & compassionate as you can manage.

It can be a real challenge but challenges make life interesting!

Hope you find what you are looking for, Ashley!

All the best.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Can God help me discover my true purpose in life or is it something I must figure out on my own?

I would say God has created each of us to find that purpose. The Purpose is to find our true selves, with the use of free will.

This is where help is needed as choices must be made. What is of Gods Will for us and what is of the earth and mans own will.

To aid in this, God sends His Messengers in each age and gives us Guidance and laws suitable to that age.

The Guidance and Laws from God, for this day we live in, have been given by Baha'u'llah.

It now becomes your choice to look into if this may be the case.

Be well and happy and may all our choices be good. Regards Tony


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I think it says somewhere mans purpose is to believe in the Son Jesus. Since God created everything for Jesus, that would make sense.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
I think the best you can do is live a good life and always ask God for help and guidance at least once a day. You may not realize it but God works through your thoughts and helps you make better decisions, at least that is what God has done for me. In a sense God helps those that help themselves, but if you don't ask for God's help, helping yourself may not be enough.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Can God help me discover my true purpose in life or is it something I must figure out on my own?
The purpose of life is to survive and procreate.

The only reason you're here is because every single one of your ancestors successfully did that in an unbroken line going back 3.8 bn years.

Which shows that the purpose is an evolved one, the result of natural selection, and not some deep Mystery of the Universe.

While you're here you can also have fun doing other things, save the world, watch TV, become famous ─ and it does no harm to lead a life of decency, kindness, generosity and inclusion.


Well-Known Member
Can God help me discover my true purpose in life or is it something I must figure out on my own?
It is fairly simple, even banal to some:
12 I know that there is nothing better for them, than to rejoice, and to do good so long as they live. 13 And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy good in all his labor, is the gift of God. 14 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it; and God hath done it, that men should fear before him.
Micah 6:
8 He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth Jehovah require of thee, but to do justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with thy God?​

Basically, we should live walking in justice, loving kindness and humility. Helping others when in need, rejoicing in living with family and friends, and rejoicing in our work. (though many have work that isn't fun at all, and many have no work) We should stay away from the forbidden things.

If you do this and have a personal relationship in prayer with God, you are living the kind of life we are supposed to. That is, cherishing and taking care of the treasures of the earth we have been given, keeping it in good health and clean from pollution. Christians are also told, that because we have faith, we speak the gospel of salvation in Christ.



"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
The Las Vegas shooter, to site an obvious example.

David T

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You were created to worship GOD alone, which means thank Him regularly for your blessings, health, home, family etc and turn to him when you need help, are down, struggling etc

Your general purpose in life is to be a good person, good to your parents, family, neighbours and mankind in general. Your conduct and actions should make non believers interested in knowing more about your views on purpose of life, and hopefully become believers in God too.
Him... Seems a bit self serving self important, a kind of deep seated insecurity. The ego knows no bounds unless it's dressed in its own clothing. Then it's only bounds is it's elevated itself beyond itself and plays at being a humble servants to of itself!!! Oh looking Islam a day Christianity mutually agree they just disagree who's ego is bigger!!!


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Him... Seems a bit self serving self important, a kind of deep seated insecurity. The ego knows no bounds unless it's dressed in its own clothing. Then it's only bounds is it's elevated itself beyond itself and plays at being a humble servants to of itself!!!
On the contrary, have a look at the Cosmos and just this Planets location within our relatively small Solar System, then contrast that with the Trillions of Galaxies of which Billions dwarf our own. He is the Creator of the Universe, and likely many others like it, and now you see who actually is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We humans have zero worth when you think about it, so any instructions we are given on how to live our lives is actually for OUR benefit alone.


David T

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
On the contrary, have a look at the Cosmos and just this Planets location within our relatively small Solar System, then contrast that with the Trillions of Galaxies of which Billions dwarf our own. He is the Creator of the Universe, and likely many others like it, and now you see who actually is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We humans have zero worth when you think about it, so any instructions we are given on how to live our lives is actually for OUR benefit alone.

Apparently according to traditional religion whether it's Christian or Muslim its outside reality!!!! Not saying mohammed or jesus was so stupid just the followers is all. Mohammed if I am correct said "dont turn me I to a God or a golden calf" , then the followers said later we "will kill you if you golden calf mohammed," which is a golden calf itself. Jesus died a heretic, which eventually his followers began to kill those who were heretics. Oh looked Islam Christianity exactly, identically, confused!!!! So you share with Christians the exact same confusion it's just the details are different and that is all. Literacy, it makes us stupid that's a universal shared commonality. All are guilty all are forgiven.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Apparently according to traditional religion whether it's Christian or Muslim its outside reality!!!! Not saying mohammed or jesus was so stupid just the followers is all. Mohammed if I am correct said "dont turn me I to a God or a golden calf" , then the followers said later we "will kill you if you golden calf mohammed," which is a golden calf itself. Jesus died a heretic, which eventually his followers began to kill those who were heretics. Oh looked Islam Christianity exactly, identically, confused!!!! So you share with Christians the exact same confusion it's just the details are different and that is all. Literacy, it makes us stupid that's a universal shared commonality. All are guilty all are forgiven.
As you say, stupidity is widespread.

David T

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
As you say, stupidity is widespread.
Exactly. Seems we do share, both in confusion and clarity. Brothers are always brothers regardless of what they believe. Family is always family independent of how dysfunctional it becomes. It is not family because it's dysfunctional. Life is always life, independent of being just me. it's bigger than human spend some with a tree. There is a voice in the silence one that we all want to Drown out that speaks to everyone who wants to listen, it's bigger than you and me. It has spoken into time here and there, it's voice becomes letters, and we then battle right there. Like a golden calf it begins to speak, all projection of our own hearts. We turn a deaf ear to the voice prefer reading to our ears. The inability to listen causes us all great harm. Jesus and Mohamed were great listeners, speaking to dead ears. Religion and science agree we live in dead world, dead sun, dead earth dead sky dead dead air dead water. The vision of everything dead, but Mohamed and jesus said false all of life unto death and unto life. Everyone is afraid because all they see is death as a land of milk and honey. Strange deaf ears are they cannot hear thus they cannot see. And they destroy, in hope of being set free.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
According to whom?
According to nature. If you don't survive long enough to breed, then your genes end with you.

And, they say, 99.9% of species that have ever existed no longer exist, which shows you another aspect of the same problem.