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Trump trial proves to be political after all


Not of this world
I offered criticism of then-President Trump for his making off-the-cuff remarks about medical matters (Hydroxychloroquine). Scientists are the only authorities who should be remarking on scientific subjects. Many contributing factors in 2020 handicapped even the scientists and limited a better response that could have mitigated losses of life. We see Republicans scapegoating Dr. Fauci. They are accusing a national hero of being a villain for no good reason.IMO
National heros don't work with a foreign nation that is hostile to the United States to produce a virus that ended up killing millions.
He also wouldn't lie to cover it up.
Amazing what a democrat worships as a "hero".


Not of this world
Very Darwin Award thinking you have there.

The issue isn't whether takling the horse pill will cure Covid, it's that Trump made the claim without any evidence. I have no idea where Trump got the idea of taking horse pills to cure Covid but I do remember medical experts telling citizens not to do it. It's not surprising that more died due to Trump's advice, kostly conservatives not getting vaccinated and dying. Trump was killing his own voters.
And it turns out Trump was correct. Trump trial proves to be political after all


Veteran Member
Trump lost in 2020 because it became clear he is inept and totally unfit to be president. He mismanaged the pandemic. The first mistake he made was disbanding the pandemic response team that Obama created. That was in 2017. When the pandemic happened he was unprepared, and lied about the facts for weeks. The only thing he did right was ask for drug companies to ramp up vaccine production. But he had no national plan, and left decisions up to states which made matters worse since there was no national and uniform policy. He kept lying in hopes Covid would just go away magically. He lied about cures that didn't work. He interfered with experts. He was fired.


Admiral Obvious
Trump lost in 2020 because it became clear he is inept and totally unfit to be president. He mismanaged the pandemic. The first mistake he made was disbanding the pandemic response team that Obama created. That was in 2017. When the pandemic happened he was unprepared, and lied about the facts for weeks. The only thing he did right was ask for drug companies to ramp up vaccine production. But he had no national plan, and left decisions up to states which made matters worse since there was no national and uniform policy. He kept lying in hopes Covid would just go away magically. He lied about cures that didn't work. He interfered with experts. He was fired.
Trump lost the presidency in 2020 because the Electoral College did not override the will of the people like they did in 2016.


Abducted Member
Premium Member
National heros don't work with a foreign nation that is hostile to the United States to produce a virus that ended up killing millions.
He also wouldn't lie to cover it up.
Amazing what a democrat worships as a "hero".
Have you ever checked Fauci's history.? This is not a game to me. I spent 5 hrs yesterday checking different sources for their opinions on Hydroxychloroquine. I deleted my original article about the drug because I thought the study results you posted were more current. Now, I believe you and I made mistakes about when the studies you posted were actually conducted.

Check any Drug Site. Hydroxychloroquine is not recommended to be used to treat Covid-19.

Based on its ongoing analysis of the EUA and emerging scientific data, the FDA determined that hydroxychloroquine is unlikely to be effective in treating COVID-19 for the authorized uses in the EUA; additionally, in light of ongoing serious cardiac adverse events and other potential serious side effects, the known and potential benefits of hydroxychloroquine no longer outweigh the known and potential risks for the EUA.

EUA: Emergency Use Authorization
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Well-Known Member
You and the rest of MAGA see the left as having superhuman ability and the power and will to dominate and abuse Republicans. The left, it seems, can just steal elections and leave no evidence or suffer no repercussions, and the right is powerless to stop them or do it to the Democrats. The left has the power to drag an innocent Republican into court and get him convicted, and the right has to sit for it, unable to expose it or prevent it. And now you have liberals controlling juries' minds in ways that elude Republicans.
The Republicans are the party of law and order. While the Democrats are the party of illusions and criminal conspiracy. This has to do with competence versus an illusion of competence to hide incompetence. When you choose the side of law and order there are limits to what you can do; offensively and defensively. The side of criminality makes up its own rules and will even use mafia tactics to intimidate law abiding citizens with the strong arm of government; treat parents as domestic terrorists to protect child abusive teachers who donate to the DNC.

This is why Trump is appreciated by MAGA. He can and will fight fire with fire and can endure the abuse by the crooks. You say Trump is a crook. What better way to know the ways of crook and fight back. Trump was originally a Democrat and built his business in Manhattan, which was a DNC criminal headquarters. As a A-table Donor he knows all the top crooks, since they all have their hands out, and offered creative criminal solutions such as look the other way. This is why all the charges against Trump, from years ago, did not come to court until he was an immediate threat. Then they reneged on their deal. That is what crooks do. Since all was beyond the statute of limitations they ran a scam trial.

For example, before Trump; 2016, the PC word game that the criminal Democrats had conjured up were designed to interfere with free speech. It was a way to shut down attacks on their scams, before these scam could grow. This tactic was attacked head-on by Trump, by his direct and humorous style, even coining the term fake news to identify the Liberal Propaganda wing within the mainstream media. After that, Conservatives started to fight back resulting in fake new losing audience and market share. CNN is almost belly up. What used to look like journalism, is now seen as the con job it was. Biased and fake news still seems to work on their base, who lack the power of reason. The term PC is now a dinosaur. This is why Trump is loved and needed.

Let me given another example, the Hunter Biden Laptop was known by the FBI, to be real since 2019. The Apple laptop was versified by its Cloud account. That was a year before the election. The FBI foot dragged their analysis and the laptop was buried by the swamp wing of the FBI, which goes high up the ladder. If that aspect of the FBI had been law abiding and not connected to the crooks, Biden would never have been able to run. It would have come out before the primaries, and someone else would have been nominated; maybe Bernie Sanders. The laptop was that damming and an early release would have created the worst damage to the swamp plans.

As the 2020 election drew near, the Republicans still could not get the crooks in the FBI to do their job and publicly verify the laptop, so they had to release the truth to the NY POST. To keep the con job alive, the laptop was illegally censored by the DNC swamp just before the 2020 election. The fake news propaganda wing conspired to run cover repeating the mantra. They even strong armed; extorted, social media to play along. When Musk bought and opened the Twitter books, this so-called alleged scam was proven to be real, but it was still covered up with lies and denial. The system still did not act on it the way a just system would. As system run by crooks is self sealing. To make the con job look even more convincing the DNC mafia had 51 con artist intel crooks from the swamp, sign a document prop, that stated the laptop was fake and just Russian Disinformation. They stole the election with a coverup of crimes.

The law abiding RNC was in handcuffs since they had to go by the book and could not fight the coverup. They had to wait until they won the House to open investigations, since the Swamp would sabotage, foot drag and undermined legal avenues, unless you had the power of the law at the top. Even with that there was foot dragging by the DOJ and FBI, which is still occurring. They had to charge AG Garland with contempt of Congress since other truth was damming to the DNC, and Garland was in charge of that coverup. The laptop is still being denied by their fake new propaganda wing of the DNC, who does not report the true story to their clueless minions, many of which still remain clueless and in denial. The coverup fear now is retribution.

It is not so much superhuman ability, but lawlessness and a large group of conspiring criminal extras, who will push propaganda in social media to help cover up their scams. They even project the evil of their own criminal party, onto the lawful side. The reign of terror is about to end. It is never a fair fight when it is good versus evil, or lawful versus lawless, since evil will lie and cheat and be abusive. Evil will throw sucker punches, but good has turn the other cheek, until it can build a genuine legal case. This is where Trump comes in and why the Left is panicking. The biggest mistake the DNC mafia made, was making it legal to target political opponents in kangaroo courts. The side of law and order can now use this since it is now legal.
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It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Republicans are the party of law and order.
And night is day. The Republicans are the party of insurrection. The Republicans are the party that calls convicted insurrectionist thugs hostages, patriots, and political prisoners. The Republicans are the cabal of convicted felons: Trump’s ‘Team of Felons’ adds the most important member of all The Republicans are attempting to undermine confidence in the legal system just as they have in election integrity.
the Democrats are the party of illusions and criminal conspiracy.
Speaking of which, the fake electors fraud is going to generate a huge number of new Republican felons convicted of conspiracy.
This is why Trump is appreciated by MAGA. He can and will fight fire with fire and can endure the abuse by the crooks.
Not very effectively. Trump will be going to prison if he doesn't regain the White House or drop dead first.
You say Trump is a crook.
So do several courts, judges, and juries. It's people from the "law and order party" that don't want Trump prosecuted for his crimes. That includes you, too, does it not?
They even project the evil of their own criminal party, onto the lawful side.
Your assessment of American politics is nothing like mine. You see criminals where I see patriots and patriots where I see criminals. You probably consider my thinking delusional and dangerous just as I do yours.

The do-nothing House that tries to shut down the government, block aid to allies, and has scuttled the bipartisan border proposal is dangerous. The Supreme Court is dangerous as is the Senate that just scuttled an attempt to impose ethical guidelines on the Court. Trump will be dangerous if he acquires power again. And the tens of millions of Americans like you are dangerous, since you will facilitate that rise to power if you can.


This forum so desperately needs a pontoon frubal....
I've been having enough trouble trying to figure out the general use of the ones already in place. Regardless of the associated word, some uses baffle me. :shrug:


Admiral Obvious
I've been having enough trouble trying to figure out the general use of the ones already in place. Regardless of the associated word, some uses baffle me. :shrug:
I request a pontoon one for posts that are shoveling so much BS youneed a boat to avoid it.
Of course, a chest waders one would also work, but I think a pontoon boat one would be easier to distinguish.


I request a pontoon one for posts that are shoveling so much BS youneed a boat to avoid it.
Of course, a chest waders one would also work, but I think a pontoon boat one would be easier to distinguish.
Waders I would recognize, as I would a shovel. ;)


Not of this world
Trump lost in 2020 because it became clear he is inept and totally unfit to be president. He mismanaged the pandemic. The first mistake he made was disbanding the pandemic response team that Obama created. That was in 2017. When the pandemic happened he was unprepared, and lied about the facts for weeks. The only thing he did right was ask for drug companies to ramp up vaccine production. But he had no national plan, and left decisions up to states which made matters worse since there was no national and uniform policy. He kept lying in hopes Covid would just go away magically. He lied about cures that didn't work. He interfered with experts. He was fired.
So many claims, so little support.


Not of this world
Have you ever checked Fauci's history.? This is not a game to me. I spent 5 hrs yesterday checking different sources for their opinions on Hydroxychloroquine. I deleted my original article about the drug because I thought the study results you posted were more current. Now, I believe you and I made mistakes about when the studies you posted were actually conducted.

Check any Drug Site. Hydroxychloroquine is not recommended to be used to treat Covid-19.

Based on its ongoing analysis of the EUA and emerging scientific data, the FDA determined that hydroxychloroquine is unlikely to be effective in treating COVID-19 for the authorized uses in the EUA; additionally, in light of ongoing serious cardiac adverse events and other potential serious side effects, the known and potential benefits of hydroxychloroquine no longer outweigh the known and potential risks for the EUA.

EUA: Emergency Use Authorization
At the same time though, the "vaccines" that were being pushed also proved ineffective, and it's even been admitted to not even prevent people from getting Covid: The Updated COVID Vaccines Are Here: 9 Things to Know.


Veteran Member
"The Science" (from a .gov perspective) depends upon the narrative of the political party in control at the time.
In October of 2020, Trump was president.
In August of 2021, Biden was president.

I miss Science we were taught before science became politicized. :cool:
No, it doesn't.

Well, it apparently does to you.

But not in actual reality.

Once again, you completely sidestepped a response to the content of the post, in favour of posting some sarcastic remark that doesn't actually address anything, and instead, reveals your deep-seated political bias.