I’m definitely on that bandwagon with you. I personally dislike when a police officer or firefighter is killed in the line of duty in my mid-sized city. Why, the city manager authorizes a virtual closing of the city, bunch of city streets, and cops or firefighters literally come from every state in the nation, thousands of them (organized by the IBPO and the firefighters union, of course) to attend the funerary proceedings. I find it excessive. One must be exposed to signs saying “our heroes”, and similar messages. I don’t really view them as heroes; is the miner who digs coal out of the ground to heat our homes, when he dies in a mine accident, considered a “hero”? No. I view police and fire officials as guys who are getting paid well (for their education level), with great benefits, to do a job regarding which they knew the hazards going in. I see no rationale for a designation of “hero”. But despite my feelings, their avouched heroism is proclaimed for at least some time after their unfortunate deaths.