God has a basis, based on thermodynamic and physics. Science has very few laws, but hundred if not thousands of theories This small hand full of laws trump any theory, if any theory is not consistent with these laws. I am going to prove God through application of the laws of science, and not a second tier theory that is self serving.
The second law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of the universe has to increase over time. While as entropy increases, it absorbs energy. If we put this law together, the second law implies that the useable energy of the universe is decreasing with time, since it is being tied up into entropy, which has to increase over time. Energy is being removed from the universe, tied up into entropy, making it net unusable ever again, since entropy has to increase over time. The second law implies the universe cannot be cyclic since there is not reusable energy for a reversal back to step one. The cyclic universe theory is moot.
Another law of science is the Conservation of Energy. Energy can change expression but it cannot be destroyed. If the universe is losing energy into an entropy increase; second law, even though this energy is tied up and cannot be reused by the material universe, this energy has to be conserved in some other form, since energy can only change form, but it can never be destroyed. What this means is the energy in entropy has to be conserved, but in a form, that is not reusable by the material universe. This energy, tied up as entropy, sounds like the spiritual realms, since it is no longer part of this material realm in terms of energy reuse.
Entropy is considered a state variable meaning for any given state of matter there is a given amount of entropy. Water at 0C and 1 atmosphere of pressure always has the same value of entropy, no matter who measures it and no matter how we reach the final state.
The Big Bang, generated a lot of entropy; complexity, in its early days, the energy of which is conserved, while most of these earlier states are no longer in existence. The conserved energy in entropy remains as information and memories of the past states to satisfy energy conservation. There is a barrier between the two realms; material universe and entropy energy information, since the material realm cannot gain back this energy, even though it is conserved as information of past states of entropy.
Life and humans generate a lot of entropy based on cellular activity. Humans create higher complexity, because of the second law. It makes sense that even these memories will linger in time; energy conservation, but in a realm where it is not fully reusable by the material universe.
This is what was claimed in the bible and most religions, but in different words. I used two laws of science to prove it in a scientific consistent way. To be consistent with the bible, God would need to be the center of this energy based information and memory associated with entropy, This memory is conserved, but not reusable by the material universe.
This should be good news since it implies our energy, connected to the entropy we generate, is conserved as memories in another realm; afterlife? Two laws of science back this claim and should override any theory that says the opposite. QED.