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Turning to G-d does not stall progress of science. Does it ?


Well-Known Member
You have your faith - and that is fine - and I have mine. Without anything more specific from you on what Tiberianism actually is, I'll stick with Islam, thanks!

And without anything more that counts as evidence of what specifically Islam is, I'll stick with the "Jesus Christ was not a Muslim" position, thanks!


Veteran Member
How does one determine whether the Revelation and messenger is true?

One who designs and creates a thing, he knows most accurately about it that it is true. His witnessing is the most accurate and truthful.Right, please?

Allah our G-d has truthfully claimed by Revelation that He is the creator of the Universe and and whatever is in it. Not only He has claimed it but He claims and gives reasons of it. There is no other claimant who has also given reasonable argument in this connection. Right, please?

The Revelations of G-d is most frequently done on to a truthful Messenger/Prophet, who has not doubt in it and the truthful Messenger/Prophet testifies that he has no doubt about it. Right, please?

This Word of Revelation reaches to the followers of the truthful Messenger/Prophet through him and it is his duty that it reaches to his followers so that they also know their G-d. Right, please?

The systems in this Word of Revelation or Word of G-d are such that it convinces one heart and soul that its contents are truthful, further these systems that fall under the religious domain are in likeness of the systems that exist in the Universe in physical and material domain.One gets confident that the author of the Quran or the Word of G-d and the creator of the Universe or the Work of G-d is One-Being, and none else. Right, please?

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One who designs and creates a thing, he knows most accurately about it that it is true. His witnessing is the most accurate and truthful.Right, please?
A creator certainly knows that the thing exists, but their might be truth about the creation that the create did not intend or expect, which means that the creator might also be limited in knowledge.

Allah our G-d has truthfully claimed by Revelation that He is the creator of the Universe and and whatever is in it. Not only He has claimed it but He claims and gives reasons of it. There is no other claimant who has also given reasonable argument in this connection. Right, please?
What are these reasonable arguments? And how do you conclude what is reasonable about stuff that we cannot examine, as what is reasonable or not is dependent on our knowledge of the world?

The Revelations of G-d is most frequently done on to a truthful Messenger/Prophet, who has not doubt in it and the truthful Messenger/Prophet testifies that he has no doubt about it. Right, please?
There have been many different people from many different religions, even ones which we know aren't true and contradict the other religions, who claim that they have no doubt in what they claim God told them. If that is the case how does a messengers lack of doubt validate his message?

This Word of Revelation reaches to the followers of the truthful Messenger/Prophet through him and it is his duty that it reaches to his followers so that they also know their G-d. Right, please?
I would say that that is a possible conclusion but not necessarily so. For instance, if God wants to reveal certain info to the messenger and not the rest of his followers.

The systems in this Word of Revelation or Word of G-d are such that it convinces one heart and soul that its contents are truthful, further these systems that fall under the religious domain are in likeness of the systems that exist in the Universe in physical and material domain.One gets confident that the author of the Quran or the Word of G-d and the creator of the Universe or the Work of G-d is One-Being, and none else. Right, please?

There seem to be a few assumptions in your statement:

1. There is a God
2. He has communicated the truth to mankind
3. That we know what this book is and who the messengers he communicated through are
4. That what this God told his messenger is true

We would need to prove these points first


Veteran Member
Most non-Muslims tke the word Muslim as to mean someone following the religion of Islam, which includes the belief that Muhammad was the last & final prophet as per the sha'ada.
People like Moses, Jesus, Adam etc did not follow the Islamic religion as per today,although they do fulfil the emboldened above., but there certainly didn't say the sha'ada.

So my point is that saying to non-Muslims that these people were Muslims is a little disingenuous when conversing with non-Muslims.

ETA So under your definition above, Jews & Bahais, who also claim to be submitting to God, are also Muslims? Right?:)
Moses, Jesus and Adam are world figures, nobody has any patented rights over them. We Muslims have the same right on Adam, Moses and Jesus to speak about them on the basis of Quran/Islam/Muhammad as do others have from NT-Bible or OT-Bible. We say that they are Muslim, I understand, as clearly mentioned in Quran about the messenger/prophets. Right, please?



Well-Known Member
Moses, Jesus and Adam are world figures, nobody has any patented rights over them. We Muslims have the same right on Adam, Moses and Jesus to speak about them on the basis of Quran/Islam/Muhammad as do others have from NT-Bible or OT-Bible. We say that they are Muslim, I understand, as clearly mentioned in Quran about the messenger/prophets. Right, please?


It is sad why you don't understand why it is confusing for many people.


The Lost One
If you believe in God and believe He created all things, then science is a way of learning about God. The problem with scientists is that they want to see "proof" of what they see and God is not visible so they leave God out of the study of science.
“Evidence”, lostwanderingsoul.

Scientists seek “evidence”, not “proof”.

Proofs, to scientists and mathematicians, are logical or mathematical statements, like equations or formulas or metrics/constants.

For instances, I = V / R and F = m a and E = m c^2 are proofs, not evidence.

Proofs are abstract and mathematical solutions. Proofs are often included and used as predictive models to the explanations.

Evidence are real-world solutions that are observable and measurable and with enough data attained from empirical evidence that can (A) either VERIFY explanations/predictions being true, or (B) REFUTE them as false.

Proofs deal with logical possibilities.

Evidence, on the other hand, deal with the quantity of evidence that can be observed, measured or tested, all of the above, and provide analysis and conclusion of whether explanatory models are (A) “probable” (ie verified) or (B) “improbable” (ie refuted).


The Lost One
Moses, Jesus and Adam are world figures, nobody has any patented rights over them. We Muslims have the same right on Adam, Moses and Jesus to speak about them on the basis of Quran/Islam/Muhammad as do others have from NT-Bible or OT-Bible. We say that they are Muslim, I understand, as clearly mentioned in Quran about the messenger/prophets. Right, please?


These are merely assertions from one source that are biased towards one’s religion or belief.

And you have the rights to believe what you believe.

But if being “Muslim” means following the Qur’an, following Islam and following Muhammad as the last prophet, then the other two sources of beliefs, wouldn’t agree with your assumptions that Adam, Moses and Jesus are Muslims.

Heck, Jews wouldn’t accept Jesus any more than they would accept Muhammad or Baha’ullah or Joseph Smith as their prophets.