Really?! So tragic!!
You are talking about the psychological effects on Jewish kids because of some primitive rockets, what about those kids who witnessed the slaughter of their parents? what about that little boy standing alone in front of a tank! What about the huge number of kids who are killed in a cold blood! What about those kids who have no shelter, no home, and living under blockade?!
Oh yeah they are not jewish kids, that's why no one should care!!!
Why should someone Jewish care when your own Arabs, with billions of dollars from oil don't. (We Jews always help each other!!!).
Firing rockets in to another country caries a big responsibility, so if you do it, don't complain when someone responds back, if you can't handle being responsible for your actions, stop firing.
All this stories a little kid in front of a tank, or killed in called blood (where are the pictures, links, articles) is so tragic as tragic as to you the psychological effect of the Israeli kids.
If I would grow up with no home, trust me I wouldn't blame my neighbor but I would have questions to my parents. Or if I'm a believer I would look to G-D and think what wrong have
I done.