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UN rights body condemns Israel


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The UN Human Rights Council on Thursday passed a resolution condemning Israel's military action in the Gaza Strip.

The resolution says Israeli incursions into the Palestinian territory inflicted collective punishment on the civilian population. It also calls for Palestinian rocket fire into Israel to be stopped.

The resolution was approved by 33 votes to one. Thirteen members of the 47-nation rights body abstained.

The resolution expressed ''shock at the Israeli bombardment of Palestinian homes and the killing of civilians ... inflicting collective punishment against the civilian population.''

It also called ''for the immediate cessation of all Israeli military attacks throughout the occupied Palestinian territory and the firing of crude rockets ... which resulted in the loss of two civilian lives and some injuries in southern Israel.''


FINALLY! :cover:


well its surely not surprising is it ,It also calls for Palestinian rocket fire into Israel to be stopped.

they just keep firing rockets untill Israel retaliates usually with an iron fist and bask in the condemnation. and by they i mean the likes of Hamas and Islamic jihad


Veteran Member
Premium Member
well its surely not surprising is it ,It also calls for Palestinian rocket fire into Israel to be stopped.

they just keep firing rockets untill Israel retaliates usually with an iron fist and bask in the condemnation. and by they i mean the likes of Hamas and Islamic jihad

They are doing it because Israel is building more settlement and steal more lands from it's original people. Why on earth would they fire rocket if they didn't want for Israel to stop stealing more lands?


Religious Zionist
but the rockets are coming from Gaza not the West Bank, and we're not building anything in Gaza, in fact the rockets have been falling from there since the moment we left, so i fail to see any connection except violence fueled by nothing more than blind hate.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Israel is one of us. UN resolutions don't really apply to us.


but the rockets are coming from Gaza not the West Bank, and we're not building anything in Gaza, in fact the rockets have been falling from there since the moment we left, so i fail to see any connection except violence fueled by nothing more than blind hate.

Hmmm, i didn't know that the people in Gaza and the West Bank are two different people!

Anyway, thank you for admitting what Israel is doing to the palestinians for the first time.

And hate? what hate? this is a delusion and a lie which has been planted in the minds of Jews in Israel since they are children. Arabs don't hate Jews and they have no reason for doing so. Wake up, WWII has finished. If we do hate you no Jew would ever existed today because the Muslims protected Jews when they were being killed around the world in the past and you know that well. What hate are you talking abou, jewscout? what hate for God's sake?

They were all living together and prophet Mohammed himself get married with a Jew!!!

Please think again before giving up for the propaganda if you were really looking for the truth, not just dishonest responses. I thought you stopped your old techniques and attempts to trigger the same emotions and feelings the world had for jews in WWII.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Hmmm, i didn't know that the people in Gaza and the West Bank are two different people!

Anyway, thank you for admitting what Israel is doing to the palestinians for the first time.
It's always nice to hear that the Palestinians are without any blame whatsoever. Oddly, I always thought it takes two to tango. Apparently not.

And hate? what hate? this is a delusion and a lie which has been planted in the minds of Jews in Israel since they are children. Arabs don't hate Jews and they have no reason for doing so. Wake up, WWII has finished. If we do hate you no Jew would ever existed today because the Muslims protected Jews when they were being killed around the world in the past and you know that well. What hate are you talking abou, jewscout? what hate for God's sake?
Gosh, I do LOVE your Muslim sense of humor as you can't possibly be serious. It is hilarious to think that Jews would thank Muslims for pretty much anything.

They were all living together and prophet Mohammed himself get married with a Jew!!!
It is rather likely that he did so for political gain. I doubt very much that love entered into the picture at all... so the point is?

Please think again before giving up for the propaganda if you were really looking for the truth, not just dishonest responses. I thought you stopped your old techniques and attempts to trigger the same emotions and feelings the world had for jews in WWII.
Presumably that would include the Muslim world too or were they not a part of this world at the time.

If you can, answer me two questions.
1. Why exactly does Israel not have any right to a homeland in precisely the location that Israel is in? If Palestinians deserve a homeland, then it would be reasonable to conclude the another indigenous people of the region would also have claims to their own homeland.
2. Just what, precisely, are Muslims doing to help Palestinians? The last time I checked, Muslims were simply milking the misery of the Palestinian people without lending them any real aid whatsoever.

In regards to the OP, the United Nations is a corrupt body that no longer is relevant in our world. The previous General Secretary of the UN, in my opinion, was quite successful in removing the last vestiges of respect from that once noble body. I wonder who bribed the officials to get them to get around to passing this resolution?




Hmmm, i didn't know that the people in Gaza and the West Bank are two different people!

Anyway, thank you for admitting what Israel is doing to the palestinians for the first time.

And hate? what hate? this is a delusion and a lie which has been planted in the minds of Jews in Israel since they are children. Arabs don't hate Jews and they have no reason for doing so. Wake up, WWII has finished. If we do hate you no Jew would ever existed today because the Muslims protected Jews when they were being killed around the world in the past and you know that well. What hate are you talking abou, jewscout? what hate for God's sake?

They were all living together and prophet Mohammed himself get married with a Jew!!!

Please think again before giving up for the propaganda if you were really looking for the truth, not just dishonest responses. I thought you stopped your old techniques and attempts to trigger the same emotions and feelings the world had for jews in WWII.

abu Khalid

i am glad to see that you have no hatred for jews but thats not the impression i get from palestinian media , and cartoons etc from the arab world portraying them as sons of pigs , Nazis etc, its these WW11 type propoganda techniques that enrage Israelis and give them a siege mentality.

gazans and the west bank may not be different people but they have different leaders Hamas in Gaza is still continuing to attack Israel, poking the tiger at the expense of the palestinian people the west is desperately waiting to help but Hamas is the stumbling block to peace


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's always nice to hear that the Palestinians are without any blame whatsoever. Oddly, I always thought it takes two to tango. Apparently not.

Are you kidding me?

You want me to blame the palestinians and support the well organized Israeli criminals supported by the US?

No, i won't blame the palestinians because they are oppressed and their lands have been stolen from them as it still being so until today.

I wish to see you whine one day a country comes to kick you out of your house and country to make you FEEL the pain.

Gosh, I do LOVE your Muslim sense of humor as you can't possibly be serious. It is hilarious to think that Jews would thank Muslims for pretty much anything.

Some of them do, but you wouldn't, if you were a jew.

It is rather likely that he did so for political gain. I doubt very much that love entered into the picture at all... so the point is?

We don't hate Jews and we have no reason to do so.

Presumably that would include the Muslim world too or were they not a part of this world at the time.

If you can, answer me two questions.
1. Why exactly does Israel not have any right to a homeland in precisely the location that Israel is in? If Palestinians deserve a homeland, then it would be reasonable to conclude the another indigenous people of the region would also have claims to their own homeland.

Excuse me? you are talking about whom when you say other people who have claims to own homeland?

That land is a palestinian one, not a Jewish one. The Israli government found for jews scattered all around the world stolen lands to live at.

2. Just what, precisely, are Muslims doing to help Palestinians? The last time I checked, Muslims were simply milking the misery of the Palestinian people without lending them any real aid whatsoever.

How on earth will the aid reach them when they don't have proper boarders?
For God's sake, they didn't have even electricity lately. Israel almost control everything there and if the US wasn't there for Israel, the muslims would have kicked the zionests long time a go. ;)

I wonder who bribed the officials to get them to get around to passing this resolution?



Veteran Member
Premium Member
abu Khalid

i am glad to see that you have no hatred for jews but thats not the impression i get from palestinian media , and cartoons etc from the arab world portraying them as sons of pigs , Nazis etc, its these WW11 type propoganda techniques that enrage Israelis and give them a siege mentality.

The same can be said about many jews, kai.

gazans and the west bank may not be different people but they have different leaders Hamas in Gaza is still continuing to attack Israel, poking the tiger at the expense of the palestinian people the west is desperately waiting to help but Hamas is the stumbling block to peace

No kai, there is no peace as we know it. Israel wants its own version of the so called *peace* or there will be never something called peace in the region. The palestinians tried to negtioate but when everything failed, people were so frustrated that they had no choice but to elect hamas in the hope that she will offer something for them, even if it was just a sense of dignity.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You may or may not have noticed, but I recall a certain group calling for the entire other side's destruction.

Destruction of what?

Of Jews, Israel, or what? Don't over-simplify this issue please. You have to be specific when you mention this issue.


Moved on
Are you kidding me?

You want me to blame the palestinians and support the well organized Israeli criminals supported by the US?

No, i won't blame the palestinians because they are oppressed and their lands have been stolen from them as it still being so until today.

I wish to see you whine one day a country comes to kick you out of your house and country to make you FEEL the pain.
Whoa whoa whoa! Are you trying to justify the rockets flying into Israeli civilians here?


Well-Known Member
the sad thing here is that all the Big Three religions in the region (Judaism,Christianity, Islam) teach patience, love, extending a hand of friendship to ones enemy, that justice is given to God alone, etc.----and yet this blood feud and killing continues. in my view none are innocent, if they were they would not have a weapon in their hands at all. the israelis were perhaps foolish for giving up Gaza to the palestinians,it was after all an important strategic buffer against this type of rocket attack.

If the arabs had any real interest in helping the palestinians though, why did the kingdom of Jordan kick them all out? --could it be because they tried to take over the gov't there?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Are you kidding me?

You want me to blame the palestinians and support the well organized Israeli criminals supported by the US? No, i won't blame the palestinians because they are oppressed and their lands have been stolen from them as it still being so until today.
This insistance that the lands are "stolen" is absurd. A very large chuck of Israel was bought and paid for by Jews prior to the formation of Israel. The rest of the areas were either granted by the League of Nations after the war or "won" outright in conflicts with her "peace loving" Arab neighbors. Isreal even returned a rather large, worthless, chunk of land back to Egypt after one of their cross country engagements, so what is the problem? The simple reality is the victor in a given battle, as surely Muslims MUST understand, decides the fate of those in the captured areas. Whining and pleading about these social realities is actually somewhat moot. If you could enlighten me as to where my facts are wrong, I'd love to hear it.

Aside from this, as Muslims know fully well, a Jewish kingdom existed long before anyone had ever heard of Islam and her esteemed "messenger".

I wish to see you whine one day a country comes to kick you out of your house and country to make you FEEL the pain.
I will not wish the same on you, my friend. Is that part of the good old Muslim sense of humanity at play here? That others should suffer because they dare to think differently from "learned" Muslims?

But since you brought it up, Abu, you are a Saudi. What could you possibly know of the pain and suffering of Palestinians? Speak honestly, for I am all ears. It is unlikely that you have ever experienced anything like it. Right now, you are wealthy enough to study in KL, something well beyond the means of most and you assume you know the "on the ground" feeling of what Palestinians are going through. Please. Don't play me for a fool. Other than ranting on a relatively meaningless backwater Internet forum, what are YOU actually doing about the plight of Palestinians. Are YOU doing anything at all?

Some of them do, but you wouldn't, if you were a jew.
It rather sounds like you are admitting that only some crazy people would thank Muslims for all their brutality over the centuries. Is that about right?

We don't hate Jews and we have no reason to do so.
Oddly, that is NOT the impression I get from your run of the mill Muslim, nor is it the impression I get from the run of the mill Muslim Internet site. You can hardly be described as bossom buddies. Your own scriptures villify Jews and so by default that villification is part of the Muslim mindset. Spare me the denial. It is quite ok to not like people.

Excuse me? you are talking about whom when you say other people who have claims to own homeland?
Specifically Palestinians and Jews. Both are indiginous to the area, so what, pray tell, is the problem?

That land is a palestinian one, not a Jewish one. The Israli government found for jews scattered all around the world stolen lands to live at.
Would you rather that Adolf Hitler had won WW2? I am rather sure he would have treated Muslims with as much love and respect that he showed the Jews.

How on earth will the aid reach them when they don't have proper boarders? For God's sake, they didn't have even electricity lately. Israel almost control everything there and if the US wasn't there for Israel, the muslims would have kicked the zionests long time a go. ;)
Dear Abu, you have not actually thought this through very much, have you. For starters, I will go by the assumption that you actually mean "borders" as, factually speaking, Palestinians do not own any land that could be sub-letted to "boarders". It is an amusing faux pas, nontheless. Of all the places to make a "Freudian slip", lol.

Now, listen up, you can thank me for the advise later, as I am about to give you a lesson in the psychology of geopolitical relationships.

1. By doing nothing and claiming nothing can be done simply reinforces the doom the Palestinians have in their future. They are cried for, hands are wrung, fists are shaken, but still, they are left to fend for themselves.

2. The world, at large, notices that Muslim nations are NOT being especially helpful in finding a solution simply because they insist on somewhat unrealisitic goals. Muslim nations are quite inflexible in the attitudes towards Israel and are in fact looked on as being hostile to Israel. Given that Israel owes its permanence, originally at least, to the "Western allies", hostility towards Israel is perceived as being hostility towards those same "Western allies".

3. The fortunes gained by Middle eastern countries are due to the infusion of mind-bogglingly large sums of cash from "Western" coffers. The life you and other rich Arab nations is paid for largely by "non-Muslim" (infidel) dollars. Without our enormous wealth you would still be a quaint folk wandering about the deserts and we probably would not hear very much about Islam or care in the slightest about Muslim sentiments on any topic. Muslims may very well conclude that this vast infusion of wealth is the "will of Allah" but in reality, it is because of the needs of Western technology. The "will of Allah" seems to apply to Muslims only when things are going good and when they are going badly, such as in the Middle east for the last decades it is somehow Western imperialism, oppression and somehow NOT the "will of Allah".

4. Back to point one, and here is the advice... If Muslims nations TRIED to physically offer aid to Palestinians on HUMANITARIAN grounds, politically speaking, Israel would look VERY bad in turning that much needed aid away. Are you getting what I am saying? If this happened once or twice, the world would not pay attention! After a few years of Israel consistently turning away medical aid, food aid and all manner of sundries destined or earmarked for the Palestinians, the world WOULD begin to notice and they would begin to judge Israel for being so callous.

We would, out of simple human compassion, begin to recognize the unflagging efforts of Muslim nations to help this sorely oppressed Palestinians. Given enough time, world opinion would force Israel into a corner. If you think I am kidding, you might want to actually try to do this and prove me wrong.

Granted this amounts to putting your money where your mouth is, but I know human nature very well, Abu and you have my utmost assurance that this PEACEFUL, non-military effort would bring your imagined foe to their collective knees within a generation -- if not sooner. But... you are not willing to do this, I'd wager.

Have you ever heard the expression, "Kill them with kindness"?


excellent point Paul
where are the convoys of medical supplies etc waiting at the borders from the Arab states that Israel refuses to let in? now that would be a coup for the Arabs the western media would tear Israel to pieces over it. guns and rockets seem to find their way in but not food or medical supplies so desperately needed, the Arab league are meeting right now, It would be easy! or even better send ships lots of them all full of aid have them stuck their waiting for the Israelis to let them unload

they could name one EXODUS


Religious Zionist
Hmmm, i didn't know that the people in Gaza and the West Bank are two different people!

Anyway, thank you for admitting what Israel is doing to the palestinians for the first time.
that's funny i've never denied that settlements existed in the West Bank nor have i ever expressed support for or against their existance so i don't see how i am or am not admitting anything new.

And hate? what hate? this is a delusion and a lie which has been planted in the minds of Jews in Israel since they are children. Arabs don't hate Jews and they have no reason for doing so. Wake up, WWII has finished. If we do hate you no Jew would ever existed today because the Muslims protected Jews when they were being killed around the world in the past and you know that well. What hate are you talking abou, jewscout? what hate for God's sake?

lets see...the Rambam and his family along w/ many other jews were forced from their homes in Spain by Muslims, the Yemenite jews have for centuries be expelled over and over again from their homes and by the beginning of the 20th century most jews in the Arab world were living in the equivialent of Ghettos, not to mention the murderous riots which followed the resounding defeat of the Arab armies in 1948 which cost the lives of hundreds of Sefardi jews living in the Arab world causing some 600,000 to flee into refugee camps in the newly formed State of Israel. There are a number of instances in which the jews were persecuted by the Muslim world, tho not in the frequency and severity of those living in Christian Europe. I've admitted it was better but don't give me this ridiculous propoganda that the muslim world has made itself believe so that they can garnish sympathy from the rest of the world. If you were really that noble you would use the BILLIONS in oil money to help the Palestinians instead of making our weak and fragile economy deal with the problem the arab world started.

but what i was talking specifically about was Hamas, whose charter calls all Jews around the world the great enemy of Islam and the Muslim people, something which has been posted on this forum a number of times, and not just by yours truely.

They were all living together and prophet Mohammed himself get married with a Jew!!!

Please think again before giving up for the propaganda if you were really looking for the truth, not just dishonest responses. I thought you stopped your old techniques and attempts to trigger the same emotions and feelings the world had for jews in WWII.

i would say the same thing to you. It's the same stuff over and over again. You talk about how wonderful life was for jews under muslim rule, but the fact of the matter is it wasn't all peaches and cream. And this little refugee problem wouldn't have been a problem if the armies of the Arab world hadn't attempted mass genocide.

And this is why arguments like this drive me crazy because it becomes nothing more than an exercise in "Persecution Olympics".

Perhaps, getting back to the OP, the UN should spend more time dealing w/ the MILLIONS dying of persecution, genocide and starvation who have no way of helping themselves instead of the Palestinians who recieve Billions of dollars in International aid yet for some reason can't get the mail delivered. And only a blind ignorant fool who gives themselves over completely to propaganda would lay the blame at the doorstep of Israel alone without taking a good long hard look in the mirror.