If I see a beautiful garden, do I assume there is no gardener?
Tell me what things you use each day that exist for no reason and have no purpose. Tell me what things you use for work that were not designed by someone for a specific task. Did the components of these things just come together by accident? Even a simple mousetrap needs someone with a measure of intelligence to put those pieces together to accomplish the task it was meant to perform.
Design needs a designer....even the simple ones need competent assembly or they don't work.
Beauty is useless without the brain capacity to appreciate it. When was the last time you observed a dog or a cat or a cow admiring the sunset or a beautiful vista? They have sight, but beauty means nothing to them.
Food is nothing without taste...taste is nothing without flavor. Taste buds are not a survival mechanism. We could all be eating grass, but we have an amazing variety of foods with as many flavors as you can imagine. All designed for enjoyment, not just our survival.
Music requires ears to hear and a portion of the brain to appreciate and process it. Music exists because humans have the capacity to create instruments to make it. It has a written language all its own so that other musicians can read and duplicate the melody. There is no survival advantage in music or any other creative activity, so where did this amazing capacity come from? Just a mindless series of amazing co-incidences? Really?
All our senses work together in perfect harmony, as do all the various systems that promote life in our bodies.....but they did not require a purposeful intelligence to put them together?
Do you believe that the universe was just an accident too? You you purport to understand it?
You can believe in the series of fortunate accidents if you wish.....it is complete nonsense to me.