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Understanding Past Lives


Citizen Mod
Hell, if you wanna give yourself a good start in a following life, hide a truckload of money somewhere, and dig it up when you can in the next life...:p

I did read one story about a child who detailed a life on a nearby island (from the U.K. if memory serves), and when him and his parents (may have been a therapist also) visited the place he was basically able to take them on a tour around the village, knowing exactly where key things were, including the location of the house he once lived in.

Though I can't remember where I read that, it was some time ago, and my memory is rather hazy on this one, I could be completely wrong...
I remember this remarkable incident too but I saw someone do a story of it on TV (I think it was Unsolved Mysteries). This child was one of the very few who remembered their past life in vivid detail.
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Its only a Label
Friend Cardero,
There are *N* number of such incidents that are regularly reported in India.
It only confirms that humans have evolved. We do have rebirths.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
I have met with my oversoul,a long line of *template* me's & all had a tale to tell.Mainly we just partied,swapping stories,drinking,playing dominoes......ah,the night I first fell out with the keeper of my Akashic.



Well-Known Member
When i was 9 years old we stayed in a cottage owned by a freind of my Fathers(hope you are not bored yet) there was a river at the bottom of the garden and i headed straight for it with my fishing rod.
My Mother and my 3 Sisters went in to unpack,when i came back from fishing they said there was only 2 Bedrooms(i'll get there in a minute)but i said there are 3 and went upstairs straight to a bedroom and told my Sisters there is a door behind the walldrobe and there was a room that had been unused full of cobwebs and dust.
I had never been to that cottage before so how did i know,i also knew my way to a Pub or Inn,and a Farm and i was familiar with the surroundings,i thought it was weird then and later on in life i saw a documentary on regression and thought of that time at the cottage and the strange thing is i have wanted to go back to it for years.

Wow... that is really neat.

I have thought for a while now that my past life was in the 1940. I love that certain time in history. I was watching an old black and white film from the 1950's and actually said to myself, "Gosh, I really miss those times." I have always gotten emotional because of thinking of wanting to go back in time. The people just seemed so happy. The clothing they wore was also really elegant and lovely. It's too bad I can't get away with dressing like that now. lol


Well-Known Member

Does this constitute evidence of past lives?

Could hypnotic regression really help us to realize who we once were in a past life?

How does someone recall in detail about a time they have never been to; a person they have never met; a death they have never witnessed; a friend that died before they were born?

If no other value could be established to knowing other lifetimes could an understanding of past lives at least help to alleviate our fears, pains or other medical symptoms?

It is my belief that we are fourth dimensional beings who are capable of traveling into our past, and that it is possible, in a state of deep meditation, or under hypnosis, for a mind or spirit such as yourself to descend to the depths within the innermost sanctuary of your being and pass through the dimensionless point and to regress along the genetic thread of life and merge with the mind of an ancient ancestor, (Not with the dead, but with the living).

And from your own point in time in the present, you are able to describe the building wherein your ancestor IS dwelling somewhere in your long dead past, plus the events of the day as they occurred in the past while you are merged with the mind of your ancient ancestor.

While merged with the mind of your ancestor, I believe that it is possible for you to speak in a strange tongue and express all this information in the tongue of your ancient ancestor, a language which is totally unfamiliar to you. This being possible, then you too may receive a visitation from one of your as yet unborn descendants, who in their point in space-time may regress along the genetic thread of life which joins us all to the Alpha?

Could one who has been given the sovereignty of Time and Space, who, knowing the exact date of certain catastrophic events, descend through time to merge with and awaken his ancestors to the coming catastrophe? Is there anyone who can say, “Before Abraham was in the past, I am in the present?”

From the Kingdom of God within me I heard a distant cry
A voice from my past was calling from the wilderness hot and dry
So I sank to the depths to reach him and my efforts were not in vain
For we merged and I sang from his future the song that eased his pain
And he heard and he felt my presence as he sank into rest sublime
Assured that his saviour existed in the future somewhere in time
And as he closed his eyes in rest, these words were heard so dim
“Forgive me child for tempting you and causing you to sin.”

In earlier times from deep within, I’d heard another cry
A voice from my future was calling from a world somewhere on high
And I heard and I sensed his presence as he prayed to his God within
While he begged me not to tempt him and to deliver him from sin
For our future’s sake, I now am watchful of everything I do
And I call to all my brethren who live in His dead past too
Don’t let our child of the future endure the terrible end
For it’s we who are his tempter, It’s we who make him sin........ By S-word

Come travel with me on a journey through time
Not in some capsule, but with our minds
To the inner most sanctuary will we descend
To that single cell from which your body began
In the Holy of Holies where all is one
Where all of space and time is joined
We’ll mingle there with other minds
From other lands in other times
Minds of the past who seem dead and gone
And minds of the future who are yet unborn
For they in their time, whether here on the world
Or some distant planet to which they’ve been lured
Will enter his inner most sanctuary too
And there perhaps, they’ll merge with you
Ah! To travel through space in the wink of an eye
Merged with your child on some world way up high
And if this is but madness? Then madness it be
But come my mad brothers, come, follow me.....By S-word
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Maybe they are useful but one may not know which page of the book it is going to open and all pages may not be useful. So a great risk remains there.
I am in 100% agreement with you on this, my friend. Such an undertaking is not for the faint of heart and as you so wisely point out, the information uncovered may not be very helpful. Personally, I would never submit to hypnotherapy to do such a thing.

Besides those who are on the path of enlightenment need not go back because it is only by being HERE-NOW that one becomes enlighetend.
I agree again, 100%. In my view, all the answers you need are HERE, NOW... not There, then... as it were. Besides, these are NOT "past" lives, in my opinion, as I would suggest that they exist in their own present.

Personally alawys take it that ONe needs to cross the river when it comes this way one is atleast conscious of what is happening and is not sudden.
Precisely, my goodness, you are "hot" tonight, Zenzero. ;) If such "memories" -- although that is not really what they are -- impinge on your awareness in a natural way these "bleed-throughs" can be quite fascinating and informative. You have conscious control over what is happening and are not, for instance, at the mercy of a curious therapist. These "bleed-throughs" can occur in either the dreams state, in meditation or in normal waking consciousness. The first and third instances can easily be "tossed off" as "just a dream" or a bout of weird "daydreaming" whereas in the 2nd case, one if fully conscious throughout. Such instances can be a bit unsettling because they can be very intense, as if you are drawn into a movie already in progress and you are the lead character. The first time it happened to me I was struck by the strangeness of it all, but also, how everything was vaguely familiar... then again, what else would you expect?

Surely on the path to nirvana one will have to be totally conscious where all his past lives will open on its own accord

and Mahavira the Jain tirthankar or buddha was said to have recalled his past 500 lives or so since he was a tree till his last birth as Mahavira.
AH, the 1000 petalled lotus of the final incarnation.
Om mani padme hum...
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Tu Stultus Es
something people need to know is that during hypnosis, yes a person can recall with GREAT DETAIL a memory they previously were not conscious of, but this memory has often shown to be constructed.

just because it is very detailed and seems very real, certainly does not mean that it is.
Well put. Memories are not static things, they can be manipulated and distorted based on a variety of factors. When it comes to reincarnation, there exists absolutely no compelling evidence to support it. Claims of past lives tend to be examples of cryptomnesia and confirmation bias. Ian Stevenson's research is the best thing going for reincarnation research, which is not saying a lot since his analysis yielded nothing substantial and the data he collected in India may have been fraudulent (Dr. Stevenson's interpreter was accused of "embellishing" the claimants tales).
What were the YouTube videos of?


Well-Known Member


Does this constitute evidence of past lives?

Could hypnotic regression really help us to realize who we once were in a past life?

How does someone recall in detail about a time they have never been to; a person they have never met; a death they have never witnessed; a friend that died before they were born?

If no other value could be established to knowing other lifetimes could an understanding of past lives at least help to alleviate our fears, pains or other medical symptoms?

If the estimated 6.80 billion humans who live on earth today, go back to their previous lives in 1,000,000 B.C. which previous lives you seem to be insinuating that we all had, this would mean that the bodies they existed in were not human and would support the theory of evolution, the slow progression through the many stages of life that the singularity that was in the beginning has gone through.