"... the rest of the world ... "
Yes, those who disagree have a different version of history. "The rest of the world" which is anti-zionist is a minority not unlike flat-earthers.
Just this morning on NPR, I heard an interview with a
Palestinian girl, Alma, who was buried under rubble
from an Israeli bomb for several hours. After her
rescue, she then found her 18 month old brother,
whom the IDF had just decapitated.
The article went on to say that Israeli news doesn't
cover such things. Only brave IDF soldiers fighting
Hamas. Israeli media employ propaganda & ignorance
to ease tolerance genocide & mass starvation.
The difference between zionism and holocaust denial is that zionism is strongly supported by evidence. Holocaust denial is not.
Zionism is an agenda, as was Manifest Destiny.
Agendas exist because of desire, not evidence.
Israel desires Gaza & removal of Palestinians.
Now, there is evidence for