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Uproar over Kerry Iraq remarks


Faint said:
I think more intelligent people tend to see little value in joining. This is not to say people in the military cannot be intelligent. I'm just saying in general.

That's quite an unfounded generalization. In general? How is it that you know anything of the general masses, their intelligence level, or what is best for them?

Faint said:
Yes, the military can help people in this regard...people unable to find better options on their own. But some of us coming from similar situations are able to figure out how to make money without jumping through all the hoops of military service. I will not say there is no honor in what your man did. But I do hold to my original point.

If I didn't know any better I'd say that was him, and thousands of others like him finding their own options. And no, he jumps through no hoops. And of course you can't say there's no honor, in my opinion that would be an oxymoron. :confused:

I must say, I'm quite shocked. I do believe this is the first time I've heard of someone showing complete disrespect for our service members. Being someone who enjoys their way of life I would think you'd be a bit more thankful or at the very least polite. My husband is not yet 30 and already has something in his life to be proud of.

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
Kerry is an idiot, but that doesn't mean is argument is without merit. We should focus on the debate and not how much of a tool Kerry is.


Well-Known Member
Faint said:
I think more intelligent people tend to see little value in joining. This is not to say people in the military cannot be intelligent. I'm just saying in general.

I disagree, Faint. I've known a few people that served in the military and most of them were intelligent people. Also, though I am in college and would be able to make it through okay financially (except I'd have loans to pay back, of course), I was going to join the Navy Reserve until I found out my medical history makes me ineligable for service. I seen quite a bit of value in joining the military. Certainly helping to get me through school, but also other experience I could have gained through service. Sometime look through any military branch's site - it's not just shooting guns - someone can gain alot of skills that will be of value to him or her after having completed service.


Wonder Woman
Faint said:
I think more intelligent people tend to see little value in joining. This is not to say people in the military cannot be intelligent. I'm just saying in general.

And I'm just saying, in general, that it seems you don't know what you are talking about. As someone who served in the US Navy I have met a lot more intelligent and savvy people in than while out. You learn far more than book smarts in the military. It is a type of experience that gives you far more than any civilian job or school could afford. All the while it also gives you education, college credits and affords you the opportunity to go to college while both in and after you are out. As for "more intelligent" people see little value in joining...I'll have you know that my father, my brother, and myself all joined up...and...we are all in the top 2% of people when it comes to our IQs. If you don't know what you are talking about, please refrain from making such broad brush statements. You just insulted the intelligence of service members in general:tsk:


User of Aspercreme
I think our service men and women are a lot more intelligent than most give them credit for. I mean, you have to be intelligent to have a good sense of humor.


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Pneumatic Spiritualist
I met some of the smartest people I've known while I was in the Navy (not to say there weren't dumb ones, but that's the case everywhere, including the White House). The military aggressively goes after high school kids who score highly on placement tests, I remember being picked up from school and taken out to eat all the time by recruiters.


Wonder Woman
spacemonkey said:
I met some of the smartest people I've known while I was in the Navy (not to say there weren't dumb ones, but that's the case everywhere, including the White House). The military aggressively goes after high school kids who score highly on placement tests, I remember being picked up from school and taken out to eat all the time by recruiters.

Nah, they go after the dumb ones that can't make it in the civilian world, you know? Goodness knows we don't want smart people working on, building, and maintaining all that high tech equipment, aircraft, ships, and so on. Noooo. Why would you have to be intelligent to work on the most high tech systems out there now? :sarcastic

Some people are just unbelievable, you know? :rolleyes:


Active Member
I think there's some truth to a few mentally not quite stable and rather poor kids joining the military. As for mentally unstable I'd in particular point to the marines and some of the crazies that have been kicked out of it. I think getting kicked out of the marines should be a big red flag. Anyway.... I think I've drifted enough.


User of Aspercreme
Ulver said:
I think there's some truth to a few mentally not quite stable and rather poor kids joining the military. As for mentally unstable I'd in particular point to the marines and some of the crazies that have been kicked out of it. I think getting kicked out of the marines should be a big red flag. Anyway.... I think I've drifted enough.
Well, I am pretty sure that there are bad people in every single career out there. That does not say anything about the career or the people who choose that career. But to make such a judgement about the people in it says a lot about you and your preconceived notions. I was in the Marine Corps for eight years, and I have to say that the folks that worked with and for me were the greatest people I have ever met, and possesed all the talents necessary to pursue any career. They could have done anything that they wanted, but they chose the military because they wanted to do that job. Again, they chose the job, the job didn't choose them.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The bimbo talk show hosts are really going to town on this one. I think they believe that Kerry's remarks will alienate some independents. Not sure that's likely though.


Well-Known Member
Sunstone said:
The bimbo talk show hosts are really going to town on this one. I think they believe that Kerry's remarks will alienate some independents. Not sure that's likely though.

The bimbo talk show hosts are bimbos....and so is Kerry, whether it was a mistake or not.


The saddest thing of all is that it honestly seems to me this is what the American elections are all about. People seem to have only the most vague notions of what their candidates stand for, if any notion at all. They vote for the candidate who comes out on top in campaigns that are only childish fights with no real discussion of any issues.

You might as well watch a Mexican soap opera and then choose who to vote for based on their resemblence to the lead characters, because Mexican soap operas are about as real as American election campaigns.

The ignorent should not be allowed to vote. When people come to vote, they should be able to identify their candidate's positions on three of a list of 10 major issues. If they can't even do that, get the **** back to your trailer, or suburban bungalo, or penthouse apartment as the case may be.