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US Embassy Attacked in reponse to American Freedom to produce a movie.


Agnostic Pantheist
Yes, when is the last time we discussed the rage when innocent muslims died in Iraq or Afghanistan or Palestine (i.e topic never arise)?
You're paranoid. These are very popular topics here that have been discussed numerous times. Furthermore, you are ignoring the fact that we are discussing today's events. Good night.


Just Jewish
You know sometime when people get spat upon and slapped in the face once too often, they tend to react violently.

The film wasn't just some sort of social faux pas done in poor taste, it was meant to inflame on purpose. It was what motivated the film=maker, it wasn't just stupidity.

People put forth ideas all the time that are meant to provoke. The neo nazis marching through Jewish neighborhoods are meant to incite and show hatred.

Yes it was in poor taste, it does not justify a killing spree against those who did nothing.


Well-Known Member
Obviously we live in different centuries.

I guess you think this guy was wrong:

"He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword" -Jesus of Nazareth

And we have been using the sword on them for a long, long time. Both the sword in our hand and the sword in our mouths.

And I do remember something about reaping what one sows. What those film makers did can only be construed as a violent act against a culture and religion and it was met with violence. I agree the violence was unnecessary and horrible, but if you keep doing this over and over again to these people of course they will attack at times.

We don't like it when the chickens come home to roost, now do we? We keep insulting, bullying and disparaging these people and we expect them take it and behave like good little children while we help rob them of their wealth? Well I don't know about you but sometimes the chicken are going to come home to roost.

Words and images can be a deadly poison that can harm and injure people, ask any child who grew up being disparaged and insulted by their parent whether they would rather receive the belt or the insults. We have been poisoning these people for far too long and we continue to do so under guise of free speech.


Well-Known Member
People put forth ideas all the time that are meant to provoke. The neo nazis marching through Jewish neighborhoods are meant to incite and show hatred.

Yes it was in poor taste, it does not justify a killing spree against those who did nothing.

Did I justify the violence?


Just Jewish
That's not what these people are thinking, they believe they are slapping those who slapped them once to often. All they can see is that big label on the film that says "Made in America".

So we in America should blame all Muslims for what a few do? I think not. Murder is never justified.

Muslims are always saying that they should not all be blamed for 9/11, so all in the US should not be blamed for this movie.


Well-Known Member
People put forth ideas all the time that are meant to provoke. The neo nazis marching through Jewish neighborhoods are meant to incite and show hatred.

Yes it was in poor taste, it does not justify a killing spree against those who did nothing.

Like in Skokie


Just Jewish
Yes exactly similar things going on,many innocents were dead in Afghanistan and Iraq and they didn't do any harm to a single american,but it seems people look from one eye.So it itsn't about islam,all are doing the same thing regardless of their religion.

Afghanistan gave refuge to Osama and allowed him to carry out his terror from their territory.

The terror training camps were there.

We had a right to go looking for him.

We did not have a right to go into Iraq.


Active Member
Let's see...a marginal movie with the production values and acting of elementary schoolchildren, that no one had heard of in America, hasn't even been released on YouTube, is dug up somehow by right-wing media in Egypt and used to rile up crowds that America is insulting Islam. In Egypt and Libya, some right-wing nutballs use that as an excuse to storm American embassies, apparently under the impression that, like in their countries, no movie could be made without government approval.

This piece of crap movie supposedly played once to a near-empty theater and was clearly produced by American right-wing nutballs who know nothing about Islam except the worst slurs against it. (From the excerpts I've seen, they also know nothing about drama or cinematography.) It's a transparently ridiculous piece of propaganda that no one had heard of and has no distribution here. Now that some alleged Muslims have killed an American diplomat over it, however, you can bet the Islamophobes will be clamoring to see this movie in their hate-group gatherings.

I think the Egyptian and Libyan nutballs must be in conspiracy with the American nutballs to attract attention to their crazy ideas that are so disconnected from reality. A pox on both their houses.


Freedom Of Mind
Afghanistan gave refuge to Osama and allowed him to carry out his terror from their territory.

The terror training camps were there.

We had a right to go looking for him.

We did not have a right to go into Iraq.

So because Osama is hiding some where there,then that is an excuse to kill the innocents in Afghanistan,is that your logic.


Just Jewish
I can't defend them? Why? People can't get angry? I will say it again. These people have been insulted and bullied by the West over and over and over again and I can completely understand their anger. I don't condone the extra-judicial killing but I understand the anger.

Good grief there are many people who have been bullied and have reason to be angry.

There is always someone who does not like someone else.

The actions don't deserve the reactions of the MOB.......


Active Member
...What those film makers did can only be construed as a violent act against a culture and religion and it was met with violence. I agree the violence was unnecessary and horrible, but if you keep doing this over and over again to these people of course they will attack at times....We keep insulting, bullying and disparaging these people and we expect them take it and behave like good little children while we help rob them of their wealth? ... We have been poisoning these people for far too long and we continue to do so under guise of free speech.

How did anyone find out about this film? It was dug up by Arab media, hornets looking for someone who might hit their nest. It's very hard to blame American culture as a whole for something that is so marginal. If these insults against Mohammed (PBUH) were on a major American TV network, or on the NY Times bestseller list, or representative of mass opinion as a whole, you might have a point. But this wacky, amateurish film is the work of a small, marginal group of Americans, just as the 9/11 attacks were the work of a small, marginal group of Saudis whose actions were reviled by most Muslims.

I point out again, that this film is being used by the Egyptian right wing to distract attention from their own domestic problems, by blaming the big, bad, United States for something. If they're attacking American embassies, they're not in Tahrir Square attacking the Egyptian government.:facepalm:


Premium Member
I've said on other threads that extremists will find any excuse at all to justify their actions. Extremists of any religion, group, organization, etc. are a danger to the rest of us. Especially if they think that some movie that I never heard of and most people have never heard of can harm them or their religion.

I positively am sure most Muslims (or Libyans) were at home, minding their own business when these attacks happened. Not all Muslims are extremists, only a small percentage are. The problem is that the most aggressive are also the loudest and the most heard.

I actually haven't heard anyone at all say that all Muslims are terrorists and extremists.