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US must accept the International Court of Justice! * *

For the sake of International Human rights, the US and all other countries must accept the International Court of Justice... otherwise there is no guarantee that torture and other acts against humanity will be stopped!!!

What do you think?

best wishes from Switzerland


Veteran Member
Premium Member
In general, I'm in agreement. The US is far too insular and self-absorbed.

The world needs to learn to see itself as a single community, albeit of diverse cultures and languages.


†ßig Dog†
I disagree. It's just another step to a one world government. IMO, we should pull out of the United Nations. Keep our nose to ourselves. I don't think we should tell other nations how to act, and they should not tell us how to act.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Solve et Coagula said:
For the sake of International Human rights, the US and all other countries must accept the International Court of Justice... otherwise there is no guarantee that torture and other acts against humanity will be stopped!!!

What do you think?

best wishes from Switzerland
What I think is that you are perfectly right, in theory. The trouble with any ideal is when you come to put it into practice, and try to apply it to all Cultures, you suddenly find yourself up against brick walls.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
jeffrey said:
I disagree. It's just another step to a one world government. IMO, we should pull out of the United Nations. Keep our nose to ourselves. I don't think we should tell other nations how to act, and they should not tell us how to act.
Wouldn't a one world government be a good thing?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Seyorni said:
Wouldn't a one world government be a good thing?
If it were possible to achieve, it would be a wonderful thing; but there's the rub, I don't believe for a moment it is achievable.


†ßig Dog†
Seyorni said:
Wouldn't a one world government be a good thing?
In my opinion, no. Let up take care of ourselves. My neighbor does not tell me how to cut my grass. More later.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If torture reveals info that saves lives, such as preventing terrorist attacks, then it is ok. Well, not ok,but a neccesary evil.
Personally, I think every country should govern itself. I don't think its right that someone who is a POW, that was just trying to kill our troops in the battle field, gets better treatment than many American citizens living on the streets. Take care of our own problems, then help others.


Religious Zionist
Seyorni said:
Wouldn't a one world government be a good thing?
IMPO no i don't think it would.
a huge global population, diverse in every aspect of the word, this government could only run things through a strong hand, an oppressive one.


†ßig Dog†
As Michel says, it's impossible to achieve. The Irans of the world would not make it possible. We need to take care of ourselves 1st. Quit sending millions overseas to counties that hate us. Feed and clothe and house our own people 1st. Govern ourselves. Let others govern themselves.


Oldest Heretic
There is an international court of justice that is recognised by a majority of countries.
America believes in democracy...freedom... Justice...the rule of law...international agreements.
It now says it does not like the world organization that gives strength to and regulates these things.

America has become a self appointed world police man, using votes in the UN to give credibility to its actions.

Domestically it understands the need for the executive to stand under the rule of its own legislature and justice system.

There is an equal need for it to understand the need for all countries including itself to abide by the decisions of the international court.


Blessed are those who bring peace, they shall be children of God

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Terrywoodenpic said:
There is an international court of justice that is recognised by a majority of countries.
America believes in democracy...freedom... Justice...the rule of law...international agreements.
It now says it does not like the world organization that gives strength to and regulates these things.
Which world organization gives strength to and regulates "democracy...freedom... Justice...the rule of law...international agreements" in a manner that you find credible?


Oldest Heretic
Jayhawker Soule said:
Which world organization gives strength to and regulates "democracy...freedom... Justice...the rule of law...international agreements" in a manner that you find credible?
I explained my view quite clearly.
I did not use the word credible.

Should America and the few remaining countries join,
The international court of justice would certainly become credible.
In the mean time it does the best job it can, in view of being undermined by those outside its remit.

America itself took a long time to have a credible, country wide, court of justice system.
Some might think it is not yet totally unified.
How much more important is it for there to be a world wide system.

You can understand other countries such a China showing little to no respect for the rights of US citizens and corporations, when The USA shows no desire to respect International law.

What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


Amen! Truly I say to you: Gather in my name. I am with you.


Active Member
I don't see anything that would benefit the USA by becoming another member of any global crusade for anything. What we have allowed those in power to get us into over the past 150 years is quite bad enough. As far as a "New World Order" or "One World Government"........... Trust me when I say to you that it is most assuredly on its way. Praise YAH!

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
Let's say Hypothetically, America did join. Now, let's say Saudi Arabia joins. Who will enforce the rules between the two countries?


Done here.
Solve et Coagula said:
For the sake of International Human rights, the US and all other countries must accept the International Court of Justice... otherwise there is no guarantee that torture and other acts against humanity will be stopped!!!

What do you think?
I don't think it's reasonable to expect a bunch of criminals to voluntarily place themselves under the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. Maybe the U.S. will accept the court someday, if we ever have leaders who aren't criminals.


User of Aspercreme
Solve et Coagula said:
For the sake of International Human rights, the US and all other countries must accept the International Court of Justice... otherwise there is no guarantee that torture and other acts against humanity will be stopped!!!

What do you think?

best wishes from Switzerland
Do you think that unless the US joins an international Court of Justice, that torture will continue? Why is that? Do you believe that the US is the larger perveyor of torture, or do you believe that the US can help the most in the prevention of torture throughout the world?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
On paper, it does look appealing.

However, courts are an extension of government. Without a world government, a world court is a farse.