Well-Known Jerk
I said that Humanism has its roots in Christianity. Humanism is a complete worldview, not simply 'man should treat other man well'.
What it means to 'treat a man well' is also culturally dependent. It often only applied to men, of your tribe, not slaves, of the same status as you, etc.
In Sparta you treated a man well by killing him if he was a weak child as he would be a burden to society and it was more 'humane' to be dead than grow up as some pathetic weakling. You also treated him well by removing him from his family to undergo brutal military training from a young age. You treated him well by making him a catemite. You'd kill him if refused to murder a serf as part of his training. You'd expect him to kill himself if he besmirched his honour.
I'd be pretty surprised if Humanism had emerged from that society, wouldn't you?
I am not sure why you are pretending that the Ancient Greek and Roman cultures had no significant impact on Western justice, morality and religion, including Christianity. You seem to want to bend all of Western history around Christianity, when much of our culture goes back to the Ancient Greeks, include our laws and morality. Many even make the claim that Christianity borrowed from the Ancient Greeks.
I mean you can cherry pick the negatives if you like, but I could also talk Christendom and it is role in genocide and slavery in our history. Historically Christians have little moral high ground to stand on, their dogmatic "morality" has been used to commit some of the worst sins in Western history. If you are going to start dragging this back into history Christianity is going to look like a villain.