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"War on Christmas"

This is by far the funniest and most convincing thing I've read on the subject:
Wishing you a very merry - Opinion

A passage:
Continuing America's proud tradition of misplaced outrage, the War on Christmas is entering yet another year of heated non-troversy.

With the Catholic League and the American Family Association threatening another round of boycotts against another set of retail giants, one can't help but admire these righteous crusaders for sending the Christian persecution complex spiraling into heretofore unimagined levels of absurdity.

For it takes a special kind of mind to see a plot to destroy Christianity in something as seemingly clumsy as a corporate bid for inclusivity. "Happy Holidays" is the marketing department's way of saying "diversify your investment portfolio": The fewer people you exclude in your advertising, the more you'll reel in.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
This is one reason why those folks have started to lose elections -- they've become absurd.


Citizen Mod
I was recently corrected on the Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holiday pronouncement by a faithful Catholic. She mentioned that the proper reference for recognizing the birth of Christ was Merry Christmas but I retaliated by mentioning that I might not see her to be able to wish her a Happy New Year (which is also a holiday) so my polite comment of Happy Holidays included both holidays. I didn't have the time to explain to her that not all Christian denominations (prominently Jehovah Witnesses) share her cheery inclinations.
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I usually say "prettige kerstdagen, wich would be "merry christmas".. Somehow people don't care as I am atheist. And if they do care, I do not! :D

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
I love saying Merry Christmas only when a customer really ****** me off. Because...I mean, I really don't care what time of year it is, you should be nice all the time, but people seem to think we need to be extra nice and positive this time of year. So when a customer is exceptionally rude this time of year I say Merry Christmas REALLY loudly and obnoxiously and smile. It's so gratifying.


See the previous line
I love saying Merry Christmas only when a customer really ****** me off. Because...I mean, I really don't care what time of year it is, you should be nice all the time, but people seem to think we need to be extra nice and positive this time of year. So when a customer is exceptionally rude this time of year I say Merry Christmas REALLY loudly and obnoxiously and smile. It's so gratifying.
Oh I LOVE doing that! It most likely makes them feel like an ***, lol

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I find the outrage over the "war on Christmas" rather confusing. The Christian denomination I grew up in did not celebrate or recognize Christmas because they consider it a Pagan holiday. For example, we did not have a Christmas tree at church (did of course at home though, hehe), and could not sing Christmas carols at church. There was no nativity scene or holiday Christmas play.

So for me, everything I associate with Christmas revolves around my family and our traditions. Yes, we read the story about Jesus' birth, but also other stories as well as a celebration of the winter seaon. To me the Christmas holiday has always been multifaceted and is what you make of it. I see no problem with that.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
The Spirit of Celebration that comes with Christmas doesn't belong to anyone. It encompasses anyone who wants to celebrate it regardless of their symbols.

It is rather ironic that in insisting on a particular set of symbols, they idolize their tradition.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
In my opinion, this issue really goes very far to show how brain dead the Religious Right has become in recent years.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
In my opinion, this issue really goes very far to show how brain dead the Religious Right has become in recent years.

To me, it shows how remarkably shallow it has become.

Were they protesting for the sake of removing the corporate stranglehold over the holiday, than kudos for them! But no, they are protesting over a phrase. :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
I heard talk about it on the radio here the other day. Apparently some multi-national retail outlets here have posters up wishing people a 'happy holiday' . 'Happy holiday' sounds very odd to my ear. It's always been 'happy christmas' and Christmas has only ever seemed Christian on the very surface to me.
I don't understand the desire to substitute one for the other.


I am willing to join this war on Christmas alright,----but after Christmas :icon_lol:
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Done here.
As everyone knows, the proper and traditional greeting for the Nativity of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ is "Christ is born!" The proper and traditional response is "Glorify Him!"

I think it's very reasonable indeed to be concerned about the War on Christmas launched by such Christ-hating fanatics as Bill Donohue and Bill O'Reilly, who doggedly insist that the greeting should instead be "Merry Christmas!" -- placing the emphasis on worldly merriment instead of on the Nativity of the Lord. Shame on them, and shame on those who encourage them. Why do they hate Jesus?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
When I saw the thread title, I thought it was going to be about the so-called Rational Response Squad. After all, they declared War on Easter. :rolleyes:


Depends Upon My Mood..
Its true its rediculous...Its sounds like some want the "recognition" that many retailers rake in the big bucks this time of year over "their" religion.Doesnt that seem a little childish?Or off the mark?And shallow?And stingy and selfish.egotistical.and petty..Fighting in the name of Christ for acknowledgment people are in a shopping frenzy???

Why cant people just be grateful we even have a store to shop in and some extra money to buy a gift for someone you love?..Why cant we just be happy that family comes together this time of year?..Why cant we enjoy the fact we get a break from school and many get a break from work so we can hopefully relax a little?

It seems like these people(in particular) and all Christians would put the energy and focus all on trying to exemplfy Christ?..Do they actually think Jesus would care if a shop owner puts up a sign that says "Happy Holidays"..

If this season that we are celebrating is about Christ to you then act like it..

Is it that they resent that some non Christians have "adopted" the "modern day" traditional "rituals' and enjoy the festivities and join in the atmosphere of "giving"? And so they are included in the phrases and well wishes that go along with that?

Wouldnt you think Jesus is pleased that people are trying to be as thoughful and loving towards each other this time of year for any reason?

Why cant we be more like the songs attached to celebrations?


Jingle Bells!!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Winter Season!

to ALL!!!




Depends Upon My Mood..
To me, it shows how remarkably shallow it has become.

Were they protesting for the sake of removing the corporate stranglehold over the holiday, than kudos for them! But no, they are protesting over a phrase. :rolleyes:

I agree with this..To me it seems if you've got a problem with the corporations?It would be over how we are bombarded with advertising and put under the gun to go out and spend for 2 months ...

I think if you are a Christian and you want ot boycott..It would be for your own personal disgust..and refusal to turn the celebration of Christ birth into a money making machine ...and with what this time of year turns some people into...

I am not kidding you..one year there was a story about a woman..that bribed a worker at a toy store. with a sexual "favor".to hold back a "tickle me Elmo" doll.:rolleyes:

Thats the kind of stuff that boggles my mind..



Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I forgot about this whole absurd idea. Not to mention everyone being scared of a potential law suit if they get the Christmas or holidays wrong. Another reason I really don't care for Christmas.
I think I'll just say "Meppy Holimass." It includes both phrases, so I see no reason why anyone should object or be offended. Or maybe just "Bah humbug!"