........ apart from the WWII dunces who still believed in trenches, defence lines, 1st World War technology and utterly stupid 'Rank-by-class' hierarchies. No wonder we got our military bottoms kicked by the Germans during 1940.
Thank God for the English channel, 'cos not much else saved us in 1940..
Yes, the French and Brits in 1940 knew about the Blitzkrieg idea and thought they'd be able to stop the German panzers with lines of anti-tank ditches, minefields, wire and anti-tank guns. It was a good idea on paper but Jerry proved them wrong by concentrating his overwhelming strength of panzers and stukas at just
one small section of the line to punch through like a spearpoint ("schwerpunkt").
In 1941 and 42 he did it again in Russia and north africa and punched all the way to Stalingrad and Alamein.
By then, the Allies had learned how to deal with Blitzkrieg by hurling masses of AT-guns and tanks in its path to bleed it white.
PS- Best tank in 1940 was the Brit Matilda 2, it attacked the notorious SS "Deaths Head" Division in France and panicked them..
In his book 'Panzer Leader', German General Heinz Guderian writes on page 114-
"On the 21st of May a noteworthy event occurred to the north of us: English tanks attempted to break through in the direction of Paris.
At Arras they came up against the SS Division Totenkopf which had not been in action before and which showed signs of panic"