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Was it fair to kick Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden?


God explained it
Adam and Eve did have a knowledge of good and evil!!
God had to give Adam and Eve a choice
The alteration between Adam and the rest of the species had been complete
God required the angels to be tested
God did not lie.

holy moly

look at the misuse of the bible, im amazed at how misinterpreted it can get.

The OT was ment to be read allegorically.

you all are reading it literally, this is a mistake. the fables are all fiction.

adam and eve are stolen from the sumarians who used adamu thousands of years before the creation of genesis by 5 different unknown authors and a compilation of a few different books.

teh OT was written by jews for jews, and a jew will be the first one to tell you all these fables are to be read allegorically and NEVER literally.

you are all argueing over fiction, ancient mans imagination.

now if any of you dont like this, please provide proof im wrong


Rogue Theologian
holy moly

look at the misuse of the bible, im amazed at how misinterpreted it can get.

The OT was ment to be read allegorically.

you all are reading it literally, this is a mistake. the fables are all fiction.

adam and eve are stolen from the sumarians who used adamu thousands of years before the creation of genesis by 5 different unknown authors and a compilation of a few different books.

teh OT was written by jews for jews, and a jew will be the first one to tell you all these fables are to be read allegorically and NEVER literally.

you are all argueing over fiction, ancient mans imagination.

now if any of you dont like this, please provide proof im wrong

And as a topic of faith...it requires no proving....such is faith.

Now if you would like to discuss the content within the context....


as I stated, provide proof im wrong. faith and excuses doesnt cut it.

your both saying ignorance prevails.


Well-Known Member
as I stated, provide proof im wrong. faith and excuses doesnt cut it.

your both saying ignorance prevails.
It has nothing to do with ignorance but is purely a matter of belief.
Can you not let people work it out their own way ? :(


Rogue Theologian
as I stated, provide proof im wrong. faith and excuses doesnt cut it.

your both saying ignorance prevails.

No...not really.

But the topic thread isn't about proving the authorship of Genesis.
Or it's contents of events as historical....even though I strongly suspect 'something' happened.

Waiting for the undeniable proof?...good luck with that.


It has nothing to do with ignorance but is purely a matter of belief.
Can you not let people work it out their own way ? :(

you can work out fiction and imagination any way you want.

I still know it is ignorance, the only way to believe in my opinion is to not know the history of the world, biblical history, and to throw out logic, reason, and common sense

the earth was not created in 6 days
man was not created in 1 day
adam didnt live 900+ years

these and many more are all facts


No...not really.

But the topic thread isn't about proving the authorship of Genesis.
Or it's contents of events as historical....even though I strongly suspect 'something' happened.

Waiting for the undeniable proof?...good luck with that.

we know the storys didnt happen as descibed, we know for a fact it is fiction.

you want to talk about ancient mans imagination, feel free


Rogue Theologian
you can work out fiction and imagination any way you want.

I still know it is ignorance, the only way to believe in my opinion is to not know the history of the world, biblical history, and to throw out logic, reason, and common sense

the earth was not created in 6 days
man was not created in 1 day
adam didnt live 900+ years

these and many more are all facts

Not able to see past the words?
So of course you don't believe.

But creationists suffer likewise.
They can't see past the words and just repeat them....
hoping recital is the same as faith.

Still...I do strongly suspect, the words of Genesis have truth in them.
You might have to 'reconsider', that belief is then possible.


Still...I do strongly suspect, the words of Genesis have truth in them

I have a open mind. maybe im missing something.

please feel free to share what you find to be non fiction

You might have to 'reconsider', that belief is then possible.

belief as written is not a option for someone educated


Rogue Theologian
I have a open mind. maybe im missing something.

please feel free to share what you find to be non fiction

belief as written is not a option for someone educated

Well...I've been educated....thoroughly...and I believe.

Perhaps too quickly ....here's what I believe.

The universe (one word)...is in it's self ...proof of Spirit.
It's all too neatly done.
It circles, rotates, and repeats....reliably.
Just like a science experiment.

Humans do likewise.
The chemistry we are, exposes this physical reality to our non-tangible minds...our souls.

Man as a species on Day Six...was good.
But exposing a mind...without a greater mind to guide it.....
and Man remained the animal that evolution rendered.

The chemistry proved to be insufficient.
An alteration was needed.

Chapter Two.
The body of Man was altered.
And He was exposed to the presence of a Spirit.

Adam was not the first man to walk.
That happened in Day Six.....evolution.

Adam was the first man to walk with God.
A chosen son of God.

Don't focus so much on the namesake.
The event is more important.


Rogue Theologian
Adam was not the first man to walk ? ... confused :(

I'm using King James...1960....

And the way I read it is straight forward.

Day Six...everything that walks...including Man...male and female.
No names...no law...no restrictions...

Day Seven...God rests from creating....no more will be created.

Then Chapter Two....
Adam is a chosen son of God...and the Garden is an isolated event.


Well...I've been educated....thoroughly...and I believe.

you have not been educated enough in science, history or biblical history.

there is a direct level of ones education tied to belief.

The universe (one word)...is in it's self ...proof of Spirit.

how so? how could it?

I find this to be your inagination for questions you cannot answer.

It's all too neatly done.

it is anything but neat

add a lack of knowledge in the cosmology dpt as well.

An alteration was needed.

no such alteration is needed for nature to carry on the way it has for billions of years

I have to ask, to you believe in the facts regarding evolution????


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if this has been addressed before. Didn't spot anything like this while I was skimming through.

If Adam and Eve had no knowledge of the concepts of good and evil, they had no way to know that disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit was actually wrong. They didn't obtain that knowledge until after their transgression. So, was it actually fair for them to be punished?

God evicted them for their benefit, not for their destruction.


Rogue Theologian
you have not been educated enough in science, history or biblical history.

there is a direct level of ones education tied to belief.

how so? how could it?

I find this to be your inagination for questions you cannot answer.

it is anything but neat

add a lack of knowledge in the cosmology dpt as well.

no such alteration is needed for nature to carry on the way it has for billions of years

I have to ask, to you believe in the facts regarding evolution????

You assume far too much...it spoils the discussion.
My education is quite thorough.
And your last rebuttal speaks of you more than you think.

Evolution is not a fact....it is a theory.
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Evolution is not a fact....it is a theory.

Evolution is a theory based on observable FACTS. there is no debate on evolution by anyone with half a education and there is no debate among the scientific community or biology or geology.

is gravity a theory???

this is a direct sign of your lack of education, your misquoting scientific theory for a hypothisis


The Lost One
thief said:
You assume far too much...it spoils the discussion.
My education is quite thorough.
And you last rebuttal speaks of you more than you think.

Evolution is not a fact....it is a theory.

Do gravity have a theory, thief?

Yes, it do. The laws of gravity, by Newton, are only short statements, but doesn't explain what gravity do, how they relate to the force, the movement of the earth, etc. Theory explain everything, including what each law mean.

We have evidences that support and validate the theory on gravity.

The evolution have laws, but to understand evolution, you would need the theory to explain them.

Every science, whether it be physics and their fields (eg botany, electromagnetism, optics, etc) and subfields (evolution is essentially a subfield of biology), all have their own theories, because they are essential for understanding. Even mathematics, like calculus, algebra and trignometry, all have theories.

Theory is essentially about explanation, including explanation about the facts.

You, thief, simply don't understand theory, because you are confusing theory with hypothesis. Hypothesis alone is not theory. They are not the same things. Hypothesis is mainly ideas that are not yet supported.

In science, theory is hypothesis that have been validated by the evidences (and the maths), hence the theory of evolution is about the fact of evolution.

There are abundance of evidences for evolution, more than there are on gravity and relativity. You just need to understand them.

The ideas of evolution are actually older than Charles Darwin. It is simply Darwin understood biology better than his peers, especially with regards to changes of species.

That you think evolution is not a fact, showed that your education in biology is not as thorough as you think. Especially if you are still confusing theory with hypothesis.