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was Jesus a wizard?


Believer in God
Premium Member
Were any miracles that Jesus performed done via The Holy Spirit or by some kind of power that Jesus himself had?

I think that they were done via The Holy Spirit as he didn't do any miracles until after The Holy Spirit had descended on him immediately after his baptism (see Matthew 3:16-17)

To say otherwise would be to say that Jesus had magical powers, which to me sounds a bit silly

That would make him a wizard rather than someone with an extraordinary relationship with the divine

I believe in the divine but I don't believe in wizards or magical powers so to me this means that his miracles were done by The Holy Spirit


Well-Known Member
I do not believe he was a wizard or divine. I certainly don't believe in the miracles. What made me suspicious as a child was the story of the blind man.
Jesus, we are told, could raise the dead, walk on water, turn water into wine and feed multitudes. So why did he have to spit into the man's eye? He did the other stuff without any props or gimmicks. The story just fails to convince.


Believer in God
Premium Member
What makes you think the legends about his miracles are accurate in the first place?
I don't think they are accurate

But they convey truths

I think that the bible indicates that in its fictitious universe Jesus wasn't a wizard and that his powers were from The Holy Spirit

I do believe in The Holy Spirit and in the historical Jesus, but I think the biblical accounts are mostly fiction, but fiction that is based on some now long lost facts


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Are they miracles and magic only because people don't understand how it happens?

Assuming thst they did happen and are not simply stories made to give credibility to the bible


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I think more people would find the bible more credible if it did not contain miracles

Possibly. Though i doubt I'd be one of them, there is just too much other unbelievable stuff to convince me


Jesus in me
Were any miracles that Jesus performed done via The Holy Spirit or by some kind of power that Jesus himself had?

I think that they were done via The Holy Spirit as he didn't do any miracles until after The Holy Spirit had descended on him immediately after his baptism (see Matthew 3:16-17)

To say otherwise would be to say that Jesus had magical powers, which to me sounds a bit silly

That would make him a wizard rather than someone with an extraordinary relationship with the divine

I believe in the divine but I don't believe in wizards or magical powers so to me this means that his miracles were done by The Holy Spirit
I believe Jesus is the Holy Spirit in a body. So all the miracles occur by the power of God which takes no more than thinking them into existence.


Jesus in me
I do not believe he was a wizard or divine. I certainly don't believe in the miracles. What made me suspicious as a child was the story of the blind man.
Jesus, we are told, could raise the dead, walk on water, turn water into wine and feed multitudes. So why did he have to spit into the man's eye? He did the other stuff without any props or gimmicks. The story just fails to convince.
I believe the fault is not in God but in the receiver. The receiver has to be willing to receive and sometimes that takes extra effort on the provider's part.


Well-Known Member
Were any miracles that Jesus performed done via The Holy Spirit or by some kind of power that Jesus himself had?
Knowledge and know how can often be considered miraculous. For example: midwives knew how to help women with child birth that was often considered witchcraft.
I think that they were done via The Holy Spirit as he didn't do any miracles until after The Holy Spirit had descended on him immediately after his baptism (see Matthew 3:16-17)
in the first century AD, washing the sin of stinking, was not common. Hence the roman bath houses were a big deal. By bathing and cleaning up a person could appear to be equal to the civilized (sinless).

But be clear, NOTHING undoes a sin (atrocity) of breaking a commandment. No sacrifice, no blood, not even the death of a god undoes the damage that a sin can cause.
To say otherwise would be to say that Jesus had magical powers, which to me sounds a bit silly
Silly is a kind word. Crazy is a bit closer.
That would make him a wizard rather than someone with an extraordinary relationship with the divine
KNowing how to use a few fish as bait to raise a school of fish to the surface is not magic. Making additional bread by using a few pieces for the yeast and making more is not magic. Likewise, most wines are made from using water and herbs. The spirits (alcohol) comes from the water/sugars and yeast fermenting. Basic 101 of alchemy. Not magic.

but to the peasants of old, unlettered and uneducated................... miraculous!
I believe in the divine but I don't believe in wizards or magical powers so to me this means that his miracles were done by The Holy Spirit
I haven't see any magic and knowledge is and can be miraculous to the uneducated.

I still call doctors or even an auto mechanic 'the magic man' when I go to the office for check ups and mechanical work. I have long past learned to appreciate what knowledge enables people to accomplish.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Were any miracles that Jesus performed done via The Holy Spirit or by some kind of power that Jesus himself had?

I think that they were done via The Holy Spirit as he didn't do any miracles until after The Holy Spirit had descended on him immediately after his baptism (see Matthew 3:16-17)

To say otherwise would be to say that Jesus had magical powers, which to me sounds a bit silly

That would make him a wizard rather than someone with an extraordinary relationship with the divine

I believe in the divine but I don't believe in wizards or magical powers so to me this means that his miracles were done by The Holy Spirit
Jesus is a demigod in Greek and Roman mythology.


Active Member
Premium Member
Were any miracles that Jesus performed done via The Holy Spirit or by some kind of power that Jesus himself had?

I think that they were done via The Holy Spirit as he didn't do any miracles until after The Holy Spirit had descended on him immediately after his baptism (see Matthew 3:16-17)

To say otherwise would be to say that Jesus had magical powers, which to me sounds a bit silly

That would make him a wizard rather than someone with an extraordinary relationship with the divine

I believe in the divine but I don't believe in wizards or magical powers so to me this means that his miracles were done by The Holy Spirit
You are quite right. However, it was the Spirit of the Son that descended into him at his baptism and remained in him till his crucifixion. It probably does not make much difference, but Christians ascribe all sorts of things to the Holy Spirit when actually they are being done by the Spirit of the Son.


Believer in God
Premium Member
You are quite right. However, it was the Spirit of the Son that descended into him at his baptism and remained in him till his crucifixion. It probably does not make much difference, but Christians ascribe all sorts of things to the Holy Spirit when actually they are being done by the Spirit of the Son.

I had never heard of that before I will look it up

Thank for sharing


Well-Known Member

Keep in mind that in all these pictures of Jesus where he has a wand, he also looks amazingly Roman with his hairstyle and dress. Yet Jesus clearly was a Jew, not a Roman.
Clearly......... HE put the rules as the importance, not blood line or lineage.

you know the commandments: 'You shall not murder; You shall not commit adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness; You shall not defraud; Honor your father and mother. '”

That's how to identify the good who!


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Clearly......... HE put the rules as the importance, not blood line or lineage.

you know the commandments: 'You shall not murder; You shall not commit adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness; You shall not defraud; Honor your father and mother. '”

That's how to identify the good who!
John 4:22
Ye worship ye know not what; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.