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was Jesus a wizard?


Soul Pioneer
Were any miracles that Jesus performed done via The Holy Spirit or by some kind of power that Jesus himself had?

I think that they were done via The Holy Spirit as he didn't do any miracles until after The Holy Spirit had descended on him immediately after his baptism (see Matthew 3:16-17)

To say otherwise would be to say that Jesus had magical powers, which to me sounds a bit silly

That would make him a wizard rather than someone with an extraordinary relationship with the divine

I believe in the divine but I don't believe in wizards or magical powers so to me this means that his miracles were done by The Holy Spirit

Man is the temple of Deity,.....so that very light, spark and divinity of 'God' indwells him,....you can call that presence the 'holy spirit' if you like,....this 'magick' (potential and power to manipulate energy) is always in Man....the 'law of faith' is a component of it. Jesus as both the 'Son of Man' and 'Son of God' reveals to us as the proto-type & archetype of our own 'Christhood' (God's presence and anointing)....as we share in his 'Sonship', as one body. There is One Presence and Power. - we are individual expressions of that ONE.

Art depicting Jesus holding a wand is no surprise,....didnt his predecessor Moses also have his magical staff? :) A wand, staff, scepter or some other tool or conductor is just that....we are all composers and co-creators with 'God'. The 'word' (wand) of 'God' is within us. We speak and shall have what we speak, as Jesus taught....by the informing power of faith, it is a spiritual law, and other principles of the power of Spirit apply. Jesus said, while you have the light with you, believe in the light, so that you may become sons of light,....and greater things you will do! - with the power and infinity of 'God' within you, have you considered the range and availability of that power?

The gifts of the holy spirit extend way beyond what Paul lists in one of his letters,....for that Spirit is Infinite :) - likewise we ought to focus even more on bearing the its fruits, but by faith working thru love, we have no end to the power and miracles that may be wrought THRU us. - it is all by God's Power and Presence,....that all is done for by him, for his sake and his glory,...for He is all in all! (all space and time eternally melds into him) - all will ultimately be swallowed up in 'God' as 'God' for his omnipresence is infinitely preeminent! (no matter what appears to distort or challenge it).

The magi came to bring gifts to the baby Jesus,....they came by way of the stars, a higher cosmic power directing them to the one who would be anointed to reveal 'God' and the divine Sonship/Christhood of all men under One Universal-Father. He is the Firstborn among many brethren.....there is one body of The CHRIST-anointing... we are his tabernacles and priests. - all aspects of truth must be taken in their inner and outer reflections, substance and form, type and shadow, for as it is above (in spirit/heaven), so it is below (in matter/earth). - All metaphors, analogies apply in religious science and man's use of the powers therein, for how else do we come to discover who we are, and activate the Christ within?

I'd offer the idea of 'divine magick' to explore, as a soul using his ability/choice to manipulate energy, by his own will inspired by Spirit, to do miracles,... its God's power doing the work, no matter what minds, vessels or channels are being used, its by God's ANOINTING. - what did Jesus say about his own power and abilities? he always pointed back to the Spirit of God his Father, the anointing Power, but he also at times in scripture affirmed his own rightful power individually speaking in relation to its source :)

Love is the power, healer and activator of all miracles.....its all 'God'. Call it holy spirit, grace, divine magick or whatever you like.....'God' is the upholder of all things, all reality, substance, form, and the transformation of such is governed by certain universal laws, which individuals may use or manipulate, for good or evil. Let each person discern by the nature and fruit of such agencies...whether they be in service of 'God' or not. I'll trust Deity is the one absolute reality at the Heart of the cosmos, the center of infinity and ultimacy of existence itself in all space, time and eternity. It matters not what potentials for good or evil manifest in space-time; the eternity-infinity of Spirit ultimately prevails. Call me nuts :tonguewink:...but thats just a glimpse as I see it. Barely a peek.


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Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Were any miracles that Jesus performed done via The Holy Spirit or by some kind of power that Jesus himself had?
That is bit like asking where Superman got his amazing ability to fly.

I would say that first you have to provide some evidence, beyond some books, that Jesus objectively performed those miracles.


- viole


Well-Known Member

was Jesus a wizard?​

I may have approached this question from a wrong angle. I do not really like the term "wizard". Too many Hollywood/fairy tale connotations. However, if the term Shaman had been used, I would have viewed the post far more sympathetically. Shamans, like Jesus, are associated with healing.
Sorry @Eddi a single word is quite powerful is it not?

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member

was Jesus a wizard?​

I may have approached this question from a wrong angle. I do not really like the term "wizard". Too many Hollywood/fairy tale connotations. However, if the term Shaman had been used, I would have viewed the post far more sympathetically. Shamans, like Jesus, are associated with healing.
Sorry @Eddi a single word is quite powerful is it not?
I do not see why not. I believe that modern Christianity has lost much of its indigenous routes. There is animistic qualities especially to the early Christian religion - before becoming the organized catholic religion. Entering into the trance state to connect with the animate beings around would probably been well known at that time. This is from the viewpoint that Jesus was a human later transformed in his mythology.

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member

was Jesus a wizard?​

I may have approached this question from a wrong angle. I do not really like the term "wizard". Too many Hollywood/fairy tale connotations. However, if the term Shaman had been used, I would have viewed the post far more sympathetically. Shamans, like Jesus, are associated with healing.
Sorry @Eddi a single word is quite powerful is it not?
I do not see why not. I believe that modern Christianity has lost much of its indigenous routes. There is animistic qualities especially to the early Christian religion - before becoming the organized catholic religion. Entering into the trance state to connect with the animate beings around would probably been well known at that time. This is from the viewpoint that Jesus was a human later transformed in his mythology.