Sorry to say you this but the truth is your knowledge on the laws on Islam is deplorable.
When a man intiates a divorce it is called talaq.
When a women intiates a divorce it is called khula.
Now where you get your propoganda laws from i don't know.
Maybe go back to Sunday school for better education on Islam.
Please if you wish to debate on verses from Noble Quraan then you must quote chapter and verse other wise we all think you speaking lies.Now i am sure you will take offence if we call you liar.Please quote revelent chapter and verse then i can respond.
to faruk=====
When not be able to mental. answer ..
you Accuse me of lying, and this style of losers ----
It is important that the written reply to my last question, which is better
When you use your mind run away from him and closes with a false belief -The issue of differentiation and Almkhalah -----
The divorce ----
There is a big difference between divorce and separation ----
read Personal Status Law in the Arab countries following Egypt ---- Iraq ---- Syria ----- -----
Saudi Arabia ------
Yemen ----
And you will know the difference between divorce and separation -----
The Islamic regime is Almkhalah different legal ---
A woman offering money to the man even accept divorce ----
Almkhalah wrap and legal problems differentiating judicial -------
ما هي المشكلة في استخدم موقع نوبل حتى اتمكن من تقديم القران المترجم لاني هو موقع اسلامي والايات التي اقدمها هي من القران --ايات القتال والارهاب والجنس والجنة الشبقية مع الغلمان والحوريات لم يبقى شيء مخفي كل شيء على المكشوف
and also What is the problem if i use Nobel site so that I can provide the Koran Translator for I is an Islamist Web site and which verses of the Koran is the oldest - and states fighting terrorism, sex and erotica paradise with the boys and nymphs did not keep anything hidden everything short
ما هي المشكلة في استخدم موقع نوبل حتى اتمكن من تقديم القران المترجم لاني هو موقع اسلامي والايات التي اقدمها هي من القران --ايات القتال والارهاب والجنس والجنة الشبقية مع الغلمان والحوريات لم يبقى شيء مخفي كل شيء على المكشوف
i am know all with nobl or not nobl --because i am student all islamic law
i am not not student in sundy school ---
realy my student is law ---
and islamic law --good luck