Sorry, but what the above is is just what's called a "false equivalency". Plus, one wrong does not justify or excuse another.
I have not seen a single post here at RF whereas any violence at a BLM rally was justified as being acceptable. Nor does the BLM staff encourage violence. See:
Also, you might want to check other media sources since we're reading and hearing all sorts of crap that appear to be just more conspiratorial nonsense. If one watches Newsmax, or even Fox, one is again leaving themselves open to "slants". Even the WSJ editorial page today blames this all on Trump and his supporters, and the WSJ is owned by Murdock.
The Republican Party needs to decide what it wants to be: a serious and respectable party, which it used to be, or the party of a man who attempted a coup to overthrow an election. And you, as a man of the cloth, also needs to make a choice as well, imo, namely are you going to deal with facts and call out that which is clearly wrong under the Constitution and basic Judeo-Christian teachings, or are you going to parrot secular right-wing politics? Sorry to be so blunt.
You know I love ya like a brother, but I honestly feel you need to sit down and make some tough choices, and also to deal with your congregation in a bluntly honest way. If you screwed up-- admit it-- and then ask for their forgiveness. I don't know what you did or didn't do with them, so I'm not assuming anything one way or the other, so that above advice, wanted or not, may not apply.
As it is, the priest at the church my wife and I attend overstepped his role and actually endorsed a presidential candidate and party, and some congregants are really upset with him on that, and it wouldn't surprise me if he hears something from the archdiocese. A priest at a downriver Catholic church did this a couple of months ago and was told by the archdiocese that he is not to endorse candidates nor parties, and he did publicly apologize days later. Yes, he has the right and the obligation to speak to the
issues, but not to the point of endorsement. Matter of fact, to endorse a candidate or party is in violation of federal law if that body has tax-exempt status.
Take care, and I pray and hope you remain a friend after reading the above.