I will give you significant credit for defending a position that is indefensible, bravo. Nevertheless, you are wrong. If all laws of physics cease to exist, then no laws of physics can be applied, neither macro or quantum. Without the laws of physics to apply, or mathematics used to illustrate the processes of the laws, nothing is known. I am not calling any scientists anything, I have total faith in their integrity and I am sure they would not confuse hypotheses with a guesses or opinions. I have read Cosmologists who speculate about the nature of the singularity, but they clearly label speculation for what it is. Creation is important for me, because it puts us all on an equal footing, no one knows what occurred, we only know something appears to have occurred to send everything outward in every direction. So, whose speculation is best ? Which absurdity is more acceptable ? A creating God, or a self creating universe ? Science represented by Hoyle and others were convinced that their models and mathematics proved a steady state universe, one that always was and always would be, energy being created as energy was expended. This was the dominant scientific theory, the way it was as understood by the best minds to understand it. Then came Hubble, and his red shift proof the universe was in fact expanding. The steady staters were upset, to say the least. Then came the closed universe, one that expanded to a certain point, then contracted, to repeat the process forever. Finally we have the open universe, one that was created, expanded, continues to expand ever more quickly, with not enough matter, counting black matter, for gravity to condense it again, irrespective of the unknown force that is accelerating the expansion. A universe that will expand forever, a universe that was born, and will die. However, there is a book that described very accurately the creation of the universe, from nothing, and it's eventual death. While the steady staters touted their models and mathematics, this book existed, while the closed universe proponents touted their models and mathematics, this book existed, when the open universe fans finally arrived, this book had existed for at least 4,000 years. That has some evidentiary value to me, and in fact it was my study of cosmology that lead me to this book that caused me to abandon my agnosticism. Here is a comment on the scientific method vis a vis it's objectivity by one of it's greatest known figures " We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of it's constucts, in spite of it's failure to fulfill many of it's extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just so stories, because we have a a prior commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to to material causes an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations , no matter how counterintuitive , no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a divine foot in the door" Carl Sagan, "The demon haunted world: science as a candle in the dark", New York review , january 9, 1997