There's no real way to take player statistics for D&D but players at events and stores is much more 60/40% men to women these days. I say this as a female 5th edition D&D player who attends said events. My local store's most popular GM/DM is a gal too. Which makes me think it's much less about what women might enjoy about the game and more about the cultural history of the game. And the men who play D&D are, in my experience, more likely to be heavy readers, especially in sci-fi and fantasy. All players at my table, men and women, have read all of A Song of Ice and Fire (aka Game of Thrones), all of Lord of the Rings, various Jon Scalzi, Stephen King, etc. Lots of those are heavy books. Long attention spans required.
Edit: Should also mention that I, as a female, am the most athletic person at the table. Just did a half marathon and already planning a big relay race for June. None of us are particularly into national sports though.