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aged ecumenical anthropologist
I'm not new to this game. I know what the orthodox Trinitarian doctrine claims.

Please answer my question. "Is Jesus' God a trinity?" or not.

I've answered this before in the use of "essence". Here, again!: Essence - Wikipedia

Basically, I have lost my interest because you choose not to understand what I post, as I've provided you with information and a link. So, believe in whatever you want to believe, I guess. Bye.


Well-Known Member
LightofTruth good to meet you.. BUT what you say is NOT scriptural!
God the Father from Heaven kept Peter from error! Verse 17
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

LightofTruth Give "YOU" is singular... Jesus hands the Keys to Peter, keys are a symbol of AUTHORITY!

The Early Church Fathers tell you Jesus made Peter the head of the Church! Scriptures tell you Jesus made Peter his Shepherd, a person in charge of God' flock!!
  1. St. Peter (32-67)
  2. St. Linus (67-76)
  3. St. Anacletus (Cletus) (76-88)
  4. St. Clement I (88-97)
  5. St. Evaristus (97-105)
  6. St. Alexander I (105-115)
  7. St. Sixtus I (115-125) Also called Xystus I
  8. St. Telesphorus (125-136)
  9. St. Hyginus (136-140)
  10. St. Pius I (140-155)
  11. St. Anicetus (155-166)
  12. St. Soter (166-175)
  13. St. Eleutherius (175-189)
  14. St. Victor I (189-199)
  15. St. Zephyrinus (199-217)
  16. St. Callistus I (217-22) Callistus and the following three popes were opposed by St. Hippolytus, antipope (217-236)
  17. St. Urban I (222-30)
  18. St. Pontian (230-35)
  19. St. Anterus (235-36)
  20. St. Fabian (236-50)
  21. etc etc....... 265 popes in an unbroke chain up to today Pope Francis! Pope Francis has an unbroken linage back to Peter the first pope! LightofTruth ONLY the One Holy Catholic Church is APOSTOLIC! She has historic claim to Peter and thus Jesus!
LightofTruth Jesus changed Simons name to ROCK!
42 And he brought him to Jesus.
Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, when translated, is Peter

Actually, KEYS are what opens doors. The keys Jesus gave to Peter where for opening the door of salvation. And the doors were opened with Peter preaching the gospel as recorded in Acts 2:14-42


Well-Known Member
I've answered this before in the use of "essence". Here, again!: Essence - Wikipedia

Basically, I have lost my interest because you choose not to understand what I post, as I've provided you with information and a link. So, believe in whatever you want to believe, I guess. Bye.
Most trinitarians avoid answering the simple question I ask. Maybe someone else might like to give it a try?

Does Jesus have a God or not?

According to Scripture he does. Does that mean Jesus's God is a Trinity like the God of mainstream Christianity?


End Times Prophecy.
1Pe 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

Peter recognizes that the Lord Jesus Christ has a God and a Father. Therefore, the same God who is Jesus' God would also be Peter's God.
My friend go back by foundation. Don't count Jesus by His incarnate human body. Try to go when nothing was created, and see where was Jesus when the first things come to creation.
Go back and read again. Or should I have to write why Jesus is Son of God?


End Times Prophecy.
I've answered this before in the use of "essence". Here, again!: Essence - Wikipedia

Basically, I have lost my interest because you choose not to understand what I post, as I've provided you with information and a link. So, believe in whatever you want to believe, I guess. Bye.
You are believer of Wikipedia more than the Bible my friend.


Active Member
Noticed reference to a wikipedia page as if validates validity of Trinitarian Doctrine. Been a while since I been on there so skimmed thru a bit and noticed some interesting possible buzz words

Which is exactly what the Trinitarian concept teaches, plus more. Here: Trinity - Wikipedia
The subset of Christianity that accepts this doctrine is collectively known as Trinitarianism,
While the developed doctrine of the Trinity is not explicit in the books that constitute the New Testament,
attempted to rationalize


Too many red flags to say the least


Well-Known Member
I told you not to preach to me. It's a violation of forum rules.
Saint Frankenstein Hello.. I hope all is well.... Sorry I did not think I was preaching....! I posted scriptures!
Question: Why did you say anything to me in the first place? You said you hold to most of the Catholic doctrine... A Cafeteria Catholic.. I will take a little of this, some of that.. None of that!! LOL People that never enter a Catholic Church except maybe Easter of Christmas say they are Catholic, when in truth they are NOT. True Catholic's go to Mass every week they trust in the (Complete) teachings of the Church!


Well-Known Member
Actually, KEYS are what opens doors. The keys Jesus gave to Peter where for opening the door of salvation. And the doors were opened with Peter preaching the gospel as recorded in Acts 2:14-42
Right you are.. The Key holder opens and shuts! The Key Holder has the AUTHORITY.. In Peters case the Authority is of God! God kept Peter from error.. Jesus gave Peter the Keys of Heaven!


Well-Known Member
Noticed reference to a wikipedia page as if validates validity of Trinitarian Doctrine. Been a while since I been on there so skimmed thru a bit and noticed some interesting possible buzz words

The subset of Christianity that accepts this doctrine is collectively known as Trinitarianism,
While the developed doctrine of the Trinity is not explicit in the books that constitute the New Testament,
attempted to rationalize


Too many red flags to say the least
Iymus I hope all is well... I reply... Christians believe the trinity! It was made part of the CREED!
Arius WAS a Christian until he rejected what Christians teach and believe! Arius was removed from AMONG Christians as a False teacher a Heretic, he was removed because he rejected Jesus is God! To be Christian is to believe what Christians believe!


Active Member
Christians believe the trinity!

Disingenuous statement. Christians who are firmly rooted are followers of Christ and believe in Deu "Mar 12:28 / Eph 4:6"

Firmly rooted Christians do not believe in a trinity, that contradicts his doctrine that is not of his own. "Joh 7:16-18."

It is only the will of the Most High or Heavenly Father that matters because he alone is the Originator "Isa 43:10", and his will alone is what get's you into heaven. "Mat 7:21".

It was made part of the CREED!

Why does a Creed need to be made part of the Commandments of God?

To be Christian is to believe what Christians believe!

To be a Christian and or Saint is to have the doctrine of Christ "Joh 7:16-18 & Rev 14:12 "; not to go along to get along with those who profess to be Christian. Most people follow trends and go along to get along.


Well-Known Member
Right you are.. The Key holder opens and shuts! The Key Holder has the AUTHORITY.. In Peters case the Authority is of God! God kept Peter from error.. Jesus gave Peter the Keys of Heaven!
Peter was not in error when he preached the gospel to the Jews whereby many of them believed and were baptized into Christ.
Nor was he in error when he tells us that Jesus has a God....namely his Father.

Peter calls God the God and Father of Jesus. Therefore, the same God who is Jesus' God is also Peter's God.

Jesus' God is not a Trinity. And so neither is Peter's God a Trinity.

The God of the RCC is a trinity God and therefore not the same God as Jesus or Peter or any other of the disciples of Jesus.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Saint Frankenstein Hello.. I hope all is well.... Sorry I did not think I was preaching....! I posted scriptures!
Question: Why did you say anything to me in the first place? You said you hold to most of the Catholic doctrine... A Cafeteria Catholic.. I will take a little of this, some of that.. None of that!! LOL People that never enter a Catholic Church except maybe Easter of Christmas say they are Catholic, when in truth they are NOT. True Catholic's go to Mass every week they trust in the (Complete) teachings of the Church!
I didn't ask you for scripture or mention LGBT people to argue about it. I don't care for your opinion on the subject or your opinion on me. I just thought you were going overboard in your language about the Pope.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
You are believer of Wikipedia more than the Bible my friend.
First of all, I'm really not your "friend" and, secondly, I use Wikipedia fairly often here on because it's religious neutral. And for you to judge me, as you clearly have done with the above, thus ignoring what Jesus taught us about not to judge others, it shows that you are more than willing to ignore his teachings if it's convenient for you and serves your purpose.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
Noticed reference to a wikipedia page as if validates validity of Trinitarian Doctrine. Been a while since I been on there so skimmed thru a bit and noticed some interesting possible buzz words

The subset of Christianity that accepts this doctrine is collectively known as Trinitarianism,
While the developed doctrine of the Trinity is not explicit in the books that constitute the New Testament,
attempted to rationalize


Too many red flags to say the least
Yes, and I have long felt that it is an "attempt", thus not the "final answer".

As I said in a previous post to someone on this topic, I really don't lose any sleep over this as it's too much like "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" to me.


End Times Prophecy.
I've answered this before in the use of "essence". Here, again!: Essence - Wikipedia

Basically, I have lost my interest because you choose not to understand what I post, as I've provided you with information and a link. So, believe in whatever you want to believe, I guess. Bye.
Wikipedia is not my sources of FAITH. But the Bible, sent me to see in the Bible, or give me a link of your believing.